snus and fitness

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  • devilock76
    • Aug 2010
    • 1737

    Originally posted by sgreger1
    You seem to know significantly more than I do about anything on this subject so let me ask you a question that I have asked others before but always get different answers. If I have 30 minutes to work out, and my goal is to gain muscle in my upper body while also facilitating some weight loss, what is the best thing to do? Also, is it better to do lighter weight with more reps, or to just pick a weight where you can only do 1 rep of 10 for example?
    OK I am not an expert. I also don't know you or your shape or your health issues if there are any. So no advice. But some general rules.

    1. For building muscle mass generally a weight that allows you to do 8-12 reps before you hit total failure, total failure is you cannot possibly do another rep, period.
    2. You only need one set for any muscle, the following sets do nothing but add to your fatigue, once you have worked that muscle the adaptive response process takes a good 48 hours. Let that muscle/muscle group rest and repair before the next session.
    3. During that recovery time the muscle adapting will help with metabolism and caloric burn as well.

    Here is what I do for my workouts. I have a total gym rip off thing and some free weights (dumbbells). Between those I can hit every muscle group through an HIT session in about 20 minutes with rapid transitions though the workout. Exercise to exercise little to no rest, and I make sure to try to do the whole body but space because as you hit one group it might also get another group so in the absence of total muscle isolation I try to give the secondary group to the exercise recovery before or after it is the primary group to an exercise.

    On the off days from strength training days I do cardio. I do it at a fast pace, not plugging along for hours on end. I do a fast 20-30 minutes on the exercise bike these days. I would like an eliptical and would love to be back running again but running and the injuries with it are a pain. Oddly barefoot running is easier for me so I might slowly get back into that. I am one of those that has good form and no pronation issues, important if you run barefoot.

    I basically alternate that in a 7 day cycle, weights, cardio, weights, cardio, weights, cardio, day of rest repeat. Now of course life always kicks in and getting the full 6 days any week rarely happens, so I try to mix in activities. I am a gigging musician so I count all the gear lifting and work of a gig (3 hour stage show) a good workout. My oldest is having a bully issue so now more of my time is spent in teaching him martial arts (more for the sake of upping his confidence). So that draws on my time. But ideally my goal is those 6 days a week.

    After I got hurt as a runner 15 years ago I spent a good deal of time drinking and smoking and eating chips watching the tube. Never got bad heavy but was definitely not in shape. In the past year or two I have gone back to training and living a better life style. My results have managed to mitigate my reflux issues, and also my cardio and cholesterol stats look great, so much so the cardiologist now says I only need to come every two years to check up on my heart condition.

    I share this all because I am not trying to be My Olympia, nor could I be as I am more of an ectomorph body type. But I am making sure I stay fit to play with my kids, fit enough to remain active as a stage musician and not a lump on stage.

    You say your goal is to gain muscle in your upper body. Your genetics may never let you look like Arnold, many of us that is the case. But HIT is generally considered the safest way to muscle build.

    Now to build pure strength there is even a higher level of HIT, that is going for max weight, 3 reps at the max weight you can do. That is getting into the domain of power lifters and as the opposite side of the spectrum has many injury risks. Putting your body under that weight can be very dangerous. Even with a spotter and being in great shape.



    • devilock76
      • Aug 2010
      • 1737

      Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus
      "(SCI) Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture shows there is no evidence to support the argument that organic food is better than food grown with the use of pesticides and chemicals."

      I don't care if it's scientifically proven to be healthier or not. I just don't want to eat that shit. And the first link I can't read because I stopped using google LOL.
      With your search engine of choice enter pesticides in organic food, you will find many links...



      • devilock76
        • Aug 2010
        • 1737

        Oh and no recommendation on the total gym or the rip offs. It is what I have so I make use of it. Garage sale free weights could work. Heck stacks of books and body weight can work. Just be creative and safe. For me it works well enough but there are problems. Someone as tall as me often has fitting issues on the total gym type machines. Someone shorter but already more fit could have trouble getting enough resistence from the same machine to reach the levels for an HIT type workout.

        I think I might like a bowflex next, no not because of the commercials but I think that would work for me without having to deal with freeweights in the house. If I ever got to that point I would probably just deal with a gym membership. Solves the wanting an elliptical problem at the same time if I go that route.



        • devilock76
          • Aug 2010
          • 1737

          Oh and the rest of the equation, when you are not working out, stay active. Those sessions are for intensity but for the overall calorie burn maintenance, take walks, the stairs, heck go dancing, go do something that is not on your rump in front of the tv. Play guitar, garden, play with the kids, the dog, go have some bedroom fun with your wife, you name it.

          Eat less, move more, that is it.



          • devilock76
            • Aug 2010
            • 1737

            Originally posted by sgreger1
            I know honey is pretty good for you,I just hadn't heard of the dandilion thing. I'll throw some in for good measure just to see. I am goign to start making these in the mornings now. I just can't stomach too many vegies otherwise, i'm more of a meat only type.
            I am the same way, so what I do is I find ways to get my veggies into recipes that are not just veggies. A good lentil soup for example, black bean chili, oh and I make a mean catfish gumbo. Indian recipes are good as well like khichdi or chor masala.



            • Mr. Snuffleupagus
              • Dec 2008
              • 2781

              Originally posted by devilock76
              With your search engine of choice enter pesticides in organic food, you will find many links...

              Yeah I read some. They mostly say organics don't have pesticides or at least as much:





              • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                • Dec 2008
                • 2781

                Pesticides is just one thing though. I'm not into GMO. so organic is what I choose.


                • devilock76
                  • Aug 2010
                  • 1737

                  Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus
                  The first one is selling organic food, immediately discounted for conflict of interest.

                  The second is the one I mentioned contradicts itself.

                  The third one says it uses no synthetic pesticides, which is what I said, they use non synthetic pesticides, often more of them and they are often more dangerous than the synthetic equivalents.



                  • devilock76
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 1737

                    Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus
                    Pesticides is just one thing though. I'm not into GMO. so organic is what I choose.
                    I will have to find the news report from a while back, but there have been reports that they are finding more GMO products in organic food because there is nothing to prevent the cross pollination between neighboring organic and GMO farms. So even that is becoming a completely moot point in the argument.



                    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 2781

                      Originally posted by devilock76
                      I will have to find the news report from a while back, but there have been reports that they are finding more GMO products in organic food because there is nothing to prevent the cross pollination between neighboring organic and GMO farms. So even that is becoming a completely moot point in the argument.

                      I don't really see it as an argument. More of a choice I get to make for myself. It's not about proving one is better or not. But I value the freedom to make my choice. I'm just anti big agriculture. I want real food, not synthetics.


                      • devilock76
                        • Aug 2010
                        • 1737

                        Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus
                        I don't really see it as an argument. More of a choice I get to make for myself. It's not about proving one is better or not. But I value the freedom to make my choice. I'm just anti big agriculture. I want real food, not synthetics.
                        I understand, just pointing out that you seem to be deluding yourself. You do realize most of the "organics" also come from big companies, out to make a buck, and also from China. So instead of spending their money and time for research and developments for higher crop yields to feed more people they spend it on marketing to convince hippies that they can have a superiority complex because they buy their food.



                        • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 2781

                          Originally posted by devilock76
                          I understand, just pointing out that you seem to be deluding yourself. You do realize most of the "organics" also come from big companies, out to make a buck, and also from China. So instead of spending their money and time for research and developments for higher crop yields to feed more people they spend it on marketing to convince hippies that they can have a superiority complex because they buy their food.

                          I don't buy big box organics. That's a marketing scam. So I'm not deluding myself. I appreciate you caring though. The stuff I buy is ligit. I'm lucky to live in an area where that's possible. I also enjoy growing my own food.


                          • devilock76
                            • Aug 2010
                            • 1737

                            Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus
                            I don't buy big box organics. That's a marketing scam. So I'm not deluding myself. I appreciate you caring though. The stuff I buy is ligit. I'm lucky to live in an area where that's possible. I also enjoy growing my own food.
                            Will agree that growing your own food is organic as it gets. We do a vegetable garden most years. I think I might be getting better at it. Probably not.



                            • sgreger1
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 9451

                              Originally posted by devilock76
                              OK I am not an expert. I also don't know you or your shape or your health issues if there are any. So no advice. But some general rules.

                              1. For building muscle mass generally a weight that allows you to do 8-12 reps before you hit total failure, total failure is you cannot possibly do another rep, period.
                              2. You only need one set for any muscle, the following sets do nothing but add to your fatigue, once you have worked that muscle the adaptive response process takes a good 48 hours. Let that muscle/muscle group rest and repair before the next session.
                              3. During that recovery time the muscle adapting will help with metabolism and caloric burn as well.

                              Here is what I do for my workouts. I have a total gym rip off thing and some free weights (dumbbells). Between those I can hit every muscle group through an HIT session in about 20 minutes with rapid transitions though the workout. Exercise to exercise little to no rest, and I make sure to try to do the whole body but space because as you hit one group it might also get another group so in the absence of total muscle isolation I try to give the secondary group to the exercise recovery before or after it is the primary group to an exercise.

                              On the off days from strength training days I do cardio. I do it at a fast pace, not plugging along for hours on end. I do a fast 20-30 minutes on the exercise bike these days. I would like an eliptical and would love to be back running again but running and the injuries with it are a pain. Oddly barefoot running is easier for me so I might slowly get back into that. I am one of those that has good form and no pronation issues, important if you run barefoot.

                              I basically alternate that in a 7 day cycle, weights, cardio, weights, cardio, weights, cardio, day of rest repeat. Now of course life always kicks in and getting the full 6 days any week rarely happens, so I try to mix in activities. I am a gigging musician so I count all the gear lifting and work of a gig (3 hour stage show) a good workout. My oldest is having a bully issue so now more of my time is spent in teaching him martial arts (more for the sake of upping his confidence). So that draws on my time. But ideally my goal is those 6 days a week.

                              After I got hurt as a runner 15 years ago I spent a good deal of time drinking and smoking and eating chips watching the tube. Never got bad heavy but was definitely not in shape. In the past year or two I have gone back to training and living a better life style. My results have managed to mitigate my reflux issues, and also my cardio and cholesterol stats look great, so much so the cardiologist now says I only need to come every two years to check up on my heart condition.

                              I share this all because I am not trying to be My Olympia, nor could I be as I am more of an ectomorph body type. But I am making sure I stay fit to play with my kids, fit enough to remain active as a stage musician and not a lump on stage.

                              You say your goal is to gain muscle in your upper body. Your genetics may never let you look like Arnold, many of us that is the case. But HIT is generally considered the safest way to muscle build.

                              Now to build pure strength there is even a higher level of HIT, that is going for max weight, 3 reps at the max weight you can do. That is getting into the domain of power lifters and as the opposite side of the spectrum has many injury risks. Putting your body under that weight can be very dangerous. Even with a spotter and being in great shape.


                              Great advice devilock, thanks so much for spelling it out. SO literally ti is better for me to take a 40lb weight, do 12 reps with it, and then be done? Rather than doing a bunch of sets with a smaller weight? That is awesome, and what I was hoping for. I am not trying to get jacked, I just want to get back to how I was in my army days where I felt strong and wasn't so overweight. I never did much in the gym, bakc then it was all running or crossfit type stuff where you run here, do a million pushups, pulls ups, run there etc, then spend the rest of the day lifting heavy things and moving them from one container to the next, walking around with 60lbs of body armor and gear etc. I really don't want to ever do that again, especially the running, it wa so hard on my kneese and it is jsut not my cup of tea. After I got out I pretty much completely stopped exercising and now I absolutely must get back in shape because suddenly my BP is high, my glucose level is getting high, I am gaining weight etc.

                              I am 5'10 and 182 lbs right now, I am trying to get back down to 175, and i'd like to put some arm muscle and six pack back on me. The only way I ever knew how to exercise was really basic stuff like push ups and situps, chin ups etc since we never did much at the gym, but I wanted to buy some weights this weekend to do some stuff in my house. I will just buy some weights where I can do 12 reps and then hopefully that will be good.

                              So you shoul only do one set of 12, and that's it? Just do that every other day? Is there anything I should eat or drink for recovery, because my muscles get EXTREMELY sore if I do even mild exercise nowadays. I know it's not water since I drink a ton of that, maybe it will get better with practice..


                              • sgreger1
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 9451

                                Originally posted by devilock76
                                Oh and the rest of the equation, when you are not working out, stay active. Those sessions are for intensity but for the overall calorie burn maintenance, take walks, the stairs, heck go dancing, go do something that is not on your rump in front of the tv. Play guitar, garden, play with the kids, the dog, go have some bedroom fun with your wife, you name it.

                                Eat less, move more, that is it.


                                That is my problem right now, I work in an office at a computer, then go home and do computer stuff or maybe get out for an hour or so. I walk for an hour a day durign my lunch break, usually about 2 miles or so, and maybe walk another mile after work, but ti doesn't seem to do anything. I need to find soe activity that gets me moving around more.


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