snus and blood pressure

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  • Ainkor
    • Sep 2008
    • 1144

    Originally posted by RobsanX
    I'm overweight, don't eat right, sit on my butt in an office all day, and I chain snus. I went to the doctor for the first time in 10 years because of an injury. I had smoked 20+ years, chain snused for a year, and my BP was 118/72...
    Let me say for all the fat lazy bastards out there, piss off! My wife is heavy, smoked for 20 years and snuses like a fiend now and has 110 / 65 BP. Genetics has a lot to do with it!

    I am 35 and my doctor put me on BP meds a few weeks ago. I was sitting at 150ish/95ish pretty regularly for about a month.

    I have a pretty stressful job and I could loose about 60 pounds though.

    Interestingly enough I feel about a million times better and as a cool side effect, I get to tell everyone who asks about it that I take a medicine that comes from the venom of a pit viper! (look it up, it's pretty cool actually).

    As for blood pressure and snus, I am pretty sure that mine has increased over the last year that I have not smoked mainly due to the fact that smoking was meditation like to me. I am still struggling with stress release and relaxation techniques.


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      Snus slightly raises my blood pressure, but I am still below the pre-hypertension mark. But is something I pay attention to as I don't know how my body will react as I get older.

      Honestly, if my BP ever gets out of control, I would probably quit snus over medication if it ever came to that.


      • rscott222
        • May 2009
        • 346

        I love to hear the variety of people, their snus usage, and b/p's. The Cardiovascular system is very tricky and very unique to each individual, just because you beat your body down and your b/p is normal doesn't mean you haven't trashed the system. It is very individual, as some have done, if its a concern monitor it and see the effects on your system with snus. It is multifactorial and still not very well understood, that is why your pills are symptom management not cause management. There is a difference. Good luck and stay in communication with your healthcare providers.


        • ddandb
          • Mar 2009
          • 570

          Snus and my love of salt raises my blood pressure.
          The little white pills my doctor gives me makes it normal. Problem solved.


          • MichaelLee
            • Sep 2009
            • 18

            My blood pressure had never really fluctuated...either while smoking or snusing. The only thing that gets it going is stress. Whether physical or emotional, being able to actually relax will be a big help in lowering your BP.

            My experience is not within my own life's boundaries, but my father's. I'm 28, 6 ft tall and 170 lbs. Blessed with mesomorphic body type, I can eat what I want and not gain a pound, likewise with salt, tobacco and BP. My father is identical, though unlike me, he's always stressed. Be it politics, the pain of arthritis, my mother, my sister, or me...he's always pissing and moaning about something. He never relaxes. On top of that, he smokes 2 packs a day.

            Maybe it's the apathy of my generation, but since I've always considered a vice to be a release...a form of relaxation, if you always has been exactly that. For me, anyway.

            The associations and labels you integrate with anything in life, be it good or bad, will affect you, be it positively or negatively.

            Thus, stressing over an addiction is, in essence, a double-whammy.

            Best thing I'd ever used to justify my "nicotine release" was, "It's still healthier than crack, coke, or heroin." And honestly, if you expect or desire 90+ years on this planet, you're far more masochistic than most people I know


            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              My BP is high, and has been high before I ever knew what snus was. It probably doesn't help it any, and I should be on medication, but my meds ran out, and I HATE going to the doc. My BP can go down if I alter my diet, I have experienced that. I'm trying to lose weight, and that is a hard thing really. I feel my BP is an issue, it is pretty up there.


              • stubby2
                • Jun 2009
                • 436

                Originally posted by MichaelLee
                Best thing I'd ever used to justify my "nicotine release" was, "It's still healthier than crack, coke, or heroin." And honestly, if you expect or desire 90+ years on this planet, you're far more masochistic than most people I know
                Reminds me of a well known line that Bette Davis said

                Getting old is not for sissies.


                • Simplysnus
                  • May 2010
                  • 481

                  snus and blood pressure

                  I recently visited the doctor after having some periods of light headedness, when going to bed and in the afternoons, and my blood pressure was pretty high, 124/100. In the past it's been closer to 124/80-82. I had a fresh suns in on the way over, at the followup appointment I stayed snus free for an hour and a half before and it was 122/90. Anyone have similar experiences? You ever get light headed from snus? I use regular portions, and generally keep the portion in well beyond when it'd be done with the nicotine, but it seems like a fresh portion really bumps up that lower number.


                  • Sami123
                    • Aug 2011
                    • 37

                    I remember when I went to a regular check up during my army time and I just had kept two portions in right before the appointment I had high blood pressure as well. Not bu much but the doctor asked me if I was nervous, which I wasn't.

                    I don't get light headed when using snus and in the past when I have been to the doctor without using snus right before the exams my measurements have been in my normal average.

                    So maybe snus had a little affect in my blood pressure.


                    • Mdisch
                      • Jul 2011
                      • 805

                      I'd just like to point out that all nicotine alters your blood pressure
                      Actually this is mainly the reason why snus is never defined as "safe" since it has nicotine which can raise ones blood pressure - but it should be nothing to worry about. (Unless you have any type of heart-condition)


                      • heders
                        • Jan 2011
                        • 2227

                        I once went to the doctor and took a ECG with a snus in. I was pretty nervous as well, and had several cups of coffee just before that, but my blood pressure was still in the normal range. But I was and am pretty young... That seems to be a pretty big factor.


                        • Simplysnus
                          • May 2010
                          • 481

                          Well I went in for the followup this morning and didn't snus since last night, it was still high, so I guess it's meeds for me.


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Originally posted by Simplysnus
                            Well I went in for the followup this morning and didn't snus since last night, it was still high, so I guess it's meeds for me.
                            Sorry to hear that. Don't forget diet. That can fix a lot of ills, and you may be able to dump the meds after awhile.


                            • Simplysnus
                              • May 2010
                              • 481

                              Originally posted by lxskllr
                              Sorry to hear that. Don't forget diet. That can fix a lot of ills, and you may be able to dump the meds after awhile.
                              Yeah I need to do that anyways and exercise more, just weird that it was solid and then in the last few months bam, aging sucks but it's better than not aging!


                              • ABW
                                • May 2011
                                • 793

                                Nicotine def raises BP but you should also invest in a BP unit for the house so you can check it yourself. Get a good one(omron is the best) and no wrist units.. I see people in the hospital all the time with high BP readings but when they take it at home it's lower. It's called white coat syndrome and it is the real deal. It can alter reading by as much as 10-15 points. It's worse once someone has told you you have high BP because you get nervous even though you can't feel it so when they strap on the cuff, nic or not it might show elevated at the docs and kosher at home..

                                Now, that's not to say you don't have high BP due to snus because you very well might. It just might not be as high as it is in the docs office and it's very important to measure it thru out the day when trying tofind the right med and reason..

                                Just some thoughts...



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