I'm in need of funds for Laboratory Tests

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  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    I'm in need of funds for Laboratory Tests

    hey guys I haven't been on the forums for a while now because I've been feeling terrible again and hopefully I will slowly find the cause of my health condition. I have already wasted all the money I had on doctors in the past weeks and still can't get a clear diagnose and I'm feeling terrible daily. My anxiety that most of might have heard me talking about is caused by an underlying illness for sure.

    The doctors and other professional opinions that I got told me that it's SM or more likely Lyme Disease (or at least a virus/bacteria causing this)

    I'm not sure if I am allowed to post this here but I hope the moderators will either delete the thread or move it to an appropriate section of the forum.

    I didn't get the laboratory tests either because I cannot afford them. Both seeing a professional doctor and getting the tests done will cost me up to $1000 that are not covered by the basic health insurance.

    I am really desperate because no one can help me or understand me, and if doctor can't do anything then I have a single choice to start doing my own research and do the laboratory tests on my own.

    I am in real pain (headaches, fatigue, back pain, muscle spasms, stiff neck and head, face numbness, nausea, loss of balance, joints cracking and pain) and I urgently need to have the lab tests done which will be done in another city, the capital of Romania so that will cost me an additional sum.

    I also have severe anxiety lately, God only knows what I am going through.

    I am not begging I am only asking for help and I would have surely helped another person that is in REAL need if I had the money. Momentarily I am completely broke and can't even afford a doctor appointment and no one else can help me.

    I have created a special page on http://www.gofundme.com/LymeDiseaseLaboratoryTest where I can receive donations.

    Please help me :-(

    I really need to know what is going on with me. :-(

    I got so much help from this wonderful community and I believe that if you can't make a small donation, every little bit counts to me right now at least share my donation page with your family and friends and I hope I can raise the money that are necessary for the blood tests.

    I am in real pain for 2 weeks, bed ridden mostly. I feel lost and also ended up in the ER last week, they told me nothing so I had to see other doctors. Finally my only choice is to go another route and take more lab tests.

  • heders
    • Jan 2011
    • 2227

    I can assure you that you are not ill. It's ONLY your anxiety that is causing these symptoms, aches and thoughts. If your anxiety dissapears, your symptoms would dissapear as well.

    Again, YOU ARE NOT ILL, IN ANY WAY. Anxiety is a habit - and is controlled by a gland in the brain called the amygdala. Your amygdala's benchmark for anxiety has been reset to a higher level of anxiety, and think it's the right way to respond.

    You don't need any tests done, because you are not ill. Your doctors can't say anything because they doesn't see anything wrong with you. It's anxiety that causes ALL of these symptoms. NOT A DISEASE.

    What I want you to understand really is that no one has ever died or being harmed by anxiety - a series of nerve impulses. Anxiety is the most vital function an organism can have. It's how we survive. You are perpetuating and fueling your anxiety by giving it credit and keeping it conscious all the time.

    What I want you to do my dear friend is to start keeping your mind busy at all times. Do activities no matter how you feel - activities that keep your mind fully occupied. Your amygdala will adopt to this and set a normal, lower anxiety benchmark which will remove all of yours symptoms, aches, pains and thoughts you are experiencing. What keeps the anxiety live in you is because you give it the credibility that it don't diverse. Anxiety related habits are almost exclusively found in people with a very creative and strong mind. - Only that kind of mind can produce such dramatic and real symptoms like you experience now.

    Understand also that ANXIETY IS NOT DANGEROUS. You are completely healthy. You've just made the anxiety in to a habit.

    Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. Feel free to ask questions, I will answer as best as I can and help you bro!


    • precious007
      Banned Users
      • Sep 2010
      • 5885

      Originally posted by heders
      I can assure you that you are not ill. It's ONLY your anxiety that is causing these symptoms, aches and thoughts. If your anxiety dissapears, your symptoms would dissapear as well.

      Again, YOU ARE NOT ILL, IN ANY WAY. Anxiety is a habit - and is controlled by a gland in the brain called the amygdala. Your amygdala's benchmark for anxiety has been reset to a higher level of anxiety, and think it's the right way to respond.

      You don't need any tests done, because you are not ill. Your doctors can't say anything because they doesn't see anything wrong with you. It's anxiety that causes ALL of these symptoms. NOT A DISEASE.

      What I want you to understand really is that no one has ever died or being harmed by anxiety - a series of nerve impulses. Anxiety is the most vital function an organism can have. It's how we survive. You are perpetuating and fueling your anxiety by giving it credit and keeping it conscious all the time.

      What I want you to do my dear friend is to start keeping your mind busy at all times. Do activities no matter how you feel - activities that keep your mind fully occupied. Your amygdala will adopt to this and set a normal, lower anxiety benchmark which will remove all of yours symptoms, aches, pains and thoughts you are experiencing. What keeps the anxiety live in you is because you give it the credibility that it don't diverse. Anxiety related habits are almost exclusively found in people with a very creative and strong mind. - Only that kind of mind can produce such dramatic and real symptoms like you experience now.

      Understand also that ANXIETY IS NOT DANGEROUS. You are completely healthy. You've just made the anxiety in to a habit.

      Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. Feel free to ask questions, I will answer as best as I can and help you bro!
      I really hope it the anxiety only, but then why do I have all the symptoms that are so similar to the ones that happen in Lyme.

      They're 100% similar, and moreover the are a lot of people in the US and all over Europe that have been told they suffer from anxiety and ended up having Lyme, after years and years of taking anxiety medication.

      I too know a lot headers about anxiety, I have been living with it for 7 years already, however sometimes makes me think it's NOT anxiety, the symptoms are way to debilitating at times, and I am started to get worried when several doctors told me it could be Lyme.

      To be more exact when I first started feeling ill, 7 years ago it all started with a terrible headache, excruciating back pain, dizziness, loss of balance, pain at the back of the head, nausea, panic attacks .... very similar to Lyme. Plus the fact that I have a severe memory problem and brain fog, difficulty learning, understanding what people are saying to me even though I hear them... which again is very likely in Lyme.

      To top it all, when I was about 9, I had two ticks stuck in left side of the neck, and my aunt has pulled them out, so it's mostl ikely that the virus has been dormant till age 19.

      I am sick of being told that it's in my head - that's exactly what a doctor that doesn't have experience with Lyme would say and send you to the psychiatrist. In the US there are special doctors for Lyme called LLMD Lyme Literate Doctors.

      BTW Do you have anxiety?


      • whalen
        • May 2009
        • 6593

        Lyme test is cheap here, although not so reliable. If you have had Lyme for seven years, good luck. Lyme is rampant here in this county, and I have seen the damage it can do undiagnosed. My vet has seen over a thousand dogs with it.
        wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


        • precious007
          Banned Users
          • Sep 2010
          • 5885

          Originally posted by whalen
          Lyme test is cheap here, although not so reliable. If you have had lyme for seven years, good luck. Lyme is rampant here in this county, and i have seen the damage it can do undiagnosed, but Lyme in Romania?
          Yes, there is Lyme in Romania, but not the species of bacteria that is usually found in US.

          There are like 4 or 5 types of bacteria that ticks carry. In Europe they are different to what foudn in the US.

          And I've also lived in Norway, Italia, Bermuda. So God knows all that is possible to have Lyme.

          headers, here's why I Stopped believing it's anxiety:

          everyone of my joints in my body cracks, pops and hurts at times, I gave severe back pain especially in the cervical area.

          Don't forget that anxiety does not destroy the Joints (that's pathetic to believe)

          Anxiety doesn't cause such severe headaches either.

          And I am very sure that anxiety that not cause loss of balance and the type of fatigue that I have, where believe me I am bed ridden for the past 2 weeks.

          And this has happened on and off for 7 years now, apparently my joints got worse than before this year.


          Lyme test are about 300 in the US and Igenex.

          I want to take a complete virus table test to explore all the main types of bacterias which is around 500 - $600.



          • EricHill78
            • Jun 2010
            • 4253

            Have you tried medications or change to your diet? I myself suffer anxiety every once in a while, my friend gives me a Xanax.


            • GoVegan
              • Oct 2009
              • 5603

              precious- you might want to try meditation as a way to ease your anxiety and ease your symptoms. There are some really good meditation programs out there and you can get a lot of guided imagery stuff free on itunes.

              You might want to try a little herb as well. Several members on this forum believe it can cure just about anything and it will definitely help you with the anxiety.



              • Ansel
                • Feb 2011
                • 3696

                If your body is acheing could it be you are just getting older? I notice the odd pop here and there and aches too. Maybe you could take cod liver oil, glucosamine, and chondroitin.


                • precious007
                  Banned Users
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 5885


                  I'm 27, I don't think I'm getting any younger but definitely at this age it's not acceptable to have this health condition.


                  I have been on medication from 2004 - 2008 and been taking loads of xanax myself, it eases the anxiety but it's only a short time relief. I have been of the medications for 3 years now and it got better eventually during this last summer and now it's worse there's ever been. I am really confused myself and not really sure what to believe but I have been told my 2 doctors that it MIGHT be Lyme based on the symptoms and pathology and illness history and also told by several Lyme diagnosed patients that they have 100% similar symptoms.


                  I have tried meditation but doesn't ease the psychical symptoms.

                  MJ makes me even more anxious.


                  • Crow
                    • Oct 2010
                    • 4312

                    Originally posted by GoVegan
                    You might want to try a little herb as well. Several members on this forum believe it can cure just about anything and it will definitely help you with the anxiety.
                    Now Now, I never said it can cure just about anything... But, it can help treat a myriad of symptoms (anxiety being one of them). For you precious007, it might be worth a shot. I would start with a low-dose medible to determine the proper dosage. Also, you might want to try meditation after consumption.

                    Best of luck to you, precious007. I hope you start feeling well soon!
                    Words of Wisdom

                    Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
                    Crow: Of course, that's a given.
                    Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
                    Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
                    Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
                    Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
                    Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
                    Frosted: lucky twat
                    Frosted: Aussie slags
                    Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


                    • precious007
                      Banned Users
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 5885

                      in any case medical MJ can't be purchased in Romania.

                      And MJ particularly is quite expensive to have on daily basis but as I said it my case
                      in actually increases anxiety, because of the psychical addiction.

                      On MJ i do feel relaxed but anxiety creeps in after a couple of hours.

                      Anyways my symptoms are far more than just anxiety symptoms.


                      • heders
                        • Jan 2011
                        • 2227

                        Originally posted by precious007
                        I really hope it the anxiety only, but then why do I have all the symptoms that are so similar to the ones that happen in Lyme.

                        They're 100% similar, and moreover the are a lot of people in the US and all over Europe that have been told they suffer from anxiety and ended up having Lyme, after years and years of taking anxiety medication.

                        I too know a lot headers about anxiety, I have been living with it for 7 years already, however sometimes makes me think it's NOT anxiety, the symptoms are way to debilitating at times, and I am started to get worried when several doctors told me it could be Lyme.

                        To be more exact when I first started feeling ill, 7 years ago it all started with a terrible headache, excruciating back pain, dizziness, loss of balance, pain at the back of the head, nausea, panic attacks .... very similar to Lyme. Plus the fact that I have a severe memory problem and brain fog, difficulty learning, understanding what people are saying to me even though I hear them... which again is very likely in Lyme.

                        To top it all, when I was about 9, I had two ticks stuck in left side of the neck, and my aunt has pulled them out, so it's mostl ikely that the virus has been dormant till age 19.

                        I am sick of being told that it's in my head - that's exactly what a doctor that doesn't have experience with Lyme would say and send you to the psychiatrist. In the US there are special doctors for Lyme called LLMD Lyme Literate Doctors.

                        BTW Do you have anxiety?
                        I'm 100% sure it's because of anxiety. All of the symptoms you describe are caused by anxiety. And worrying about them causes more symptoms because the body think it's in danger, which then makes you worry even more, and an anxiety circle and habit is formed.

                        It's extremely common (almost every long term anxiety sufferer experiences this) to get health anxiety and hypochondria in anxiety "disorders" (I prefer to call them habits as they are not an illness or really a disorder - I can't stress this part too much). Your mind is trying to justify it's feelings of anxiety, and since there is no threat present, your mind turns inwards and analyzes everything you experience, and try the best it can to justify those feelings. The mind can also visualize things to get scared of, kind of like a risk assessment, as you would need in a situation where danger really is present (like a tiger growling in front of you). These are called "what-if"-thoughts. And again, since there is no tiger in front of you, you can have what-if-thoughts about everything, because the mind feels like it's under some kind of threat, but doesn't know why.

                        The reason why doctors can't find anything wrong with you is because there isn't. Lyme disease is, from what I've heard, pretty easy to diagnose. They tell you, as you said "it's all in your head" simply because it is. It's the anxiety playing tricks on you, not any mental illness or something. Just a risk assessment kind of thinking which happened to end up with the fear of disease.

                        I know though how convincing your thoughts are, but rest assured: you are not ill, nor mad. ​You are perfectly healthy.

                        Anxiety is the most vital emotion we have. There isn't any wrong simply because it's 100% natural. It's just not worth continuing feeling like that because there really isn't any need too, and of course that it feels unpleasant, so it's best to break the cykle.

                        You wrote:

                        "To be more exact when I first started feeling ill, 7 years ago it all started with a terrible headache, excruciating back pain, dizziness, loss of balance, pain at the back of the head, nausea, panic attacks .... very similar to Lyme. Plus the fact that I have a severe memory problem and brain fog, difficulty learning, understanding what people are saying to me even though I hear them... which again is very likely in Lyme.To top it all, when I was about 9, I had two ticks stuck in left side of the neck, and my aunt has pulled them out, so it's mostl ikely that the virus has been dormant till age 19. "

                        First of all, it does not take 11 years for lyme disease to develop. It takes 3-4 weeks. Second of all, all the symptoms you have described, including memory loss, brain fog, difficulty learning, understanding what people are saying, is caused by anxiety. I have had a few ticks as well; it's extremely rare to develop lyme disease... just think about cats and dogs who are out all the time. My dog has probably had several hundred ticks, and he has not gotten lyme disease.

                        There is an anxiety method that is the most successful one, which is called "The Linden Method". It's kind of pricy, but totally worth it. Everyone who fully comply to it get cured. It is available at various torrent sites as well, but if you purchase it, you get personal support as well, which I've heard is totally worth it. If you really want it right now, write to me a PM and I can send you a link.

                        From what I've read though I can with confidence say that you do NOT have lyme disease.

                        Originally posted by precious007
                        Anyways my symptoms are far more than just anxiety symptoms.
                        No, they are not far more than anxiety symptoms. They are anxiety symptoms. Trust me, I've been there. I also was a raging hypocondriac, just like you are now, and was 100% convinced I was ill. Now I know for sure that I was not.

                        Anxiety symptoms can be very extreme, but they can NEVER harm you. EVER.

                        And yes, I have had the most extreme anxiety imaginable myself, with all symptoms you describe. Now I don't.

                        What I would like you to do now is stop researching. Stop researching for possible diseases you might have, symptoms you are experiencing, treatments etc. Write me a PM instead bro. I will help you through this!


                        • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 2781

                          I don't know how it works in Romania, but here in the US you can have the tests done and they will send you a bill. Once you get the bill you can call the phone number on it and tell them you can't pay it all at once but you would like to make smaller monthly payments to pay it off. It's worked for me in the past.

                          Good luck! I feel for you. I also suffer from anxiety and it sucks!


                          • heders
                            • Jan 2011
                            • 2227

                            Also, about your aches, pains and numbness, here are some relieving info from Charles Linden, the developer of the Linden Method:

                            "The blood vessels and nerves, which supply the face and head, originate in the neck and shoulders. Many of these nerves and blood vessels are routed across the head to the face. When the body is under stress these areas of the body are usually the first to become tense. Facial numbness can be very disturbing but is usually nothing to worry about and is usually the result of this tension. I experienced periods when my face went completely numb. After visiting a physiotherapist who informed me of this fact and taught me how to relieve the tension, I was able to stop the numbness. I did this by firmly massaging my neck andshoulders; sometimes I would ask my girlfriend to do this for me.

                            The muscles that are used to tip you head in a nodding motion are mainly situated at the back of the neck and it is usually in these muscles that tension is carried. Find the point on the back of the head where the skull stops and the softer neck muscles start. You will find where the muscles attach to the skull by running your fingers on the underside of the skull bone. Using your thumbs, firmly massage all along this area. You may feel a little tender in the areas where the tension is at its worst but doing this regularly or when you feel tense will help. It is a little known fact that many headaches that are identified as migraines actually originate in the neck as tension and can be greatly relieved using this massage technique. Using a cold compress on the neck is also a very useful way to eliminate head pain. You can buy ‘cool strips’ at chemists which last for about 6 hours each, I have found them very useful indeed when I get muscle tension in my neck and head. "

                            Also, about your experienced fatigue. Of course the body will feel fatigued when it's in an anxiety state all the time. Nothing bad about that - it's like when you work out you get tired, and when you have long term anxiety, you get fatigue. Nothing bad, just the way it is.

                            As your anxiety level stabilizes, all of these symptoms will dissapear. Guaranteed.


                            • EricHill78
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 4253

                              I can't afford insurance myself. When I have pains from my herniated disk or colitis, I buy vicodin from people at my work or people they know. Usually tylenol takes off the edge but when it gets bad I need something stronger. I'm going to stop though because if I ever gey caught with that shit I'd be in prison.


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