Hi everyone!
I realize there aren't many lady snusers who post here, but so many of you seem so knowledgeable about snus and medical issues that I thought it was worth a shot...
Does anybody know if it's okay to take snus and birth control pills? I know that smoking is verboten when you're on the pill, but can't find out if that's because of the icky cigarette chemicals or something to do with tobacco in general. I asked my doctor, but all she did was give me a blank look and a short lecture about the Evils of Tobacco. Completely brainwashed. So I thought I'd try to find out for myself.
Has anyone run across this issue before? Any suggestions as to where I could find out? I'd rather not have to choose between my beloved Goteborg Rapes and...well...you know...
I realize there aren't many lady snusers who post here, but so many of you seem so knowledgeable about snus and medical issues that I thought it was worth a shot...
Does anybody know if it's okay to take snus and birth control pills? I know that smoking is verboten when you're on the pill, but can't find out if that's because of the icky cigarette chemicals or something to do with tobacco in general. I asked my doctor, but all she did was give me a blank look and a short lecture about the Evils of Tobacco. Completely brainwashed. So I thought I'd try to find out for myself.
Has anyone run across this issue before? Any suggestions as to where I could find out? I'd rather not have to choose between my beloved Goteborg Rapes and...well...you know...