Re-using snus pouches - Health concerns?

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  • reeviint
    Banned Users
    • Jan 2013
    • 10

    There is still some flavor and most of all it still has potency in terms of nicotine. I just concerned about possible health hazards pertaining to the bacteria that might grow on it.Just like smoking. People don't smoke for a year and get cancer due to smoking. It takes awhile to happen.


    • Mdisch
      • Jul 2011
      • 805

      Originally posted by reeviint
      There is still some flavor and most of all it still has potency in terms of nicotine. I just concerned about possible health hazards pertaining to the bacteria that might grow on it.Just like smoking. People don't smoke for a year and get cancer due to smoking. It takes awhile to happen.
      The bacterial growth shouldn't be very large, and in truth it is your own bacteria on the portion - Unless you leave it long enough to give it the chance to actually grow a huge colony you should be just fine :-)
      (Also, cancer doesn't grow the same way as bacteria, it is a mutation in a cell and the first mutation happens a significant amount of time before the person has cancer, and so it sparks new mutations and eventually the mutation might get out of hand, and you get cancer.)


      • Frankie Reloaded
        Banned Users
        • Jan 2011
        • 541

        Originally posted by lynx23
        ... symptoms such as throat tightness and chest pains that persisted for a few month now ... really worried that I've triggered some sort of cancer
        I would rather be afraid of infection, not cancer. If you have chest discomfort, I would recommend a simple and cheap X-ray shot. It would tall the doc about possible cancer and infection, bronchial or deeper.

        But then, what did the doc recommend?


        • The Stig
          • Oct 2012
          • 206

          Originally posted by reeviint
          There is still some flavor and most of all it still has potency in terms of nicotine. I just concerned about possible health hazards pertaining to the bacteria that might grow on it.Just like smoking. People don't smoke for a year and get cancer due to smoking. It takes awhile to happen.
          In actuality, depending on how long you originally kept the portion in the first time, the Nicotine content will be diminished. After 45 minutes, the majority of the Nicotine will have leeched out of the tobacco. Personally, if dinner comes just minutes after I put a portion in my lip, I trash it. Probably my OCD making the call on that one. ;-)


          • Sato
            • Dec 2009
            • 133

            I'd say a five-minute rule applies.. after that it gets kinda cold and gross, I'd go so far as to say I'd rather just go get some skoal/camel snus than do that. lmao


            • tattooer601
              • Jun 2010
              • 942

              Originally posted by Sato
              I'd say a five-minute rule applies.. after that it gets kinda cold and gross, I'd go so far as to say I'd rather just go get some skoal/camel snus than do that. lmao
              Im with ya here...honestly if the portion has become cold I have to tuff it out to get the last 20 min out of it...
              I dip Copenhagen when snus isn't available.
              Also Copenhagen makes a good change when out


              • Flexxx
                New Member
                • Feb 2013
                • 14

                I re-use my condoms is that healthy?



                • John Boy
                  • Nov 2012
                  • 36

                  Originally posted by Flexxx
                  I re-use my condoms is that healthy?
                  Yeah, just turn them inside out, and they're good as new


                  • snusboss
                    New Member
                    • May 2013
                    • 1

                    Im glad im not alone being economical like this.
                    I always reuse my snus once, I think its perfectly normal. Reusing after reusing would be weird, but reusing once is fine. the used snus is fresh as ever, unless you're into weak stuff (I use Thunder Frosted).

                    Its very economical, 1 roll = 2 rolls.
                    Im in EU so snus is illegal and I usually buy it from the same dealers I buy weed from. expensive


                    • nicotine

                      I had to do that ONCE in my entire time of using snus. Needless to say, now I always make sure I stock up way ahead of time.


                      • Faylool
                        • Dec 2012
                        • 496

                        I remember when quitting smoking a long time ago picking up longer butts off the ground and smoking them to get around buying a pack. Ewe.


                        • rickcharles606
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 2307

                          Originally posted by Faylool
                          I remember when quitting smoking a long time ago picking up longer butts off the ground and smoking them to get around buying a pack. Ewe.
                          gnarly...just gnarly, lol


                          • Burnsey
                            • Jan 2013
                            • 2572

                            Originally posted by Faylool
                            I remember when quitting smoking a long time ago picking up longer butts off the ground and smoking them to get around buying a pack. Ewe.
                            Been there, done that, it is gnarly.


                            • Ainkor
                              • Sep 2008
                              • 1144

                              Originally posted by Faylool
                              I remember when quitting smoking a long time ago picking up longer butts off the ground and smoking them to get around buying a pack. Ewe.
                              Reminds me of a time I was a crack addict. I found myself on the side of the road $%*@&^% fat guys.

                              Just kidding - never been a crack addict, but in all seriousness, it's the same mental process. Amazing what addiction does to us. And yes, I've smoked refries before.


                              • Skell18
                                • May 2012
                                • 7067

                                Originally posted by Ainkor
                                Reminds me of a time I was a crack addict. I found myself on the side of the road $%*@&^% fat guys.

                                Just kidding - never been a crack addict, but in all seriousness, it's the same mental process. Amazing what addiction does to us. And yes, I've smoked refries before.

                                There is a line though, smoking dog ends is so far past the line you can't even see the line!!


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