Sore throat when waking up(snuser)

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  • anlms
    • Dec 2011
    • 17

    Sore throat when waking up(snuser)

    Hey guys, so i was wondering
    if it could be a backlash from snusing or not, that when i wake up, i usually have this
    really sore throat. I have been snusing for a little longer than a year now, but just recently, everytime i wake up
    i have this extremely sore throat, it usually wears off throughout the day, but when i wake up again, it's really sore again, and it's starting
    to irritate me quite a bit :b - I don't know if any of you have any advice on this, or know if it has anything to do with the snus at all.
    but anything at all related to my problem would be great to hear !

    Thanks in advance.
    (sorry for eventual mistakes in my english)
  • Fazer
    • May 2011
    • 663

    I do remember a thread on here about a guy who could only use a few brands of snus, due to something going on with his throat, but i can't remember much about it. I don't have a sore throat but i often have a dry throat in the morning.


    • precious007
      Banned Users
      • Sep 2010
      • 5885

      I also have this issue - not really sure why this happens but definitely you can soothe your neck with some coffee or tea ............


      • heders
        • Jan 2011
        • 2227

        I had this before as well, but not anymore. I think it has to do with breathing through the mouth when asleep (or snoring), which makes the throat dry and sore. Lots of snuff also made my throat sore sometimes but never now.


        • Alexender_bill
          New Member
          • Apr 2012
          • 4

          I hope when we are sleeping and we breath in sleeping time if we we take the breath from mouth then the dust particle and some different polluted particles can come in our throat which can harm it and can be a cause of the sore throat.
          so to save our self from it i hope we should make gargles with hot water early day it will clean all dust particles and we will more safer than before.
          Houston dentist


          • Premium Parrots
            Super Moderators
            • Feb 2008
            • 9759

            if you type in "sore throat" in the search box it will reveal several threads on the subject.
            Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

            I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


            • snupy
              • Apr 2009
              • 575

              I ALWAYS sleep with a pouch in and never have this problem.


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