A big juicy well done salted steak with a big lump of fat around the edge mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Red Meat Causes Cancer Again!!!! FFS!! GoVegan need not reply.
Originally posted by CowWhispererit was always playing outside instead of glued to the TV or video games, which I think have their time and place to an extent but in general are ruining youth (along with Facebook now especially). Our obesity problem in our country didn't pop out of nowhere...like someone else mentioned, look at other countries' eating habits and day-to-day lifestyles and then ours...there's no reason for obesity.
Well we certainly got off topic here...GO MEAT! hahaha
I'd say the real cause of many of our problems is lack of moderation, and an unwillingness to hold ourselves to account for things. Do I need to lose 20lbs because Aristotle had to be an asshole and write books? No, I need to lose 20lbs because I ate too much junk food and didn't exercise enough. Blaming things on Facebook or video games isn't going to fix the problem, it's just going to make you seem like some old-fashioned nut to the actual youth you're trying to help. People need to exercise some self-control (and themselves) more, and take responsibility for their choices. Cut back on your portion size (we in the US especially need to pay attention to this, our portions are absurd), stop guzzling sugary drinks every time you're thirsty, get off your ass and exercise regularly, and you'll start to become more healthy. Whine about how Facebook or Call of Duty made you fat, and you'll just become more widely laughed at.
Originally posted by precious007I'm not sure how you could tell that humans have teeth suited for eating meat -
but anyways - every species has evolved as time passed, hence humans have developed suitable teeth for eating meat (in case we really do, not sure though)
Originally posted by BadAxeWhat??? What do you think the pointed sharp teeth in a human's mouth are designed for? The ripping and tearing of meat from bone. The flat teeth are for the mashing of veggie type stuff. Thats why humans are omnivores. I laugh when vegans tell us humans are not meant to eat meat when our own teeth contradict and prove otherwise. Then the vegan's come back with, well, we have evolved. Well, our teeth have not. I am not saying eating less red meat is not healthier, but humans were MEANT to eat meat. While we can survive as a vegetarian or vegan, it is not the natural way were were designed. Humans teeth did not evolve into teeth meant ot eat meat, humans have ALWAYS had those teeth. Why would you think otherwise? Why would you think there was a time when man did not eat meat? I don't understand.
Second off our canines are more spade like, not round and pointy.
Lastly if you look at pan troglodytes (aka the chimpanzee), one of our closest relatives they have way more pronounced traditional canines and 99% of their diet is not meat and the small part that is is typically termites. Same goes for say a gorilla.
Not saying anything wrong either way, just that the teeth argument is a weak one.
Originally posted by devilock76And when people do manual labor they get repetitive use injuries. Again a balance needs to be struck.
To all the computer people, ever consider a standing work station?
It is something I have thought about on occasion.
I hear sitting on them yoga balls instead of a chair can be good too lol.
Originally posted by BadAxeWhat??? What do you think the pointed sharp teeth in a human's mouth are designed for? The ripping and tearing of meat from bone. The flat teeth are for the mashing of veggie type stuff. Thats why humans are omnivores. I laugh when vegans tell us humans are not meant to eat meat when our own teeth contradict and prove otherwise. Then the vegan's come back with, well, we have evolved. Well, our teeth have not. I am not saying eating less red meat is not healthier, but humans were MEANT to eat meat. While we can survive as a vegetarian or vegan, it is not the natural way were were designed. Humans teeth did not evolve into teeth meant ot eat meat, humans have ALWAYS had those teeth. Why would you think otherwise? Why would you think there was a time when man did not eat meat? I don't understand.
Originally posted by sgreger1That sounds like it would be horrible. I mean I guess if you took little breaks to sit down it wouldn't be bad. Either way though you aren't really moving. Do you think standing is all that much better than sitting? I am curious to know if there is a huge difference if you are still remaining stationary.
I hear sitting on them yoga balls instead of a chair can be good too lol.
The logic for a standing station is that is what we should be doing. It is more active and the muscles that support our back are in play instead of using a chair for support. Of course being on your feet all day has cons too.
The exercise ball thing is supposed to be good. I am seriously debating that in regards to sciatica.
The intelligent animal will always eat the most nutritious food (if available). Meat is the obvious choice for the two of the three essential nutrients that a body needs to survive namely protein and fat. The proteins in meat are easily used by the body so it's a no brainer. If there's meat around, the intelligent carnivorous mammal ain't going to not eat it.
Originally posted by FrostedThe intelligent animal will always eat the most nutritious food (if available). Meat is the obvious choice for the two of the three essential nutrients that a body needs to survive namely protein and fat. The proteins in meat are easily used by the body so it's a no brainer. If there's meat around, the intelligent carnivorous mammal ain't going to not eat it.
If drawing conclusions supported by an extensive, scientific study and telling people about them is emblematic of a nanny state, I'd rather live there than in the land of people sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting, "I can't hear you! I like this thing, ergo it can do me no harm. You're all a bunch of do-good, nanny state idiots!" You can have a grand old time, enjoying the company of the intelligent design crowd from here in the US. Your response is seriously overblown, considering the very text you cp'd here states, "Red meat can still be eaten as part of a balanced diet, but go for the leaner cuts and use healthier cooking methods such as grilling." This isn't exactly the call to eschew all meat it's been painted as in this thread. They just say it could be better for you to buy leaner cuts, don't deep-fry it, and maybe, horror of horrors, eat another variety of meat every once in a while.
Originally posted by shikitohnoBig Brother is watching you, and he thought you ought to know you should have turned over your steak 8.6 seconds ago for optimal cooking.
Originally posted by sgreger1I hear sitting on them yoga balls instead of a chair can be good too lol.
Originally posted by shikitohnoI think blaming video games and Facebook and such for ruining the youth is a bit silly. They're just easy targets because many older folk (not necessarily very old, just not the generation that grew up and were the first adopters on this stuff) simply don't relate to the interest in them, and don't understand them. I'm sure if you're old enough to have been around in the 50s or 60s, you probably rolled your eyes when you heard older people talking about how rock music and comic books were ruining the youth. Truth is, there will always be kids who prefer less active things. I don't care about sports at all. I'd rather sit indoors and read a book. Doesn't mean books are the enemy of the people.
I'd say the real cause of many of our problems is lack of moderation, and an unwillingness to hold ourselves to account for things. Do I need to lose 20lbs because Aristotle had to be an asshole and write books? No, I need to lose 20lbs because I ate too much junk food and didn't exercise enough. Blaming things on Facebook or video games isn't going to fix the problem, it's just going to make you seem like some old-fashioned nut to the actual youth you're trying to help. People need to exercise some self-control (and themselves) more, and take responsibility for their choices. Cut back on your portion size (we in the US especially need to pay attention to this, our portions are absurd), stop guzzling sugary drinks every time you're thirsty, get off your ass and exercise regularly, and you'll start to become more healthy. Whine about how Facebook or Call of Duty made you fat, and you'll just become more widely laughed at.
Originally posted by shikitohnoTrue, but I think you're still making a far bigger issue out of this article than is really appropriate. It's not telling you to never eat red meat. It's saying don't be like a damn dog, that'll devour a nearly unlimited amount of some sort of food that can kill them, simply because there's a pile of it available. There's no, "Never eat meat," or even a "Never eat red meat." in the article you pasted. It simply says that replacing red meat with other varieties of meat is probably better for your health.
If drawing conclusions supported by an extensive, scientific study and telling people about them is emblematic of a nanny state, I'd rather live there than in the land of people sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting, "I can't hear you! I like this thing, ergo it can do me no harm. You're all a bunch of do-good, nanny state idiots!" You can have a grand old time, enjoying the company of the intelligent design crowd from here in the US. Your response is seriously overblown, considering the very text you cp'd here states, "Red meat can still be eaten as part of a balanced diet, but go for the leaner cuts and use healthier cooking methods such as grilling." This isn't exactly the call to eschew all meat it's been painted as in this thread. They just say it could be better for you to buy leaner cuts, don't deep-fry it, and maybe, horror of horrors, eat another variety of meat every once in a while.
The figures from getting cancer from eating red meat were actually quite high.
There is a kind of social engineering going on..........it started around 20 years ago where the government loves 'fear'........they love putting the fear of death itself into people and I cannot work out why - but it's annoying. Health & Safety which started out initially as a good idea has become a monster in a lot of areas of life - preventing basic human enjoyment through discouraging risk.
You must understand that we in Britain, and I'm quite sure the USA are constantly being bombarded about the latest health fad and about what else is going to kill you. It's annoying and it's a big issue for me because of that.
The majority of us like a bit of risk in life in return for a little enjoyment.
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