Snus and Birth Control?

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  • Rockchalk
    New Member
    • Jun 2008
    • 1

    Snus and Birth Control?

    Hi everyone!

    I realize there aren't many lady snusers who post here, but so many of you seem so knowledgeable about snus and medical issues that I thought it was worth a shot...

    Does anybody know if it's okay to take snus and birth control pills? I know that smoking is verboten when you're on the pill, but can't find out if that's because of the icky cigarette chemicals or something to do with tobacco in general. I asked my doctor, but all she did was give me a blank look and a short lecture about the Evils of Tobacco. Completely brainwashed. So I thought I'd try to find out for myself.

    Has anyone run across this issue before? Any suggestions as to where I could find out? I'd rather not have to choose between my beloved Goteborg Rapes know...
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I'm not familiar with birth control issues at all, but I'd say that any restrictions regarding smoking would apply to snus also. I'm guessing that it's due to the nicotine constricting the blood vessels. That combined with the hormones may increase the risk of high blood pressure. I've known quite a few people that smoked while on birth control, but that may have been against directions.

    Btw, welcome to the forums :^)


    • jamesstew
      • May 2008
      • 1440

      This is an interesting question since smoking while taking the pill is thought to increase your risk of heart disease. However, since multiple studies have shown that there is little risk of heart disease from snus maybe it isn't as much of a concern. Maybe you could search for studies that have been undertaken in Sweden concerning the subject.


      • Craig de Tering
        • Nov 2006
        • 525

        Re: Snus and Birth Control?

        Originally posted by Rockchalk

        Does anybody know if it's okay to take snus and birth control pills? I know that smoking is verboten when you're on the pill,
        FWIW, I'm guessing around 90 to 95% of my female friends (through the years) have combined or do still combine smoking with the pill.
        Almost all of them smoke and Northern European females not using the pill are extremely rare. They also smoke with the the implantable version (in the arm; Proviron or something??)

        How so is this combination "verboten"? In that it increases blood clots or incidences of cancer?

        This is the first time I ever heard of this concern. (Other than the pill increasing incidences of blood clots on its own. No other chemical interactions needed for that.)


        • Nihil
          • Apr 2008
          • 19

          I'm not an expert, but from what I know the main problem with birth control is high levels of estrogen contained in the leading birth control brands. There are a few companies that produce low estrogen birth control, it would be better to get as little as possable. The estrogen alone is going to put you into a higher risk factor for breast cancer, stroke, high blood pressure, and heart disease,as well estrogen at higher levels may causes cellular changes thus weakening them. When conjoined with nicotine it compounds the problems. Nicotine causes the pancreas to release glucose giving you the "rush" from the tobacco. The increased blood sugar thickens the blood, and that's the problem. It makes the heart, and circulatory system work harder than they should.
          Estrogen and nicotine is just a bad combination.
          However, you can ask your doctor for birth control with reduced estrogen, or an I.U.D. implant. (It's a non evasive day surgery)

          I wonder if it's possible to get a straight answer about nicotine from anyone with a M.D. in front of their name.


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