Nightmares from Snus?

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  • 6pieceperal
    • Jan 2012
    • 49

    Nightmares from Snus?

    OK, stop
    Since i have been snusing-2 weeks- i have been having vivid nightmares. I have been chain snusing sometimes and using two portions at a time sometimes. I have read that some nicotine patch users have nightmares. I wonder if i am over dosing on Nicotine. I always have a good snus in before bedtime and snus maybe 7-8 portions a day. Usualy General regular portions and whites. I also quit the cigs two weeks ago-dont know if that has anything to do with it.
    Anyone else have this problem?
  • Fazer
    • May 2011
    • 663

    I had really bad nightmares from nicotine patches, violent nightmares, proper bad. Then i found snus, but i'd say it's more vivid dreams and not nightmares with snus


    • heders
      • Jan 2011
      • 2227

      I've had that a lot, but mostly if I use strong portions, or snus right before bed (and had a stressful day). How it works is, nicotine is a strong stimulant, and there's a lot of nicotine in snus. What it kind of does is put your body in to a "fight or flight response" (since it pumps up your central nervous system). This means, your body is prepared to fight or fleeing from a potential danger. Strong doses of nicotine can mimic this, and when you're falling asleep in that state, your thoughts (dreams) are affected.

      I've also had episodes where I have jumped (yes, jumped) out of my bed in panic at night in the middle of a bad dream (I dreamt once that I crashed with a buss and had to jump out right before the impact). This has only occurred after having lots of coffee and lots of (strong) snus during the day.

      Do you drink coffee? I think this problem gets worse from combining snus and coffee through-out the day.


      • Fazer
        • May 2011
        • 663

        Originally posted by heders
        I've had that a lot, but mostly if I use strong portions, or snus right before bed (and had a stressful day). How it works is, nicotine is a strong stimulant, and there's a lot of nicotine in snus. What it kind of does is put your body in to a "fight or flight response" (since it pumps up your central nervous system). This means, your body is prepared to fight or fleeing from a potential danger. Strong doses of nicotine can mimic this, and when you're falling asleep in that state, your thoughts (dreams) are affected.

        I've also had episodes where I have jumped (yes, jumped) out of my bed in panic at night in the middle of a bad dream (I dreamt once that I crashed with a buss and had to jump out right before the impact). This has only occurred after having lots of coffee and lots of (strong) snus during the day.

        Do you drink coffee? I think this problem gets worse from combining snus and coffee through-out the day.
        Haha ... And i thought i had problems mate You jumped out of your bed in panic!! lmao I just killed people, or was being killed in my nightmares! It's funny now but at the time it was hell, and yes, i was drinking lots of coffee


        • heders
          • Jan 2011
          • 2227

          Originally posted by Fazer
          Haha ... And i thought i had problems mate You jumped out of your bed in panic!! lmao I just killed people, or was being killed in my nightmares! It's funny now but at the time it was hell, and yes, i was drinking lots of coffee
          Hahaha I know! It's frickin' crazy. I know I mention coffee everywhere now but I have put together 2+2 now and are starting to see how my coffee drinking and excessive snus usage have made my body react like that. But man, imagine how confused I were when I wake up in mid-air and landing on the floor in my dark room... damn, haha.


          • Snusdog
            • Jun 2008
            • 6752

            I keep having this nightmare that a bunch of pansy ass buffoons are passing all these laws that make it harder and harder to get snus.................but in the end I hop on a bike being peddled by a duck and can't seem to find anywhere to buy we pull off at a road side stand and then I'm in Paris with my next door neighbor but the Eifel tower has been loaned out to a Kiddie park in Blantucken New we just go to my old second grade classroom instead
            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


            • Roo
              • Jun 2008
              • 3446

              I'm an avid dreamer -- dreams within dreams, lucid dreams, all kinds of dreams. One thing I've always found interesting is that I NEVER dream of familiar places or situations; I am always in some far-off foreign land doing really weird shit. For several years of my life almost every night I dreamed of being on a huge boat, or sometimes a small boat, that was going down. Another recurring theme is pooping in public -- like I'm out doing whatever and suddenly decide to find some not-so-discreet place to take a shit, and invariably I end up with an audience. There's a lot one could try to read into that I suppose. But yeah, dreaming is a huge part of my life, and one of the reasons I love to sleep. It's a little weird to me sometimes that my dreams are so far removed from my day-to-day waking reality, but of course, they are more interesting that way. I can only think of one time where I dreamed of my own house or apartment, and it was accompanied by sleep paralysis and dreams-within-dreams, so it's not as if it were any more "normal" than what I've come to expect. I have always been this way and I don't sleep with snus, so I'm not attributing it to snus. Just throwing down on the dream conversation. Dream on brother, and don't be afraid of your nightmares either. They are your mind's own horror movies, and way better than anything that comes out of Hollywood.


              • jagmanss
                • Jul 2010
                • 12213

                Roo, Wait a minute! Aren't you always in some far-off Freakin' foreign land doing really weird shit anyway... Eh! Besides... Ya ever think Fredie is comming and you know you can control the dreams.... I do and do control them... Prety cool shit...


                • jagmanss
                  • Jul 2010
                  • 12213

                  Sometimes I see my naked grandma from snus dreams... Scary shit i tell ya!

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	naked-grandma-5.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	7.0 KB
ID:	596169


                  • precious007
                    Banned Users
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 5885

                    I had a few vivid dreams and sleep paralysis from over doing snus.

                    I was at one can a day almost :-)


                    • Roo
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 3446

                      Sleep paralysis is not caused by snus Precious, let's not freak people out.


                      • Fazer
                        • May 2011
                        • 663

                        Originally posted by precious007
                        I had a few vivid dreams and sleep paralysis from over doing snus.

                        I was at one can a day almost :-)
                        A few years ago at the height of my snus usage (almost one can a day), i had really vivid dreams. A couple years ago i went to snuff full time for a few weeks because of a lack money, the dreams stopped, almost. I still dream now, it's just not as bad

                        For me ...

                        Snus = Dreams
                        Snuff = Dreams
                        NRT = Nightmares


                        • Frosted
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 5798

                          I had a nightmare last night. This big dog turd with a rapist mask was chasing me with a mallet and my feet were stuck to the ground as it started smashing my limbs off.
                          That was some scary shit.


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Snus gives me lucid dreams, but not scary ones. Scary dreams are fine though. That keeps life interesting.

                            On a side note, my tomcat hissed in his sleep a month or so ago. I'd love to know what he was dreaming about. He's kind of an asshole :^D


                            • Nuusku
                              • Aug 2011
                              • 993

                              I remember when I was a kid and i smoked a tobacco at the evening, I used to see nightmares of a monster what looked like Michael Jackson

                              it was horrible

                              I'm traumatised for life


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