Snus vs Cigarettes and slowed digestion?

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  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    Snus vs Cigarettes and slowed digestion?

    I dont know what made me think of this, but I have noticed that with snus, I poop much less frequently than I used to when I was a cigarette smoker.

    Kindof a gross topic, but have any other smoker-turned-snusers noticed a significant decrease in your momements since starting snus?
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    Maybe you eat less frequently with snus? Nicotine stimulates insulin production, so you probably burn more calories when snusing, but maybe it slows your stomach down too? Dunno, man - try pubmed?


    • Azrsuperstar
      • May 2008
      • 55

      Yeah, I've noticed a few slight changs in my bowel movements since I started snussing which was about 3 months ago. However, I should mention that I was never that regular to begin with. If it really bothers you, consider eating yougurt as the enzymes in it help keep my regular. Also, avoid swallowing snus juice. If it gets worse, don't delay go and see a physician.

      Good Luck.


      • darkwing
        • Oct 2007
        • 415

        My advice is if you quit smoking, watch out for changes in poops, which may be no big deal or may signal something pretty horrible and incurable - quitting is a sort of trigger for irritable bowel and full colitis. Snus may hold that at bay due to nicotine, but other elements in tobacco smoke inhalation, including carbon monoxide, have a preventative effect against those diseases. Some specialists and general practicioners even recommend (on the downlow) 5 cigs a day for sufferers of bowel disease. Poops are no joke if you are afflicted with one of those griotesque and debilitating conditions.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          I haven't noticed any difference. When i was smoking, my first cigarette of the day acted as the 'trigger". Now, my first portion does the same thing. I have always been mostly regular, and still am with snus.

          Full service forum I tell you. No question to much to ask. :P


          • Xobeloot
            • Jan 2008
            • 2542

            Actually, Dark, I am the complete opposite of that. When I was a chain-smoker, I had severe gastro-intestinal and digestive issues (diagnosed as IBS). I have a bottle of medicine in my bathroom that is some sort of mild barbituate to calm my intestinal spazms. Since I quit smoking, I have minimal stomach problems and I have movements far less frequently. My diet has not been changed other than swapping cigs for snus.

            Snus seems to have a medicinal effect on preexisting stomach issues I had for quite some time. I have been snusing for roughly 7 months now, and in that time I havent had to take a single pill for my intestinal cramps. Meanwhile, I only poop once a day (if that).

            I guess the purpose of this thread was to see if anyone else had found this magical aspect of snus.


            • darkwing
              • Oct 2007
              • 415

              Xobeloot, your story is heartening, but unusual, I think, given the research evidence out there. Certainly for me the opposite of your story is true - smoking makes me OK, not smoking gets me onto corticosteroid meds just to be able to function, snusing puts me somewhere in the middle.


              • Xobeloot
                • Jan 2008
                • 2542

                I don't know why it has this effect on me, but I am sure not complaining


                • spirit72
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 1013

                  At the risk of sounding old-fashioned, and this is addressed to my fellow American snusers in particular, make sure you're getting enough fiber.

                  I mentioned some minor trouble to my M.D. at my last visit with him at the end of February--I had been off cigs for a couple months at that point and was still using Camel snus rather than Swedish. He said that the first thing to do before trying anything treatment-wise was to make sure I'm getting as close to 100% RDA as possible. As we all know, the American diet is notoriously low in fiber and notoriusly high in fat and cholesterol. He said that in his opinion, many of the cases of 'IBS' and other lower digestive disorders that are found in the U.S. are probably caused at least in part by insufficient fiber intake.

                  Since then, I've been supplementing with Metamicil, and trying to get more things like oatmeal, bran cereal, nuts and more green-leafies, along with taking a multivitamin every morning. Since then, welll.....things have been much better. :wink:


                  • Dead Rabbit
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 315

                    this thread stinks


                    • Xobeloot
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2542

                      Well did you expect a thread about pooping to smell like roses? :lol:


                      • Zeno
                        • Apr 2008
                        • 79

                        Originally posted by Xobeloot
                        Well did you expect a thread about pooping to smell like roses? :lol:
                        Maybe if you use enough skruf stark, it has some roseoil in it :wink:


                        • bondzai
                          • Apr 2008
                          • 362

                          I remember over thirty years ago when I tried Skoal my poop smelled like wintergreeen.


                          • Umran
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 47

                            Originally posted by Xobeloot
                            Meanwhile, I only poop once a day (if that).
                            and thats it reduced??? dear god man, what were you like before. I barely go twice a week, though i've always been like that .... my dad though goes 3 times a day like clockwork.

                            before i risk turning this purely into a comparison of toiletry visits game, have you perhaps upped the amount of nictotine you're getting?? using strong portions 24/7 etc always heard that smoking reduced hunger (a model i knew swears by that fact hehe) so i suppose its the same thing for snus.


                            • superdevil
                              • Jul 2008
                              • 158

                              This is a pretty shitty forum but I have noticed a change in BM's over the last few weeks. I quit smoking all together and within a few days I went from having the runny irregular shits to having something sort of resembling normalcy in the commode dept. I usually go maybe two or three times in one day, skip a day, then two or three the next day. Weird but better than out of nowhere having to go for no reason.


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