Anyone Else Leery of American-Made Snus?

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  • Jimbob11
    • Oct 2011
    • 137

    Anyone Else Leery of American-Made Snus?

    First off, IS there any snus that is made here in the US? If not, I imagine it will be with the rising usage.

    From what I have gathered, it *seems* that many Swedish companies pride themselves on keeping carcinogens at the lowest levels possible. Since the health issue is what drew me to suns, I have to wonder if American tobacco companies will have the same mindset. It hasn't exactly been their forte so far…

    Just curious... I gotta do SOMETHING while I wait impatiently for the UPS truck to arrive with my first order!
  • Slidingblues
    • Sep 2011
    • 316

    I am leery of the American Snus products at this time. I wish they would all approach it as a harm reduction product and use the best technologies to achieve that.

    I dipped American products for many years. I think they are less risky than smoking but I think Swedish Snus is less risky than American dip.


    • Jimbob11
      • Oct 2011
      • 137

      Yeah, I've gone back and forth with cigs and dip for years unable to completely quit. After learning about snus, I decided to make the switch and not even worry about quitting for at least a few years. Give my brain a chance to work on other things without the added stress of off and on nicotine withdrawl.


      • Darwin
        • Mar 2010
        • 1372

        There is American made snus. In general the products are poor weak sugary shadows of the real Swedish deal. I consider the local availability of American made snus the equivalent of no real snus availability at all.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Originally posted by Darwin
          There is American made snus. In general the products are poor weak sugary shadows of the real Swedish deal. I consider the local availability of American made snus the equivalent of no real snus availability at all.

          Just because it says snus on the label, it doesn't mean there's snus in the can.


          • snusgetter
            • May 2010
            • 10903

            Originally posted by lxskllr

            Just because it says snus on the label, it doesn't mean there's snus in the can.

            So maybe the iPhone is right when it changes the spelling of 'snus' to 'anus';
            maybe it thinks the writer is referring to the American product!!


            • Monkey
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2009
              • 3290

              Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ook! Me me me!


              • raynin
                • Oct 2011
                • 18

                yeah i used alot of the camel products and the nicotine level is really low and they are extremely sweet....


                • whalen
                  • May 2009
                  • 6593

                  They perversely served a purpose in bringing SNUS into focus for a lot of people, thank god for goggle enabling people to link the word SNUS to Sweden! I dream of the day I can get a can of Ettan everywhere! If I lived closer to the test areas I would buy every can I could.
                  wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


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