Louisiana Warns About Neti Pot Use - It Can Eat Your Brain

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Louisiana Warns About Neti Pot Use - It Can Eat Your Brain

    Seriously. While it's extremely rare, water is very easy to boil. I'd suggest anyone using a neti pot boil the water before use.


  • Ansel
    • Feb 2011
    • 3696

    holy sh*t, did you post this up on snuffhouse.org?


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Originally posted by Ansel
      holy sh*t, did you post this up on snuffhouse.org?
      No. I'm not a member there.


      • Ansel
        • Feb 2011
        • 3696

        now i am worried about putting nasal snuff up my nose with dirty fingers :-s


        • Ansel
          • Feb 2011
          • 3696

          ok i posted it up there: http://snuffhouse.org/discussion/571...eat-your-brain


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Well, that's a very specific water born pathogen. There's land based flesh eating bacteria, so I guess something bad is possible, but people stick they're fingers and stuff in their noses all the time, and nothing happens. I wouldn't be too concerned. Really, the water issue /may/ be geographically specific, but I'd have to read up on it. Boiling water first is a good idea anyway. It gets rid of some chemicals and crap they put in municipal water, and there's no telling what is in well water, especially in densely populated areas.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              The neti pot specifically says in the directions to boil it first I believe.


              • Bigblue1
                Banned Users
                • Dec 2008
                • 3923

                Originally posted by sgreger1
                The neti pot specifically says in the directions to boil it first I believe.
                I don't think so bro. Pretty sure it says to use warm water for comfort but not to boil it first. At least the neil-med sinu-rinse I have said that. It may have even said not to use extremely hot water. Anyways pretty sure this is a fluke. I believe netis were invented by the hindus ayurveda's. That's way back when. If water today is not safer than then I don't know what is. Full disclosure I didn't check out the link. But I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't a hit piece against homeopathic cures for things big pharma would rather sell drugs for.......


                • Ansel
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 3696

                  Originally posted by Bigblue1
                  I believe netis were invented by the hindus ayurveda's. That's way back when. If water today is not safer than then I don't know what is.
                  good point


                  • EricHill78
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 4253

                    Another tip.. don't use it as an enema replacement.


                    • shikitohno
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 1156

                      Originally posted by Bigblue1
                      I believe netis were invented by the hindus ayurveda's.
                      And? What's your point? Ayurvedic medicine may convey some health benefits, but this is a pretty poor argument. Back when ayurvedic medicine was first beginning to solidify, people still believed in a huge amount of superstitions. In many parts of India they still do today. They also had no idea about bacteria and viruses. If such bacteria caused someone to get sick or die, it would have been far more likely for people blame it on a curse or evil spirits or something than for anyone to say, "Hey, he used that neti pot, maybe that was it...."

                      Also, a quick search reveals the bacteria is rather widespread in its range, but that human infections are pretty rare. Across the US there were supposed to have been something like 10 cases last year. Given such low frequency spread out across a large area like India, most people would probably only see 1 or 2 cases in their life if they ever saw any, and chalk it up to some supernatural cause.


                      • heders
                        • Jan 2011
                        • 2227

                        You would have to be extremely unlucky for this to happen, but for safety, I will boil my water first if I do that. I don't have a neti pot, but a "Nesaline", which looks like a large syringe which you use for sinus flushing. I have never boiled my water, but I only use it when I'm really sick.


                        • Slidingblues
                          • Sep 2011
                          • 316

                          Originally posted by Bigblue1
                          Full disclosure I didn't check out the link. But I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't a hit piece against homeopathic cures for things big pharma would rather sell drugs for.......
                          It was in the local paper and the news down here.


                          • RickP
                            New Member
                            • Nov 2012
                            • 1

                            Neti Pots

                            Originally posted by Bigblue1
                            I don't think so bro. Pretty sure it says to use warm water for comfort but not to boil it first. At least the neil-med sinu-rinse I have said that. It may have even said not to use extremely hot water. Anyways pretty sure this is a fluke. I believe netis were invented by the hindus ayurveda's. That's way back when. If water today is not safer than then I don't know what is. Full disclosure I didn't check out the link. But I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't a hit piece against homeopathic cures for things big pharma would rather sell drugs for.......
                            The major Brand Neti Pots all clearly state to use distilled water - they have stated that even before the "scare".


                            • Frankie Reloaded
                              Banned Users
                              • Jan 2011
                              • 541

                              A few summers ago I read almost identical scare story in a Czech newspaper warning Czechs not to swim anywhere but in the chlorinated pools, otherwise this big bad bug will eat their kids´brains.

                              I suppose the bug does exist and does eat brains, but it is extremely rare and used to herd people to products peddled in the respective area, be it pharmaceuticals in the US or paid pools in Czechia

                              BTW, have you got the flu shot yet? I mean influenza can kill you million times easier than this scary brain-eater...


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