Strong / Extra Strong snus

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  • heders
    • Jan 2011
    • 2227

    Strong / Extra Strong snus

    What effects do you get from strong or extra strong snus?

    I've read that high nicotine has a sedative, pain-killing effect, whilst lower nicotine amounts have a stimulating effect. And for me, that's very true. I just get tired and sleepy by strong snus, which works well in the evening, but not very good during the day for me.

    The sedative effect can come for me at such 'low' doses as 12 mg (like Thunder Long+ for instance), but often only if I chain snus it during some time.

    If I drink coffee together with lots of strong portions, I start yawning and feel like going to bed.

    The only time I love strong portions are when drinking. Then I don't get that sleepy effect.

    Does anyone else get that effect? I don't really get the high nicotine hype.
  • Ansel
    • Feb 2011
    • 3696

    Starks stop me craving cigarettes but sometimes it's a pain my tolerance has adjusted to starks as there seem to be more regular strength snus on sale.


    • Monkey
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2009
      • 3290

      If I am not tired and need to get to sleep I pop in a snus. I am out in a few minutes.

      Otherwise, I use snuff....even when throwing back a few adult beverages.


      • Reynard
        • Feb 2009
        • 804

        Nicotine sedation/analgesic

        Yes, nicotine in high doses (taking tolerance into account) is a sedative/painkiller. I can certainly testify to this: when I quit smoking last year I used e-cigs and snus together. That first day I must have hit my 5v Garry dibley passthrough pretty hard (ha! Ecig jargon!) and snusing at the same time. I was in a daze, couldn't talk properly, and walked with a gait. Needless to say, I calmed it down after that.


        • truthwolf1
          • Oct 2008
          • 2696

          Everybody must be wired different. Too much and one falls asleep, another get's the spins and nausea (me) and somebody else does not get anything at all but continues to use.


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