Also he has been told that tobacco is not an option fir him anymore so would that also include snus not being an option? He doesnt take what the doctor says seriously which makes me have to search for answers just so I can get a decent nights sleep.
I'm Sorry I really am, But this statement just makes it sound like you are searching for answers just so you can shove it in his face to prove that he can't use snus... snus is tobacco, So you found your answer... It's not an option for him.... No matter how safe it is it is still tobacco... But Swedish snus is the safest form of tobacco there is and is proven to be so ..... What he has really been told is that American tobacco is not an option for him....Take it for what it's worth... Man! I really feel sorry for this guy....
ok.... snusgetter..... where is that emoticon gif where the smiley puts a gun to his own head and blows his head off? I need it now
You need to quit feeling sorry for him. I gave up smoking for him because he didnt want our kids before we were even married to have a mom who smokes then he pulls this crap. He can't give up tobacco but I could.! So the way I look at it is i am stronge and he is weak. Enough said!
You need to quit feeling sorry for him. I gave up smoking for him because he didnt want our kids before we were even married to have a mom who smokes then he pulls this crap. He can't give up tobacco but I could.! So the way I look at it is i am stronge and he is weak. Enough said!
really? I'm glad you are done.
surely your friends on facebook are wondering where you've been.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
You need to quit feeling sorry for him. I gave up smoking for him because he didnt want our kids before we were even married to have a mom who smokes then he pulls this crap. He can't give up tobacco but I could.! So the way I look at it is i am stronge and he is weak. Enough said!
Well! There you have it! Now we know what your motive is.... You gave up smoking for him and feel bitter about it.... Or is it that he forced you to give it up and you are bitter about it and want revenge.... No matter.... It sounds like you still want to smoke... Oh! and bye the way.... Giving up smoking implies you gave up something you like.... Quitting smoking is what you do when you want to quit something you don't like.... Giving up smoking for someone else never works and only causes resentment.... you need to want to quit for yourself not someone else.... Just an FYI .... Trying to force him to quit snus will only cause war of the roses... I smell D.I.V.O.R.C.E in your future...
I'm thinking this guy is trying to commit suicide by tobacco, after hearing his loving bride talk about how "weak" he his. Someone should tell him that Swedish snus won't help him, and he should immediately take up dipping and smoking to end it more quickly. I would...just sayin ;-)
Thank God my wife is happy that I quit smoking and took up snus. She and I did our due diligence together and investigated Swedish snus to discover that it's the safest form of tobacco to use on the planet.
I dont resent him for making me quit I just wish he would do the same for me and listen to his doctors. All I want to know is will snus affect the area in his mouth in a negitive way. The doctor and dentist said not to start again but no one has said anything about snus. Also what you mean when you say the damage looks irriversable? Are you messing with me? Also for your info I don't nag on him about thus at all I never bring it up. I am just trying go research for my own benefit and then bring him the facts. We have been together 12 years so I am not to worried about divorce. Wow is is about the rudest forum I have ever posted on.
It also makes you gay. We have more gay members than the general population would indicate. That leads me to believe that snus makes you gay. Sorry for the bad news :^( Look at the bright side though, your husband has a full life ahead of him exploring possibilities he never considered before :^)
Wow [th]is is about the rudest forum I have ever posted on.
So far, you've made 25 posts.
You seem sincere in your concerns but if you look over your postsyou might notice a trend of seeking whatever answer you've preconceived and won't rest until you find it.
Basically, you do seem to be beating a dead horse...
There are risks to everything in life; the only choice any of us have is to find the lesser evil and either deal with it or avoid it as much as possible. Snus does, from all indications, fall into the lesser category. That is what you need to deal with.
You need to quit feeling sorry for him. I gave up smoking for him because he didnt want our kids before we were even married to have a mom who smokes then he pulls this crap. He can't give up tobacco but I could.! So the way I look at it is i am strong and he is weak. Enough said!
Okay, after reviewing this thread again (because I haven't yet found a retirement life worth pursuing full-time yet), the post of yours I now quote seems to point the finger at your deep-seated resentment that he convinced you to quit smoking and you have yet to convince him to give up all tobacco. He convinced you to quit because his arguments were valid and you're still wandering the forest to come up with something as equally compelling regarding snus. Ain't gonna happen!
Fight fire with fire. You should snus and see what he says about that. One of 2 things might happen:
He might just find the argument you need to make your case; or
You might find that snus is not the demon you want it to be and
might even compare notes on the different snus that are available.
Either way: Just think of the stronger bond of having something else in common.
You might even find that it has nothing to do with "i am strong and he is weak"
... that's just sounds like the ranting of a control freak.
btw, you didn't give up tobacco --- you gave up smoking, the worst case of tobacco abuse!!
For that you are to be commended.
Okay, after reviewing this thread again (because I haven't yet found a retirement life worth pursuing full-time yet), the post of yours I now quote seems to point the finger at your deep-seated resentment that he convinced you to quit smoking and you have yet to convince him to give up all tobacco. He convinced you to quit because his arguments were valid and you're still wandering the forest to come up with something as equally compelling regarding snus. Ain't gonna happen!
Fight fire with fire. You should snus and see what he says about that. One of 2 things might happen:
He might just find the argument you need to make your case; or
You might find that snus is not the demon you want it to be and
might even compare notes on the different snus that are available.
Either way: Just think of the stronger bond of having something else in common.
You might even find that it has nothing to do with "i am strong and he is weak"
... that's just sounds like the ranting of a control freak.
btw, you didn't give up tobacco --- you gave up smoking, the worst case of tobacco abuse!!
For that you are to be commended.
personally, I agree with Rick..... I think hes actually trying to commit suicide.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I carry my keys and change in my left front pocket, and when I need my cell phone that goes in there as well. I keep a pocket knife and a tin of snus...
Tom from American Smokeless Tobacco in Virginia sent me a nice little sample pack of Discreet snus. Here is a breakdown of what I got and my thoughts...