Judge blocks graphic images on cigarette packages

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  • snusgetter
    • May 2010
    • 10903

    Judge blocks graphic images on cigarette packages

    Judge blocks graphic images on cigarette packages

    WASHINGTON—A judge on Monday blocked a federal requirement that would have begun forcing tobacco companies next year to put graphic images including dead and diseased smokers on their cigarette packages.

    U.S. District Judge Richard Leon ruled that it's likely the cigarette makers will succeed in a lawsuit to block the new standard. He stopped the requirement until after the lawsuit is resolved, which could take years.

    A similar case brought by the tobacco companies against the labels is pending before the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati. U.S. District Judge Joseph McKinley upheld most of the marketing restrictions in the law in January 2010. The appeals court heard arguments in the case in July but is not expected to rule for several months.

    Leon found the nine graphic images approved by the Food and Drug Administration in June go beyond conveying the facts about the health risks of smoking or go beyond that into advocacy -- a critical distinction in a case over free speech.

    The packaging would have included color images of a man exhaling cigarette smoke through a tracheotomy hole in his throat; a plume of cigarette smoke enveloping an infant receiving a mother's kiss; a pair of diseased lungs next to a pair of healthy lungs; a diseased mouth afflicted with what appears to be cancerous lesions; a man breathing into an oxygen mask; a cadaver on a table with post-autopsy chest staples; a woman weeping; a premature baby in an incubator; and a man wearing a T-shirt that features a "No Smoking" symbol and the words "I Quit"

    "It is abundantly clear from viewing these images that the emotional response they were crafted to induce is calculated to provoke the viewer to quit, or never to start smoking -- an objective wholly apart from disseminating purely factual and uncontroversial information," Leon wrote in his 29-page opinion. He pointed out that at least some were altered photographs to evoke emotion.

    The judge also pointed out the size of the labels suggests they are unconstitutional -- the FDA requirement said the labels were to cover the entire top half of cigarette packs, front and back and include a number for a stop-smoking hotline. The labels were to constitute 20 percent of cigarette advertising, and marketers were to rotate use of the images. Leon said the labels would amount to a "mini-billboard" for the agency's "obvious anti-smoking agenda."


    What we need now is a similar ruling against those dumbass warnings on snus packaging and advertising.
  • BadAxe
    • Jan 2010
    • 631

    Its just amazing that they want to go to these lengths, but they don't even consider making cigs illegal. No matter what steps they take, all they prove is they want people to continue to smoke. I am a mostly ex-smoker, but not one of those on a mission to get everyone to quit. Its a personal choice. But when you consider all the facts, and see all the actions they take to supposedly "help people quit, or not to start at all", its actually quite ridiculous to do some of these htings, but yet keep it a legal product. If you need to put graphic images of what cigs do to you healthwise, really, they should just go and make cigs illegal. Not that it would stop smokers. I understand the black market it would create. I am not saying I am in favor of making them illegal, just that, why do what they are trying to do, yet keep it a legal product, knowing how many it kills? Of ocurse I know the answer. Money Money Money.


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