Red Meat Causes Cancer Again!!!! FFS!! GoVegan need not reply.

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  • Frosted
    • Mar 2010
    • 5798

    Red Meat Causes Cancer Again!!!! FFS!! GoVegan need not reply.

    Here we bloody go again. Red meat causes cancer. We should all be eating like hamsters.

    A diet high in red meat can shorten life expectancy, according to researchers at Harvard Medical School.
    The study of more than 120,000 people suggested red meat increased the risk of death from cancer and heart problems.
    Substituting red meat with fish, chicken or nuts lowered the risks, the authors said.
    The British Heart Foundation said red meat could still be eaten as part of a balanced diet.
    The researchers analysed data from 37,698 men between 1986 and 2008 and 83,644 women between 1980 and 2008.
    They said adding an extra portion of unprocessed red meat to someone's daily diet would increase the risk of death by 13%, of fatal cardiovascular disease by 18% and of cancer mortality by 10%. The figures for processed meat were higher, 20% for overall mortality, 21% for death from heart problems and 16% for cancer mortality.
    The study said: "We found that a higher intake of red meat was associated with a significantly elevated risk of total, cardiovascular disease, and cancer mortality.

    Dr Rosemary Leonard says the risks associated with eating a lot of red meat are "very clear"

    "This association was observed for unprocessed and processed red meat with a relatively greater risk for processed red meat."
    The researchers suggested that saturated fat from red meat may be behind the increased heart risk and the sodium used in processed meats may "increase cardiovascular disease risk through its effect on blood pressure".
    Victoria Taylor, a dietitian at the British Heart Foundation, said: "Red meat can still be eaten as part of a balanced diet, but go for the leaner cuts and use healthier cooking methods such as grilling.
    "If you eat processed meats like bacon, ham, sausages or burgers several times a week, add variation to your diet by substituting these for other protein sources such as fish, poultry, beans or lentils."

    My opinion - I've said this before but I need to repeat. Too many beans, lentils and just vegetables makes me ill. My gastric system can only tolerate so much of that, and it's total bull that if I tried hard I would eventually get used to it.

    I'll tell you something as an example. We have animal rights protesters from time to time. They're all vegan - the boss vegan who organised these demonstrations died at 50 from cancer.

    This do gooding nannying scare mongering is seriously getting to me. I want to punch every single health freak in the face until they understand that they're going to f***ing die anyway.
  • shikitohno
    • Jul 2009
    • 1156

    I don't really see it quite as extreme as you do. From the way I interpret this, sounds like they're suggesting replacing steak with salmon or chicken would be better for your health. It's not necessarily, "Eat meat and die. You all must become hippies would only eat non-GMO, fair-trade artisan Tofu, made by orphans from Guatemala who've got scissors instead of hands, so that you may be healthy and gloat to all your co-workers about how you help all these scissor-handed children." I'm down with more poultry, seafood and pork.


    • precious007
      Banned Users
      • Sep 2010
      • 5885

      That's a fact -

      Everyone should be vegetarian -

      All men were vegan before the flood - no one ate meat of any kind -

      I'm speaking from my own experience - I've been vegan for one month last year - I just can't explain how much lighter I felt and overall wellness I felt back then -

      I was really struggling to stay away from delicious steaks and all.... though


      • shikitohno
        • Jul 2009
        • 1156

        If all men were intended to eat a vegetarian or vegan diet, we wouldn't have evolved teeth well suited to eating both meat and plant based food. There can be benefits to a vegan diet, but one can also eat a vegan diet a be rather unhealthy. Many potato chips are perfectly vegan friendly. It's a combination of diet and exercise, as well. There's no diet that'll magically make you healthy if you just sit on your ass all day.

        I also tend not to take dietary advice from Genesis. A couple books later you have people subsisting on mana, but I don't see too many folks who have had the mana only diet work out for them.


        • precious007
          Banned Users
          • Sep 2010
          • 5885

          Originally posted by shikitohno
          If all men were intended to eat a vegetarian or vegan diet, we wouldn't have evolved teeth well suited to eating both meat and plant based food. There can be benefits to a vegan diet, but one can also eat a vegan diet a be rather unhealthy. Many potato chips are perfectly vegan friendly. It's a combination of diet and exercise, as well. There's no diet that'll magically make you healthy if you just sit on your ass all day.

          I also tend not to take dietary advice from Genesis. A couple books later you have people subsisting on mana, but I don't see too many folks who have had the mana only diet work out for them.
          I'm not sure how you could tell that humans have teeth suited for eating meat -

          but anyways - every species has evolved as time passed, hence humans have developed suitable teeth for eating meat (in case we really do, not sure though)


          • Frosted
            • Mar 2010
            • 5798

            To me, the vegan diet is insane.


            • truthwolf1
              • Oct 2008
              • 2696

              I have read some studies about the use of Nitrates causing problems but for the most part the less the meat has been processed the better which is pretty obvious.

              If you think about GMO, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, rain pollution, damaged soil etc... Vegetables and heart healthy whole grains might be the real cancer/heart disease bombs.


              • precious007
                Banned Users
                • Sep 2010
                • 5885

                Originally posted by Frosted
                To me, the vegan diet is insane.
                that's because your brain produces a whole lot more serotonin while eating nicely fried wings or well roasted steaks and so on :-)

                In case you drop the meat from your diet, your brain doesn't produce enough serotonin and you'd go through a mild depression - hence the cravings and all -

                if you never knew how steaks and bacon taste like - you probably didn't consider the vegan menu insane now -

                it's probably a few decades since you're eating meat so it's not easy to go to a vegan lifestyle

                the hardest part is actually fighting the cravings :-)


                • shikitohno
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 1156

                  Originally posted by precious007
                  I'm not sure how you could tell that humans have teeth suited for eating meat -

                  but anyways - every species has evolved as time passed, hence humans have developed suitable teeth for eating meat (in case we really do, not sure though)
                  By the form of the teeth. Incisors have no benefit for a creature that subsists entirely on a herbivorous diet. Ditto for the canine teeth. When was the last time you saw a cow with pronounced fangs? Molars are well suited to grinding up plant matter. A combination of teeth that are shaped in a manner conducive to eating both meats and plant matter would point to humans having historically been omnivorous. The mere fact that humans can subsisted only an entirely plant based diet does not signify that they were intended to from a biological point of view.


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    You're right about the fat/brain correlation Precious, but the massively restricted choice of foodstuffs would make me want to put a bullet in my brain, never mind the lack of fat.

                    Truthwolf - yeah, it seems to me it's the nitrates that we should have any concern over (not that I will - love my sausages too much).


                    • shikitohno
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 1156

                      Eh, I managed it fine for about five years. There's plenty of options out there for getting over those shortcomings, it's just a matter of knowing where to look. I've really liked Asian and Indian for for as long as I can remember, and they've been eating vegan or vegetarians diets for well over a thousand years. They've come up with some pretty good and tasty stuff in that time to keep you satisfied.

                      On the other hand, if you try it out and you just look at the people who slice tofu in the shape of a fillet and claim it's just like eating a nice piece of salmon, you can easily become tired of it. Only tofu dish I can make that I actually enjoyed eating is Ma Po Tofu. If you're not a vegetarian, they typically also include ground beef in it. I might actually have to grab the ingredients and make it soon to try that out, now that I think of it. It's one of the few dishes I've found where tofu actually winds up having any flavour to it, rather than just being some gelatinous blob sitting on your plate.


                      • Frosted
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 5798

                        I had the misfortune of going to Japan 6 times and I cannot stand what they eat. Eating Tofu? NO!

                        I thought I made it clear at the start of this post where I stood about meat. Maybe you missed it somehow.


                        • shikitohno
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 1156

                          No, I didn't miss it. I was simply saying that not all of the diets are created equally. Some vegan diets are just terribly bland and depressing, others not so much. All depends on personal tastes.


                          • Frosted
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 5798

                            In fact, and I'm being honest, I've done a lot of successful shore sea fishing and I quite fancy getting myself a shotgun and doing a few rabbits and pigeons (with the shotgun). Hunting for my food is quite a strong desire for me. Unfortunately they won't let me shoot cows in England.


                            • devilock76
                              • Aug 2010
                              • 1737

                              Originally posted by Frosted
                              In fact, and I'm being honest, I've done a lot of successful shore sea fishing and I quite fancy getting myself a shotgun and doing a few rabbits and pigeons (with the shotgun). Hunting for my food is quite a strong desire for me. Unfortunately they won't let me shoot cows in England.
                              Yet in Scotland they let you make sweet love to a sheep...


                              I kid, I am scottish though so I guess I can get away with it. Well part scottish.



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