I found info about a study done around 2008.
In Swedish: http://www.expressen.se/halsa/1.1378...hogt-blodtryck
In English:

New study: Snus does not cause high blood pressure
"Snus does not cause high blood pressure, accoarding to a new Swedish study from Umeå university. Also, the prilla does not increase the risk of diabetes, heart attacks or stroke. For people who can't quit smoking, snus can be an alternative, says surgeon general Mats Eliasson.
The debate about snus possible dangers is hotter than ever. A new study of 4 000 men in northern Sweden, which where published in the latest issue of "Läkartidningen" (doctors magazine), show that snus does not lead to high blood pressure. Earlier studies have given contrarious results.
Heart diseases
High blood pressure increases the risk of heart and vascular diseases, above all; stroke. Mats Eliasson, scientist and surgeon general at Sundeby hospital, thinks the strength of this study is that they have made a difference of snus users who have never smoked before, and snus users who have smoked before.
"No links"
- Now we have gotten the true and real effects if snus. The study shows that we don't have to worry snus users that snus could induce high blood pressure.
The same study have earlier showed that snus use does not increase the risk of diabetes, heart attack or stroke. Mats Eliasson points out that the study is lead by the county council and Umeå university, and that he has no connections with the tobacco industry.
- As a doctor I stand for a tobacco free society. But if a patient, who has suffered from a heart attack and a stroke, can't quit smoking in other ways, it's clear that you should try quitting with snus."
In Swedish: http://www.expressen.se/halsa/1.1378...hogt-blodtryck
In English:

New study: Snus does not cause high blood pressure
"Snus does not cause high blood pressure, accoarding to a new Swedish study from Umeå university. Also, the prilla does not increase the risk of diabetes, heart attacks or stroke. For people who can't quit smoking, snus can be an alternative, says surgeon general Mats Eliasson.
The debate about snus possible dangers is hotter than ever. A new study of 4 000 men in northern Sweden, which where published in the latest issue of "Läkartidningen" (doctors magazine), show that snus does not lead to high blood pressure. Earlier studies have given contrarious results.
Heart diseases
High blood pressure increases the risk of heart and vascular diseases, above all; stroke. Mats Eliasson, scientist and surgeon general at Sundeby hospital, thinks the strength of this study is that they have made a difference of snus users who have never smoked before, and snus users who have smoked before.
"No links"
- Now we have gotten the true and real effects if snus. The study shows that we don't have to worry snus users that snus could induce high blood pressure.
The same study have earlier showed that snus use does not increase the risk of diabetes, heart attack or stroke. Mats Eliasson points out that the study is lead by the county council and Umeå university, and that he has no connections with the tobacco industry.
- As a doctor I stand for a tobacco free society. But if a patient, who has suffered from a heart attack and a stroke, can't quit smoking in other ways, it's clear that you should try quitting with snus."