I can tolerate neither e-cigs nor nasal snuff :(

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  • Reynard
    • Feb 2009
    • 804

    I can tolerate neither e-cigs nor nasal snuff :(

    Hi guys,

    I have been having an experimental few weeks, hoping that I could have a complementary nicotine source (other than snus) and first tried to get back into nasal snuff. This time round I had the same problem that I had on previous attempts, my nose got gradually more and more clogged up, until the whole process became most unpleasant. I have tried both medicated snuff and sp and frankly I am sick of trying and am just going to leave my nose alone.

    Well I had some unfinished business with vaping too, so I gave that a go again, on a 5v box mod and 18mg ejuice (3.7v is no good for me). Several problems with this too: I was overdosing on nic, with my snus, and would wake up with a pallor and black circles round my eyes. The main problem, though, that developed gradually is the exacerbation of asthma - my asthma on ecigs was worse than when I was smoking. I know e cigarettes are quite new and god knows what they were doing to my lungs but I had to quit it, I nearly found myself getting an ambulance at one point.

    So I am left with my snus lol, I guess most folks in Sweden just use snus but obviously with the communities on the net you find out about people using snuff and ecigs in conjunction. I think I've exhausted the possibilities there. And I'm not too keen to be using dip or chew. On the plus side I am really getting into lös, I much prefer it to portions when I am at home. I have all 3 SS icetools on order for Xmas, along with 3 rolls of lös (although it won't be here for Xmas)

    Any bright ideas?

    PS @Ansel A large tin of o&g is on its way to you for free when I send the thunder l/c, if that suits
  • Ansel
    • Feb 2011
    • 3696

    Sounds like you've made the right choice mate. E-cigs are not for me. Nasal snuff i can do but only in moderation. Snus is the winner - los and portions.

    (thanks let me know when it arrives)


    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
      • Dec 2008
      • 2781

      I don't get along with e-cigs either but do enjoy nasal snuff in moderation. If you feel you need something other than snus maybe you would enjoy the occasional pipe bowl. Pipe smoking can be a fun hobby IMO. Good Luck!


      • Ansel
        • Feb 2011
        • 3696

        Good point Mr Snuffleupagus, if you want to learn learn from PipeFriendCHS on YouTube :-)

        I would start with a simple clay pipe from Mysmokingshop


        • DanielO
          • Nov 2011
          • 66

          It is interesting that ecigs bothered your asthma more than regular cigs. Recently I had pneumonia, and ecigs made me cough waaaay more than regular cigs. I gave up the ecigs altogether while I was sick. I could smoke a hand rolled Prince Albert easier than an ecig (I tried).

          Nasal snuff is something I really enjoy. My usual snuff is Toque Natural Toast. I've got a variety of flavors in the cellar, but it's the only one I use regularly. I'm still a relative snus newbie (about six months on the job), and when I use up my current varied stock of snus I think I'll be sticking to Ettan loose. I also smoke a pipe, and my favorite tobaccos there are McClelland PM Pipe (English), Sir Walter Raleigh (OTC/Codger Burley), and Lane 1Q (Aromatic). Speaking of which, it's time for that after lunch bowl...

          Edit: Not to be disagreeable, but I wouldn't start with a clay pipe. They smoke hot and break easily. Start with a MM cob. I own about 30 of them and find them reliable as heck. About half of mine have forever stems (google it), and the other half I use filters in. Once you've learned to properly load a bowl and smoke it, graduate to briar or meerschaum. I've got a buttload of briars and love them dearly, but I picked up meerschaums rather lately in my pipe smoking career. Gotta obtain more meerschaums. Gotta obtain more meerschaums. You think TAD is bad, wait until you catch PAD.


          • Reynard
            • Feb 2009
            • 804

            Thanks for all your input, but wouldn't pipe smoking present a cancer risk? I use snus - and attempted the other methods of delivery - due to the relatively low risks.


            • Ansel
              • Feb 2011
              • 3696

              Originally posted by Vulpes
              but wouldn't pipe smoking present a cancer risk?
              Take a look at the pipe smokers there have been and how long they lived for the most part - like Bertrand Russell, Albert Einstein, and loads others.

              It's the safest form of tobacco combustion out there in my opinion.


              • LincolnSnuff
                • May 2010
                • 676

                Originally posted by Ansel
                It's the safest form of tobacco combustion out there in my opinion.
                An oxymoron for sure, but I agree as long as you don't inhale regularly.


                • Ansel
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 3696

                  Originally posted by LincolnSnuff
                  An oxymoron for sure, but I agree as long as you don't inhale regularly.
                  I was talking about if you smoked a pipe never inhaling into lungs, and trying to limit your passive smoking of the smoke...


                  • Reynard
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 804

                    I won't be taking up pipe smoking, but I appreciate the thought. I'll just stick with fat prillas of black gold that is Offroad Lakrits lös

                    This is an interesting and relevant vid, though: Bertrand Russell on Smoking


                    • wa3zrm
                      • May 2009
                      • 4436

                      Snus was able to get me off a 30+ year cigarette habit! As far as nasal snuff, I began using it VERY SLOWLY... at first, the only snuff's I could tolerate were German Posch's. American and English snuff's "blew my head off" and I still wonder about people that use them... especially an American brand called Rooster

                      It took me a few years to discover Dutch and German Shmalzer's. Two brands that I really love are Bernard's and Molens. I especially like Molen's Gingerbread and Pompadour (although they are not Shmalzer's).

                      As far as e-cigs go, I primarily use 0 nic juices. E-cig's for me are a flavor experience... if I get some juice with nic in it, I usually water it down with PG & VG. I really enjoy finding snus, snuff and vaping combos that complement each other. Currently, I on a Mint kick and use Thunder Frosted, Posch's Spearmint and an ejuice called Irish Mist.
                      If you have any problems with my posts or signature


                      • EricHill78
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 4253

                        I thought Irish mist is what happens when Sirloot eats a lot of potatoes.


                        • Ansel
                          • Feb 2011
                          • 3696

                          Originally posted by EricHill78
                          I thought Irish mist is what happens when Sirloot eats a lot of potatoes.

                          Well, Vulpes - pipe smoking doesn't really do it for me anymore. Other than snus i do enjoy certain nasal snuffs but it took me more than a few trys to master nasal snuffing. You never know you may come back to nasal snuff in a few months time and 'get it'.


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