Swedish Match clinical trial

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  • KarlvB
    • Feb 2008
    • 681

    Swedish Match clinical trial

    "The study aims to establish if a low-nitrosamine, smokeless tobacco product (Swedish snus) can help adult smokers to reduce and eventually completely quit smoking."


    Why don't they just do a straw poll on this forum?
  • mwood72

    Free Snus for all particpants from SM Mind you you might end up with the Onico placebo


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Originally posted by mwood72
      Free Snus for all particpants from SM Mind you you might end up with the Onico placebo
      LMAO! :^D


      • spirit72
        • Apr 2008
        • 1013

        Looks like they're after people who currently smoke more than 10 cigarettes per day. One group will use snus as a replacement, the control group will use Onico.

        Poor, poor control group. :wink:


        • mwood72

          Originally posted by spirit72
          Looks like they're after people who currently smoke more than 10 cigarettes per day. One group will use snus as a replacement, the control group will use Onico.

          Poor, poor control group. :wink:
          I just know I'd end up with the Onico!


          • jamesstew
            • May 2008
            • 1440

            I'm very keen to hear the findings of this study once it has been completed. I still am amazed looking back how simple it was for me to quit my two pack a day habit. I lost all cravings for cigarettes within two weeks and have had only one cigarette in the last two months. Furthermore this cigarette was not in the least bit satisfying and I couldn't even finish it. In the past I've used the gum, patches, Welbutrin, and cold turkey. Although I was able to quit for up to a year with these methods none was easy and I ended up gaining significant weight each time. It would be interesting to do a 'sticky' poll on this site to find out how many people have quit smoking with snus.


            • MN_Snuser
              • May 2008
              • 354

              Originally posted by jamesstew
              It would be interesting to do a 'sticky' poll on this site to find out how many people have quit smoking with snus.
              Count me as a cigarette quitter. I tried all the various smoking cessation products, gum, patches, welbutrin, cold turkey, etc. I wish I would have found snus 10 years ago. I said it before, but I will say it again, Thanks Sweden!


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