It's been almost three years since snus got me off the cigs. I was a VERY HEAVY smoker for over 30+ years. The transition from cigarettes to snus took me about a week.
Here are some observations almost three years later:
I no longer can stand the smell of cigarette smoke. I no longer frequent bars that permit smoking! Whenever I'm around smokers and their smoke clings to my clothes, I have to change them ASAP. When the smell gets in my hair, I have to wash it ASAP.
The other day I realized that it is much easier to quite snus than cigarettes. The urge to smoke must be similar to what cocaine or heroin addict's experience when they need a fix. When I smoked, I NEEDED that cigarette! With snus... I've gone one or two days without having a single portion!
The nic rush I get from snus is also different from cigarettes... it's much, much milder. It also takes longer to get the "nic hit." With cigarettes, the hit is instant... with snus, it comes on slow and builds.
I now rotate between strong and regular portions and use about 1 tin every three days; and, even though the price of snus has gone up since I first started, it is still far cheaper than cigarettes... one $4 tin of snus works for me where if I still smoked, I would be spending about $30 over a three day period.
Anyone have similar experiences?
Here are some observations almost three years later:
I no longer can stand the smell of cigarette smoke. I no longer frequent bars that permit smoking! Whenever I'm around smokers and their smoke clings to my clothes, I have to change them ASAP. When the smell gets in my hair, I have to wash it ASAP.
The other day I realized that it is much easier to quite snus than cigarettes. The urge to smoke must be similar to what cocaine or heroin addict's experience when they need a fix. When I smoked, I NEEDED that cigarette! With snus... I've gone one or two days without having a single portion!
The nic rush I get from snus is also different from cigarettes... it's much, much milder. It also takes longer to get the "nic hit." With cigarettes, the hit is instant... with snus, it comes on slow and builds.
I now rotate between strong and regular portions and use about 1 tin every three days; and, even though the price of snus has gone up since I first started, it is still far cheaper than cigarettes... one $4 tin of snus works for me where if I still smoked, I would be spending about $30 over a three day period.
Anyone have similar experiences?