Snus and the doctor

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  • Kkingery83
    Banned Users
    • Oct 2011
    • 33

    Snus and the doctor

    What are doctors saying when you tell them you use snus? My husband dipped for 15 years he quit for 6 months then started using snus. He has not told his either his dentist or doctor he started using snus. I am just worried about mouth cancer since the reason he quit dip was bc a pocket in his mouth. Should I be worried or let him enjoy his snus??? Thanks.
  • BlueSaint
    • May 2011
    • 195

    Well, snus does not cause mouth cancer. I don't know about that pocket but be happy that he started using snus instead.


    • desirexe
      • Feb 2008
      • 1170

      What is a "pocket?" Are you speaking of a sore or lesion or just the general area where the dip was placed for years? Snus causes "pockets" upper lip on one side is not as tight as it is on the other side, I can feel this with my tongue. This just seems to be 'stretching' from having an object sit there for so long, I don't believe a pocket like this is of any concern, whether it be caused by dip, snus, sunflower seeds, hard candy or whatever else someone may place in their lip. Maybe someone else will have more info...these are just my personal thoughts...


      • Kkingery83
        Banned Users
        • Oct 2011
        • 33

        It was in his left cheek was white and stretched out looking because that is where he put his dip for five years without moving it around. The dentist got onto him about it and freaked me out so I made him quit. Needless to say he was not ready to quit and started chewing again 5 months later. I decided to order him snus because it is better than chew. I just wanted to know some reaction from medical doctors about snus. What I have heard from them is tobacco is bad no matter what but I don't feel that is true. I would much rather him snus than smoke or dip. Has anyone found any case studys of snus causing oral cancer? I think I am just over worried, should I be worried about him snusing??


        • snuslover
          New Member
          • Oct 2011
          • 6

          Now also UEFA announced that EURO 2012 will be a smoke-free zone. I guess we will have to bring the snus with us.


          • Darwin
            • Mar 2010
            • 1372

            I've gotten some semi-positive feedback from docs, they don't dismiss it out of hand with sufficient explanation, but I seriously doubt they'd recommend it to anyone else. They have no experience with it whatsoever and I'm pretty sure they are just politely nodding their heads and saying "Uh-huh, uh-huh". For all their alleged smarts few of them have even the slightest understanding that nicotine in isolation is fairly harmless when separated from a smoking delivery system. I'm also pretty sure that a medical education and clinical experience narrows their tunnel vision regarding tobacco to an infinitesimally small slot through which no contrary evidence can fit.


            • Ansel
              • Feb 2011
              • 3696

              same here Darwin... well put.


              • heders
                • Jan 2011
                • 2227

                Originally posted by Kkingery83
                What are doctors saying when you tell them you use snus? My husband dipped for 15 years he quit for 6 months then started using snus. He has not told his either his dentist or doctor he started using snus. I am just worried about mouth cancer since the reason he quit dip was bc a pocket in his mouth. Should I be worried or let him enjoy his snus??? Thanks.
                When I broke my wrist and was going to have surgery they asked if I smoked. I answered "no, but I use snus", and the doctor just said "ah, that's better!". I have never had any doctors telling me it's bad.

                But I live in Sweden, and the doctors here know that snus is not a real health threat like smoking. I can imagine it being different in other countries.


                • pris

                  Hmmmm......My dentist said I had 2 deep pockets where I snus...... Aren't they where bacteria collect and are related to gum disease or are there different definitions maybe?


                  • Kkingery83
                    Banned Users
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 33

                    His type of pocket was more like a white thin area on his inside of his cheek where he held the snuff. He has a little gum recession but nothing to bad. He had a biopsy done on it and it came back hyperplasia which is nothing. The oral surgeon said he sees this quit often with chewing, its more of a chemical irritation. He is afraid to tell his doctors he is using snus. I think it is better than dip.Does snus cause chemical irritation to the mouth like dip?


                    • heders
                      • Jan 2011
                      • 2227

                      Originally posted by Kkingery83
                      His type of pocket was more like a white thin area on his inside of his cheek where he held the snuff. He has a little gum recession but nothing to bad. He had a biopsy done on it and it came back hyperplasia which is nothing. The oral surgeon said he sees this quit often with chewing, its more of a chemical irritation. He is afraid to tell his doctors he is using snus. I think it is better than dip.Does snus cause chemical irritation to the mouth like dip?
                      Snus is better than dip, for sure. Chemical irritation is something I've never heard about... and I don't think it's a problem with snus since there really aren't that many chemicals in it. Snus is considered a food product in Sweden and has to follow the specific food standards to be sold. It contains tobacco, water, flavor additives and E500 (ph regulator) basically.


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        I think the doctor is mistaken about "chemical" irritation, unless you're using a broad definition of "chemical". Salt, and the physical action of having something pressed against the mucous membrane causes irritation, and can leave white patches. Snus can do the same thing. Dunno about dip, but snus won't cause mouth cancer. The white patches are sub optimal, but not particularly harmful.


                        • internope
                          • Oct 2010
                          • 215

                          Originally posted by heders
                          Snus is better than dip, for sure. Chemical irritation is something I've never heard about... and I don't think it's a problem with snus since there really aren't that many chemicals in it. Snus is considered a food product in Sweden and has to follow the specific food standards to be sold. It contains tobacco, water, flavor additives and E500 (ph regulator) basically.
                          Nicotine is an irritant by itself. Try a nicotine patch or some nicotine gum and you'll notice it.

                          E500 is Sodium Carbonate. It is approved as a food additive, but it is not a food and can cause irritation. Dip contains basically the same ingredients as snus, but usually also includes Ammonium Chloride (E503), which is also an irritant.

                          The MSDS sheets for Nicotine, E500, and E503 all warn of irritation to skin, eyes, and respiratory tract in regards to exposure.

                          I think that we actually come to expect a small amount of irritation as part of the experience and look forward to it. I know I like to feel a little bit of a burn when I pop some snus in.


                          • BardicDruid
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 72

                            Well it would do you good to read through these and learn some things:





                            • Kkingery83
                              Banned Users
                              • Oct 2011
                              • 33

                              What are doctors and dentist in the US saying about the use of sadism snus and if it causes mouth cancer. I found a study done in 2008 that suggest snus can cause oral cancer does anyone know anything about this and if it has any truth behind it?


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