Swedish Snus Mentioned In Article From UK Chemist Chain

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  • Frosted
    • Mar 2010
    • 5798

    That was fascinating.
    I've always personally maintained that it just isn't nicotine that some of us are addicted to.


    • pris

      I beleive the article suggests that some people are only chasing the nic but others some of the other compounds in tobacco too (which can change the effect the nicotine has on you amongst other things) Maybe that's what divides those that are able to quit using or transition to NRT and those that look for safer ways to continue using tobacco.

      The only thing I know for sure is snus works for me whereas NRT does not.

      Originally posted by Frosted
      That was fascinating.
      I've always personally maintained that it just isn't nicotine that some of us are addicted to.


      • MguitArM
        • Sep 2011
        • 36

        This reminds me of the differences between THC pills and MJ. I've never used a pure THC pill, but I know what makes a strain of MJ unique is the mixture of cannabinoids in the product. The upshot, theres nothing like the REAL thing! This must be why nicotine gum can make one both feel the nicotine and feel the urge to continue smoking. I smell conspiracy! lol


        • Ansel
          • Feb 2011
          • 3696

          Update: the well known chemist chain asked me to show them the RCP report - so i sent them a link...

          Hi there,

          Never have i had bad breath or stained teeth from smokeless tobacco, in fact, quite the opposite. As mentioned i suggest you check out this Royal College of Physicians document from the tobacco advisory council as your webpage as it stands is misleading and potentially dangerous in that existing smokers would not switch and would continue to smoke.


          Furthermore, if you are interested in how tobacco can actually be a performance enhancing drug, then please read the following:


          Moreover, it is not just nicotine smokers are addicted to but the MAOIs also which i don't believe are contained in your NRT products.

          With best wishes,


          • Ansel
            • Feb 2011
            • 3696

            Hell, i bet you could have bought snuff in the chemist many years ago...


            • Frosted
              • Mar 2010
              • 5798

              Originally posted by Ansel
              Hell, i bet you could have bought snuff in the chemist many years ago...
              They certainly did.


              • muddyfunkstar
                • Aug 2010
                • 967

                On a similar note, this story was on the front page of daily free rag the Metro today - Linky

                Not about snus, but it just got me thinking how crazy it is that people are up in arms about a "wonder drug" that might stop people smoking, when they could just make snus legal, which has been tested robustly in Sweden, and is proven to help people stop smoking.

                And you can bet any money that this drug, like champix and zyban, will have unwanted side effects.


                • Mdisch
                  • Jul 2011
                  • 805

                  Honestly - any of these horrid "stop" products are no good, everything from e-cigs to nicotinell gum has given me HEAVY withdrawal, and I had no such thing with snus. Originally snus was a gateway to stop using cigarettes, but I've fallen in love and nicotine is quite important to me... No need to stop now, seeing as I drink less and I don't feel that weird no-nicotine-hunger I had.
                  I understand why boots aren't mentioning snus as anything very positive since it's not a product they sell, but they do sell a lot of the nicotinell and e-cig products - but this is still a bit of the anti-tobacco propaganda that might damage the world. A lot of people fail to quit cigs when using these products instead, but hardly any fail when using snus and they get a good experience from it!


                  • muddyfunkstar
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 967

                    The nicotine replacement industry knows damn well their products don't work, and why would they want them to? If people did really quit for good, it'd put them out of business. *conspiracy theory face*


                    • Ansel
                      • Feb 2011
                      • 3696

                      Some people just don't like snus because it doesn't make quitting smoking painful it just makes quitting so damn easy and so much fun.


                      • Mdisch
                        • Jul 2011
                        • 805

                        Originally posted by ansel
                        some people just don't like snus because it doesn't make quitting smoking painful it just makes quitting so damn easy and so much fun.


                        • pris

                          Those Nicorette patches don't taste so good under the lip and don't seem to give much of a kick. They also don't burn very well ;-)


                          • Frosted
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 5798

                            Originally posted by pris
                            Those Nicorette patches don't seem to give much of a kick. They also don't burn very well ;-)
                            They do on your bell end.


                            • pris

                              I'll have to take your word for that Frosted ;-)

                              Originally posted by Frosted
                              They do on your bell end.


                              • Mdisch
                                • Jul 2011
                                • 805

                                Nicotinell products are pure BS and I'm a bit furious with their aggressive attitude towards any tobacco - at first I found them a great concept, but they've turned into nothing but a money-making-machine. Snus on the other hand stays true to good taste, health and so on!


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