According to LD50 for nicotine for humans is 0.5-1.0mg per kilo. So say you weigh 100 kilos, you cannot handle 50-100 mg (lets use 100 mg).
According to Swedish Match's website, the body absorbs 10-20% of the nicotine in snus.
So if doing Odens Extreme Loose, at 22mg/g, the body takes up 2-4mg for each snus, if the size is 1 gram. Therefore, you only need 25g snus to reach the 100 mg fatal level. So you die if you take half a can at once?
Is this too hypothetical or theoretical, or could this be true? I rarely take small pinches, probably 2-3g each time, but no idea really. Seems as though we are dangerously close??
However, the traditional 8mg / g in for example Ettan lös, translates into that it is enough to do 1,5 cans at once in order to "overdose", since it is about three times weaker than Odens Extreme.
Any comments? Or anyone who knows the score?
According to Swedish Match's website, the body absorbs 10-20% of the nicotine in snus.
So if doing Odens Extreme Loose, at 22mg/g, the body takes up 2-4mg for each snus, if the size is 1 gram. Therefore, you only need 25g snus to reach the 100 mg fatal level. So you die if you take half a can at once?
Is this too hypothetical or theoretical, or could this be true? I rarely take small pinches, probably 2-3g each time, but no idea really. Seems as though we are dangerously close??
However, the traditional 8mg / g in for example Ettan lös, translates into that it is enough to do 1,5 cans at once in order to "overdose", since it is about three times weaker than Odens Extreme.
Any comments? Or anyone who knows the score?