snus and blood pressure

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  • sth
    • Jan 2009
    • 118

    snus and blood pressure

    Has anyone noticed a markedly increased blood pressure from snusing? Since I quit cigarettes for 2 years prior to picking up snus, I feel as if it is inevitable for my blood pressure to go up some with using snus; only because of the nicotine intake.

    It's gone from 90/40 to 120/80 which I know isn't bad, but I just feel as if that is quite an increase. Granted, this was taken probably int he fall/winter when it was 90/40 and I work out in the fall/winter a LOT more than in the summer, because I absolutely abhor heat.

    Anyone else have any experiences with this?
  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9759

    Welcome STH. You should be dead if your blood pressure is actually 90/40. 120/80 is precisely. exactly the perfect blood pressure. If 90/40 is accurate then you should probably see a doctor soon. [new studies have found that 110/80 is actuallly better]

    As to your question......I was recently diagnosed with congestive heart failure, cartiomyopithy and hypertension. I had to do some research to make sure the sodium in snus wasn't too much and to make sure my blood pressure wouldn't go sky high. I originally believed that nicotine would raise your blood pressure but in my experiance my blood pressure either stays the same or gets lower when I snus. That is probably because of the calming effects of snus. I took my blood pressure many times before, during and after useing snus. I even used two monitors to make sure of this. So, I wouldn't worry about useing snus as much as I would worry about your blood pressure being too low. I hope this answers you question.............if not then............nevermind.

    edited cuz my spellin am gramnor weren't so goood. :P
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • sth
      • Jan 2009
      • 118

      Originally posted by Premium Parrots
      Welcome STH. You should be dead if your blood pressure is actually 90/40. 120/80 is precisely exactly the perfect blood pressure.
      low blood pressure doesn't matter until you notice symptoms from it haha.


      • BuLLitz
        • Jun 2009
        • 180

        Around the time that I first started snusing, I was sitting in a Dr's office waiting room and had just popped in a snus. I was in the middle of a nic rush when the nurse called me in.

        When she started taking my blood pressure I was thinking "this ain't going to come out right"... but as she took the cuff off she muttered some numbers and said "perfect".

        Normally I have slightly high blood pressure.

        Go figure.


        • TBD
          • Jul 2008
          • 817

          I posted about this several months back. My BP went down when I switched from cigs to snus. It was slightly high and dropped 15-20 points after a few weeks of snus. The consensus here at the time was I was a bit abnormal.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by TBD
            The consensus here at the time was I was a bit abnormal.
            Oh, I thought you meant in general. I didn't know you were talking about blood pressure ;^)


            • CoderGuy
              • Jul 2009
              • 2679

              This is good to know, I was wondering about the sodium myself. Thanks for the info!



              • TBD
                • Jul 2008
                • 817

                Originally posted by lxskllr
                Originally posted by TBD
                The consensus here at the time was I was a bit abnormal.
                Oh, I thought you meant in general. I didn't know you were talking about blood pressure ;^)
                It can be taken either way and still be accurate. Of course I'm boringly normal compared to some of this bunch. :lol:


                • whalen
                  • May 2009
                  • 6593

                  This is an interesting thread!

                  I just had Open heart surgery in April and had to quit smoking. Snus was mentioned as an aid to quit. Best advice I ever got! Well, I have high blood pressure and the snus did not help that! I am ever balancing the salt intake with my condition. I take my blood pressure 5 times a day at home, and since I am 10 weeks into Cardio rehab, I get monitored 3 times a week during a serious cardio workout. Here is what I found:

                  Snus does raise my pressure from 120/80 to about 134/86. for about 30 minutes. That is the Nicotine at work.

                  I have to limit my salt from snus by washing out some portions, or spit at first. if I wash then BP is 126/84.

                  The amount of salt that can be reduced from portions with a 5 second rinse has helped a lot.

                  I have to refrain from snus 1 hour before a cardio workout, or my pressure will approach 180/100 at peak exertion.

                  I believe it is the combination of salt and nicotine (of course) that raises the pressure. Reducing the salt has helped. Heavy exercise, and weight loss has really lowered my situation to where I can snus with confidence.

                  Every one will have a different situation, but serious snus use will raise your pressure, And if it calms you it might help to lower. My advice is that if you have a higher than normal pressure, you had better be careful. High blood pressure is a killer! Period.

                  I have worked hard to lower my pressure 20 base points, and I take medication, workout, and eat twigs to maintain it.

                  I have to limit my intake to survive, I am healthy as can be now, but I will never think of snus as low risk for me. I would be better off without it, and have to work hard to maintain my addiction. That is the truth. If you are healthy and your pressure is good enjoy! If not, your gambling with your life. My advice is to find out what your blood pressure is and behave accordingly.
                  wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                  • CoderGuy
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 2679

                    Very interesting whalen, thank you!

                    Now I wonder about the comparison between smoking and snus. If you are going to do one of them no matter what, is snus better or worse for BP I wonder.



                    • sheilalynn
                      • May 2009
                      • 1103

                      Mine has gone way down since quitting cigs and making the switch to snus/e-cigs. It went from a normal of 165/110, to around 140/85 with meds, and down even lower to around 125/80 once I quit cigs and went with just the e-cigs and the snus. So lowing your blood pressure definitely seems to happen if you switch from smoking to snus so I'd think it wouldn't really raise it much if at all.


                      • spirit72
                        • Apr 2008
                        • 1013

                        Re: Increased blood pressure

                        Originally posted by sth
                        Has anyone noticed a markedly increased blood pressure from snusing? Since I quit cigarettes for 2 years prior to picking up snus, I feel as if it is inevitable for my blood pressure to go up some with using snus; only because of the nicotine intake.

                        It's gone from 90/40 to 120/80 which I know isn't bad, but I just feel as if that is quite an increase. Granted, this was taken probably int he fall/winter when it was 90/40 and I work out in the fall/winter a LOT more than in the summer, because I absolutely abhor heat.

                        Anyone else have any experiences with this?
                        Mine dropped from 140/85 to 120/70 within about 10 months.


                        • sth
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 118

                          lol, i went to the doctor today and my blood pressure was 100/60. guess I don't have anything to worry about haha


                          • lindalewis
                            New Member
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 1

                            Planning to buy one for my dad.
                            Appreciate recommendation for a reliable one.(pls provide the estimated price and where to buy)..


                            • RobsanX
                              • Aug 2008
                              • 2030

                              I'm overweight, don't eat right, sit on my butt in an office all day, and I chain snus. I went to the doctor for the first time in 10 years because of an injury. I had smoked 20+ years, chain snused for a year, and my BP was 118/72...


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