A nicotine tolerance question

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  • Reynard
    • Feb 2009
    • 804

    A nicotine tolerance question

    Hey guys,

    I have a few questions that have been a while in the making regarding a snuser's experience, ie how snus alters his/her mental state in relation to tolerance of nicotine and dosage of snus.

    Does a snuser who has built up a high tolerance to nicotine through snus, when using Starks/extra sterks essentially have the same experience (ie change in mental state, alertness, stimulation etc) as a snuser who has not built up a tolerance using regular or low snus? Obviously - chemically - the first person is getting more nicotine, but what does this mean neurologically? Does a stronger dose of nicotine provide ANYTHING that a lower dose without tolerance would, or not - because the brain adjusts?

    I think I read somewhere that the therapeutic effects of nicotine are only present when dosages are kept below a certain level (I'm not talking about the nicotine paradox of stimulant/sedative here, that is - I would think - tolerance-based)

    My interest in an answer to this question is basically whether there is any point whatsoever in using sterks/extra sterks other than in sating your high tolerance to nicotine?

    I'd appreciate your thoughts :-)
  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    Vulpes I think you are complicating things too much.

    Nicotine tolerance builds up in everyone that doesn't know how to limit their nicotine use. (any drug builds up tolerance, and you won't even notice it)

    Nicotine is not a sedative either. Nicotine does not provide a calming effect. Nicotine DOES help with
    memory and selective attention, that is why it's recommended in schizophrenia and alzheimers, as well as OCD, PTSD, ADHD, ADD and other mental conditions..



    • thegameisover2k2
      • Jan 2011
      • 92

      if u have a low tolerance to nicotine and pop in a strong one.....you will be either floored or in a sick state....or be buzzing...one of those...


      • precious007
        Banned Users
        • Sep 2010
        • 5885

        haha, true game!

        I gave a sterk once to a friend of mine that never used nicotine in his life.

        He was basically in shock, unable to speak move or do anything for a few minutes.... then he vomited.


        • Reynard
          • Feb 2009
          • 804

          Originally posted by precious007
          Nicotine is not a sedative either. Nicotine does not provide a calming effect.
          Nicotine is unique in comparison to most drugs, as its profile changes from stimulant to sedative/pain killer in increasing dosages and use, something of which I have personal experience

          Originally posted by precious007
          Nicotine DOES help with memory and selective attention, that is why it's recommended in schizophrenia and alzheimers, as well as OCD, PTSD, ADHD, ADD and other mental conditions..
          Yep, I'm aware of all this.

          I don't think you understood my questions. Apologies if I'm not being clear, I often have a disorganised head lol


          • precious007
            Banned Users
            • Sep 2010
            • 5885

            Originally posted by Vulpes
            Nicotine is unique in comparison to most drugs, as its profile changes from stimulant to sedative/pain killer in increasing dosages and use, something of which I have personal experience

            Yep, I'm aware of all this.

            I don't think you understood my questions. Apologies if I'm not being clear, I often have a disorganised head lol

            Vulpes those are pure misconceptions about nicotine -

            Nicotine creates anxiety in many people, it makes them alert.

            Even though you've read that on wikipedia or any other source, it's a false statement. (nicotine has never calmed anyone or acted as a sedative)

            this website explains the truth about nicotine www.whyquit.com

            and nope, I don;t feel calmer when I smoke either........ I get more anxious......... then how can it be a sedative?

            well yeah there are a lot of different opinions all over the web, but at least in my case nicotine is not a sedative..... neither is caffeine.... as they claim it to be

            I feel much more calmer when I'm off nicotine, caffeine and other stimulants.


            • heders
              • Jan 2011
              • 2227

              Originally posted by precious007
              Vulpes I think you are complicating things too much.

              Nicotine tolerance builds up in everyone that doesn't know how to limit their nicotine use. (any drug builds up tolerance, and you won't even notice it)

              Nicotine is not a sedative either. Nicotine does not provide a calming effect. Nicotine DOES help with
              memory and selective attention, that is why it's recommended in schizophrenia and alzheimers, as well as OCD, PTSD, ADHD, ADD and other mental conditions..

              "Research suggests that, when smokers wish to achieve a stimulating effect, they take short quick puffs, which produce a low level of blood nicotine.[49] This stimulates nerve transmission. When they wish to relax, they take deep puffs, which produce a high level of blood nicotine, which depresses the passage of nerve impulses, producing a mild sedative effect. At low doses, nicotine potently enhances the actions of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain, causing a drug effect typical of those of psychostimulants. At higher doses, nicotine enhances the effect of serotonin and opiate activity, producing a calming, pain-killing effect. Nicotine is unique in comparison to most drugs, as its profile changes from stimulant to sedative/pain killer in increasing dosages and use." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotin...active_effects


              • precious007
                Banned Users
                • Sep 2010
                • 5885

                Originally posted by heders
                "Research suggests that, when smokers wish to achieve a stimulating effect, they take short quick puffs, which produce a low level of blood nicotine.[49] This stimulates nerve transmission. When they wish to relax, they take deep puffs, which produce a high level of blood nicotine, which depresses the passage of nerve impulses, producing a mild sedative effect. At low doses, nicotine potently enhances the actions of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain, causing a drug effect typical of those of psychostimulants. At higher doses, nicotine enhances the effect of serotonin and opiate activity, producing a calming, pain-killing effect. Nicotine is unique in comparison to most drugs, as its profile changes from stimulant to sedative/pain killer in increasing dosages and use." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotin...active_effects
                I've read that headers -

                However I know at least 20 people that are more anxious after smoking (friends/family members)

                and that includes me.

                So at least for me nicotine is NOT a sedative.

                you can easily notice that smokers in general are more clumsy and agitated (at least a large part of the smokers).

                It reduces my stress and helps calm me down. This health intellectualization is false. The body's pH balance is delicate. Nicotine is an alkaloid and stress an acid producing event. The more stressful the event, the quicker the body's remaining nicotine reserves are neutralized (in the same manner as pouring a baking soda solution on an acid covered car battery terminal). The stressed smoker is thrown into early chemical withdrawal adding additional anxiety to the underlying original stressful event. It's why the anxiety associated with a flat tire causes smokers to reach for a cigarette while the non-smoker reaches for a jack. The anxieties build until the doubly stressed smoker cries out "I NEED A CIGARETTE!" Within eight seconds of the first puff, the smoker's nicotine blood serum nicotine level rises and their withdrawal anxieties subside. The addict is left with the false impression that smoking cured the underlying stressful event when in fact the tire is still flat. All non-smokers experience stress too. The difference is that they don't add early nicotine withdrawal to it. In truth, stress nicotine depletion causes smokers to experience far more anxiety than non-smokers. In truth, it is much easier and calmer being the real "you" than it is living as a chemical slave.


                • Reynard
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 804

                  Trust me, when you've hit it hard you'll be calm, sedated, will have no anxiety and you'll stumble around and slur your speech in a giddy dizzy state, like you're on opioids. I've experienced it.

                  Edit: This happened when I mixed ecigs with snus for the first (and last) time


                  • Frosted
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 5798

                    For me its neither a sedative nor is it a stimulant. If you have too much you simply feel sick. An experienced sterk user won't get to that point as its obvious when snussing is becoming or could become unpleasant.


                    • precious007
                      Banned Users
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 5885

                      Originally posted by Extreme
                      For me its neither a sedative nor is it a stimulant. If you have too much you simply feel sick. An experienced sterk user won't get to that point as its obvious when snussing is becoming or could become unpleasant.

                      @ Extreme - the anxiety arises when you're in withdrawal, basically throwing your hand in the snus can to pull another portion out that's when the anxiety comes in. (in the withdrawal state)

                      @Vulpes, that opioids state is called chemical poisoning (I almost fainting once from snuffing 10 grams in one day of snuff) I know what you mean but that isn't sedating it's called intoxication.

                      Bottom line, I know what science says about nicotine as being a sedative, but what do they know? lmao

                      If nicotine was a sedative it would have been used in psychiatric treatments which to date is NOT!


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        If I overdo nicotine, it makes me sleepy. The only thing that keeps my eyes open is the desire to not feel the room spin :^D


                        • precious007
                          Banned Users
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 5885

                          Originally posted by lxskllr
                          If I overdo nicotine, it makes me sleepy. The only thing that keeps my eyes open is the desire to not feel the room spin :^D
                          Hahahah, true lx

                          nicotine can give the same spinning as alcohol if you go hard on it


                          • devilock76
                            • Aug 2010
                            • 1737

                            I see it did not take long for precious to return to the self assumd role of unqualified expert of everything.

                            "don't believe all the scienific and peer reviewed evidence on all those other qualified and well regarded sites, believe this one link I have and my personal experience." - precious

                            Once again proving himself a discredit to Romania...



                            • spinyeel
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 175

                              Very cruel Ken.
                              But fair.


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