Wisdom teeth extractions and snus use

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  • Mikko
    • Nov 2011
    • 103

    Wisdom teeth extractions and snus use

    I'm getting all four of my wisdom teeth extracted tomorrow at 8 am, if it makes any difference they are not impacted. I have a few questions though, can I snus the night before the surgery? Will the nicotine still be in my system tomorrow and affect anything? Btw, I realise that I cannot snus until a week after surgery (when I get my stitches out)
  • shortiee4
    • Jun 2008
    • 115

    Considering nicotine has a half life of 2 hours you should be fine. I wouldn't imagine nicotine has ever had a negative effect on any type of anesthesia though. I'm pretty sure I had a cigarette right before I had mine out and I was actually put under somewhat - they basically gave me IV valium and novocain, if they're conking you out they may give you something different. I would be on the safe side and not snus past 11 or 12pm the night before.


    • Mikko
      • Nov 2011
      • 103

      Thanks for the advice, I have a Lucky Strike Bold portion in right now and it's 6:30 pm. Yeah I'll be under general anaesthesia for the surgery...no pun intended :P


      • Mr. Snuffleupagus
        • Dec 2008
        • 2781

        When I got mine pulled they put me under with gas. I smoked cigarettes until I got to the appointment. They told me not to smoke or drink alcohol for a week or so after. Of course I was smoking and drinking that night with no bad effects. Good luck!


        • CoderGuy
          • Jul 2009
          • 2679

          I got all 4 of mine out last year, they used local as I needed to drive. I took the portion out when I got to the office and popped another in when I left. Although, I could not feel my mouth, so it was weird having the portion in lol


          • resnor
            • Mar 2011
            • 619

            I'm getting my top two out tomorrow. They told me no tobacco use for 48 hours prior to the appointment. I really don't see the point of that, but I've been attempting to hold to it. Sucks.


            • Fazer
              • May 2011
              • 663

              Originally posted by resnor
              I'm getting my top two out tomorrow. They told me no tobacco use for 48 hours prior to the appointment. I really don't see the point of that, but I've been attempting to hold to it. Sucks.

              48 hours ...... Not a chance in hell could i do 48 hours without nicotine


              • heders
                • Jan 2011
                • 2227

                Originally posted by resnor
                I'm getting my top two out tomorrow. They told me no tobacco use for 48 hours prior to the appointment. I really don't see the point of that, but I've been attempting to hold to it. Sucks.
                "Tobacco" I think refers to smoking. One portion here and there won't kill you. And you can still use nasal snuff if you've got any of that.

                I think all four of my wisdoom teeth are popping. One of them hurts like a bitch right now. I really hope I don't need surgery...


                • resnor
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 619

                  Yeah...in my pre-op, they said "No smoking"...and I said "Ok, I dont smoke." Then the woman goes, "Do you use any tobacco?" I said, "yes..." She said, "NO tobacco." I said, "But it says SMOKING..." and she just looked at me. No asked why, and she muttered something about how nicotine attaches to the oxygen in the blood or something. I'm sure I could have a portion or two and be fine. Havent had any nicotine since my last portion around 5pm yesterday afternoon. I find that I am surprisingly, not grouchy or on edge right now.


                  • heders
                    • Jan 2011
                    • 2227

                    Originally posted by resnor
                    Yeah...in my pre-op, they said "No smoking"...and I said "Ok, I dont smoke." Then the woman goes, "Do you use any tobacco?" I said, "yes..." She said, "NO tobacco." I said, "But it says SMOKING..." and she just looked at me. No asked why, and she muttered something about how nicotine attaches to the oxygen in the blood or something. I'm sure I could have a portion or two and be fine. Havent had any nicotine since my last portion around 5pm yesterday afternoon. I find that I am surprisingly, not grouchy or on edge right now.
                    The thing about "no nicotine" is just a pre-caution. Of course they will tell you that, since they are not then ones going through the nicotine withdrawals. But hey, if you feel fine, go for it! Maybe you now even get an excuse to quit!


                    • CoderGuy
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 2679

                      I got all 4 of mine out last year (at the same time), I had a portion in when I went into the dentist office and popped a new one in when I was done (local aesthetic so I could drive myself)


                      • chibre
                        • Feb 2012
                        • 170

                        Gonna go ahead and bump this up cause I am getting my wisdom teeth out on the 20th of this month. So it seems like people had no trouble using snus right before the surgery? And even after? I heard some nasty stuff can happen if you smoke, which I don't..

                        So after I have them out, to be on the safe side could I just spit out the portion before it starts juicing? With whites I get my nic hit long before any juice starts flowing. I mean you can eat food so what would some snus do?? Anyone else have some input on this topic? Obviously I don't want any nic free days lol...


                        • rickcharles606
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 2307

                          I used snus the very same day I had extractions done, granted they weren't wisdom teeth, but they were molars. One the bleeding subsided a little it wasn't a problem. I'd say just put it in and don't play with it at all and see how it goes. I do seem to remember some slight burning around the extraction point, but I was drugged up on the pain killers, so I don't really remember ALL the details. Good luck :-)


                          • Frankie Reloaded
                            Banned Users
                            • Jan 2011
                            • 541

                            I used nasal snuff after WT extraction. For a day, I think. Then I went back to snus, starting with purified portions that have less juice. I learned I did not like nasal snuff. Again
                            Last edited by Frankie Reloaded; 17-01-14, 02:57 PM. Reason: typo


                            • bpc720
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 188

                              I used snus after getting my wisdom teeth pulled and it was kind of a crap shoot. I got some snus juice into one of the sockets and it burned like fire...really painful. Just be careful not to get juice into exposed holes and you'll be fine


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