Snus safety
Hi my husband chewed tobacco snuff for 15 years. He quit 5 months ago due to a pouch in his mouth. The dentist had me so scared of mouth cancer I forced him to quit. Needless to say he has started again so I have been doing my research on snus. I ordered him a variety online to try. Is it true dnud is safer than American chew and doesn't cause mouth cancer? I am an over worried wife who needs a little piece of mind. Thanks.
Hi my husband chewed tobacco snuff for 15 years. He quit 5 months ago due to a pouch in his mouth. The dentist had me so scared of mouth cancer I forced him to quit. Needless to say he has started again so I have been doing my research on snus. I ordered him a variety online to try. Is it true dnud is safer than American chew and doesn't cause mouth cancer? I am an over worried wife who needs a little piece of mind. Thanks.