snus and fitness

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  • Roo
    • Jun 2008
    • 3446

    Why all the grief toward snuffy? Some of us do live in places where it's easy to buy produce straight from the farmer's hand. I do it too, there are weekly farmer's markets in every Seattle neighborhood. He is not talking about the organic section at Safeway or Kroger or what have you. "Arguments" about pesticides or whatever aside, I'll make a bet. The produce he eats looks and tastes better than yours lol.


    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
      • Dec 2008
      • 2781

      I've been doing these stretches every morning now for almost a year. They are supposed to get your chakras spinning at the same speed or something. I do 21 of each once a day. It has helped me feel better. Also been doing a lot of hiking.

      Supposedly those rites will make you stop aging and if you stop ejactulating and do the sixth one you grow younger LOL.


      • Mr. Snuffleupagus
        • Dec 2008
        • 2781

        Originally posted by Roo
        Why all the grief toward snuffy? Some of us do live in places where it's easy to buy produce straight from the farmer's hand. I do it too, there are weekly farmer's markets in every Seattle neighborhood. He is not talking about the organic section at Safeway or Kroger or what have you. "Arguments" about pesticides or whatever aside, I'll make a bet. The produce he eats looks and tastes better than yours lol.
        Yeah we are definitely spoiled over here on good food availability Roo. But it's all good, I think it's good to research the facts and not just be fooled by some marketing scam. I can't believe all the organics everywhere now. Safeway, target, wallmart, etc. What a load of crap IMO.


        • devilock76
          • Aug 2010
          • 1737

          Originally posted by sgreger1
          Great advice devilock, thanks so much for spelling it out. SO literally ti is better for me to take a 40lb weight, do 12 reps with it, and then be done? Rather than doing a bunch of sets with a smaller weight? That is awesome, and what I was hoping for. I am not trying to get jacked, I just want to get back to how I was in my army days where I felt strong and wasn't so overweight. I never did much in the gym, bakc then it was all running or crossfit type stuff where you run here, do a million pushups, pulls ups, run there etc, then spend the rest of the day lifting heavy things and moving them from one container to the next, walking around with 60lbs of body armor and gear etc. I really don't want to ever do that again, especially the running, it wa so hard on my kneese and it is jsut not my cup of tea. After I got out I pretty much completely stopped exercising and now I absolutely must get back in shape because suddenly my BP is high, my glucose level is getting high, I am gaining weight etc.

          I am 5'10 and 182 lbs right now, I am trying to get back down to 175, and i'd like to put some arm muscle and six pack back on me. The only way I ever knew how to exercise was really basic stuff like push ups and situps, chin ups etc since we never did much at the gym, but I wanted to buy some weights this weekend to do some stuff in my house. I will just buy some weights where I can do 12 reps and then hopefully that will be good.

          So you shoul only do one set of 12, and that's it? Just do that every other day? Is there anything I should eat or drink for recovery, because my muscles get EXTREMELY sore if I do even mild exercise nowadays. I know it's not water since I drink a ton of that, maybe it will get better with practice..
          As long as you get to muscle failure you will generate the adaptive response.

          I am not a nutritionist, get plenty of fluids and a balanced diet but the muscles will need protein to repair. No need for any supplement shakes to get that, a good serving of beans will even do the trick.



          • devilock76
            • Aug 2010
            • 1737

            Originally posted by sgreger1
            That is my problem right now, I work in an office at a computer, then go home and do computer stuff or maybe get out for an hour or so. I walk for an hour a day durign my lunch break, usually about 2 miles or so, and maybe walk another mile after work, but ti doesn't seem to do anything. I need to find soe activity that gets me moving around more.
            It is tough . I have the same type of desk job. Get up and since you now snus use your smoke break for a walk. Or get a bicycle. Pick a physical activity you always wanted to try, anything.



            • devilock76
              • Aug 2010
              • 1737

              Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus
              I've been doing these stretches every morning now for almost a year. They are supposed to get your chakras spinning at the same speed or something. I do 21 of each once a day. It has helped me feel better. Also been doing a lot of hiking.


              Supposedly those rites will make you stop aging and if you stop ejactulating and do the sixth one you grow younger LOL.
              Oh boy chakras, just go full bore on the pseudo science.



              • GoVegan
                • Oct 2009
                • 5603

                Originally posted by sgreger1
                I don't think losing 20lbs in ~1 month is healthy ಠ_ಠ

                Isn't it like 2 lbs a week max for healthy weight loss?
                I am not complaining. I know eventually it will all slow to a crawl.


                • GoVegan
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 5603

                  Originally posted by sgreger1
                  Holy SH!T, how much does it cost you to make a shake with all of those ingredients every morning? Also, does danilion and bee polen actually do aynthing? I am actually about to start doing this too but with my blender, it's the only way I can take vegetables is to drink them

                  Is there a difference between a blender and a juicer? Doesn't the juicer discard the plant meter and just give you the juice, is that really more healthy?
                  Whats better, Ford or Chevy? Some people have a difficult time digesting enormous quantities of fiber so a juicer is a nice way to get in lots of fruits and veggies. Other people don't have difficulty digesting fiber and prefer a smoothie texture. It's really just a matter of taste. Now I do know some people believe that using a juicer is also a way to give your digestive system a break while still getting your nutrients. The juice diet is not meant to be a long term diet. The idea is to juice for 3 days to whatever in order to achieve your goals faster. As for the vegan diet, that is definitely sustainable. If you go in the store you will find thousands of items without meat or dairy. Believe me, lack of selection is not an issue with me.


                  • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 2781

                    Originally posted by devilock76
                    Oh boy chakras, just go full bore on the pseudo science.

                    Yeah I don't know anything about it really. Just something I read in that "Fountain of Youth" rites book. The stretches do help me feel better.


                    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 2781

                      Originally posted by GoVegan
                      Whats better, Ford or Chevy? Some people have a difficult time digesting enormous quantities of fiber so a juicer is a nice way to get in lots of fruits and veggies. Other people don't have difficulty digesting fiber and prefer a smoothie texture. It's really just a matter of taste. Now I do know some people believe that using a juicer is also a way to give your digestive system a break while still getting your nutrients. The juice diet is not meant to be a long term diet. The idea is to juice for 3 days to whatever in order to achieve your goals faster. As for the vegan diet, that is definitely sustainable. If you go in the store you will find thousands of items without meat or dairy. Believe me, lack of selection is not an issue with me.
                      Yeah I'm just adding juice to my diet not sustaining on it. I haven't gone on any kind of cleanse or anything. And yes that vegan selection is top notch around here. Lot's of good stuff. I eat a lot more vegan food than I used to probably mostly because simple real foods are a lot of times vegan.


                      • GoVegan
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 5603

                        Originally posted by devilock76
                        Oh boy chakras, just go full bore on the pseudo science.

                        What's wrong with balancing your chakras?


                        • devilock76
                          • Aug 2010
                          • 1737

                          Originally posted by GoVegan
                          What's wrong with balancing your chakras?
                          Nothing if there was a shred of proof they existed.



                          • devilock76
                            • Aug 2010
                            • 1737

                            Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus
                            Yeah I don't know anything about it really. Just something I read in that "Fountain of Youth" rites book. The stretches do help me feel better.
                            Well of course stretchin feels good, everyone should do it.



                            • GoVegan
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 5603

                              OK I took the plunge and signed up for a year at the gym. It's only been a short while but I amazed to see the results I am getting already. A few months ago I could barely walk around the block but I now go on 4-5 mile hikes on the weekend for fun.


                              • precious007
                                Banned Users
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 5885

                                Originally posted by GoVegan
                                OK I took the plunge and signed up for a year at the gym. It's only been a short while but I amazed to see the results I am getting already. A few months ago I could barely walk around the block but I now go on 4-5 mile hikes on the weekend for fun.
                                true mate, movement, exercising, jogging and yeah going to the gym and doing extensive exercising can dramatically increase your health and resistance (it's also good for your mental health, avoiding stress and so on)


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