Re-using snus pouches - Health concerns?

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  • lynx23
    • Jun 2012
    • 28

    Re-using snus pouches - Health concerns?

    I know I know, sounds kind of sick but I do reuse my pouches quite often. Usually I leave them in a drawer to dry up and then I stick in 2 dry ones instead of 1 fresh one when I am out of snus. It works well and I can keep afloat for a few days If my new load does not arrive on time.

    I wanted to ask if its unhealthy do reuse old pouches. My main concern is that bacteria/moulder could grow inside the old pouches while they are soaked from previous use and cause damage when reused... a scientific approach to answering this question would be more than welcome.

    What's your take on this? do you think it could be possibly dangerous to reuse pouches?

    The reason why I ask is because I'm having the feeling that my throat is a bit tight and I don't get enough air at times. I am not sure if this is because of snus usage in general or if it is caused by the reused pouches.. anyone similar experiences?

    Would be interested to hear from you on this topic.
    Please be honest and save yourself "ahh boi you are so nasty" comments because this is not what I am concerned about here.

    Thank you all =)
  • thegameisover2k2
    • Jan 2011
    • 92

    gross! The nicotine and flavor wouldnt be there anymore....well maybe some flavor...but you would get bacteria growing on it from the air and saliva....its just gross....


    • Reynard
      • Feb 2009
      • 804

      That's gross mate, and possibly a health risk. Buy Snus-X if you're really hard up.


      • lynx23
        • Jun 2012
        • 28

        I realize that it might sound gross but really it isn't when you do it. There is still some flavor and most of all it still has potency in terms of nicotine. I just concerned about possible health hazards pertaining to the bacteria that might grow on it. I looked at it with a microscope and could not find any growth but of course I am not sure and hoped that someone could shed some light on that. I'd like to keep reusing because its a great way to safe some $$ in the long run, I am a heavy snuser. Thanks for the Snus-x link, sounds interesting.


        • Ansel
          • Feb 2011
          • 3696

          Yes... try and use SnusX and/or Phantom refill pouches.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Sounds gross but that's not the primary reason I wouldn't do it. As the others said, bacteria can grow on the snus, and some bacteria is carcinogenic itself. It could also cause gum issues. I'm not a germophobe by any stretch. In fact, I welcome attacks on my system, but I'd balk at having long term close contact with whatever grows on used snus. Also, there's little to no nicotine left after it's been used. All it really provides is lip feel to make you think you have snus.


            • Reynard
              • Feb 2009
              • 804

              Originally posted by lxskllr
              Sounds gross but that's not the primary reason I wouldn't do it. As the others said, bacteria can grow on the snus, and some bacteria is carcinogenic itself. It could also cause gum issues. I'm not a germophobe by any stretch. In fact, I welcome attacks on my system, but I'd balk at having long term close contact with whatever grows on used snus. Also, there's little to no nicotine left after it's been used. All it really provides is lip feel to make you think you have snus.
              +1 here. Maybe 'gross' isn't quite the point; we all know how a few people view loose tobacco use.


              • Mdisch
                • Jul 2011
                • 805

                Well I've done it myself a couple of times, but I would usually just leave one for an hour or two (in the extra compartment in the snus cans) and then reuse it, leaving it somewhere not airtight and for a longer period is a potential health risk, and a pretty major one I'd say, with the mix of moisture and mouth bacteria. When I've reused them it's usually if I haven't used up all the nicotine yet 'cause I was interrupted. So I'd say you should rather get some refillers or some Snus-X as a safety net for the tough times.


                • Ansel
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 3696

                  I've never re-used a snus. In fact, i've had a snus in for only 5/10 minutes and chucked it away before as i wanted to eat or something. And i can be pretty thrifty.


                  • lynx23
                    • Jun 2012
                    • 28

                    thanks for all the answers,

                    well sh*t, I've been reusing for quite some years now on and off and now I guess i am paying the price. I have some symptoms such as throat tightness and chest pains that persisted for a few month now. I did go to the doc. also told him that I was using snus just not that I've been reusing because it's quite embarrassing i suppose.
                    Guys, I am really worried that I've triggered some sort of cancer because of the constant bacterial exposure due to the re-using. Do you think that's realistic or am I just a bit on the hypochondriac side right now?

                    What medical exams do you propose for easing my mind?

                    thanks again for your replies


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      Originally posted by lynx23
                      thanks for all the answers,

                      well sh*t, I've been reusing for quite some years now on and off and now I guess i am paying the price. I have some symptoms such as throat tightness and chest pains that persisted for a few month now. I did go to the doc. also told him that I was using snus just not that I've been reusing because it's quite embarrassing i suppose.
                      Guys, I am really worried that I've triggered some sort of cancer because of the constant bacterial exposure due to the re-using. Do you think that's realistic or am I just a bit on the hypochondriac side right now?

                      What medical exams do you propose for easing my mind?

                      thanks again for your replies
                      I don't think snus, used or otherwise is causing your issues, but if it's an ongoing problem, you should see a doctor. When I mentioned bacteria causing cancer, that wasn't a "now" thing. That's something to worry about down the road, and prevent as much of it as you can. Just like smoking. People don't smoke for a year and get cancer due to smoking. It takes awhile to happen.

                      I'm not a doctor, so everything I say should be taken with a grain of salt, but look at everything else in the world, and compare yourself to that. It just doesn't make sense (quickly)getting a serious disease due to use of a product millions use without issue. Again, if you're worried you should see a doctor, but if you do have a problem, I think it's from something besides used snus.


                      • lynx23
                        • Jun 2012
                        • 28


                        thanks for your somewhat soothing reply. Well, I am just freaked out about my health lately and I am blaming it all on snus because it's the only product I use that could adversely affect my health. I do believe that snus on some level is harmful to the body and I am also planing on stopping the use of snus altogether.


                        • precious007
                          Banned Users
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 5885

                          Used pouches are gross, they have no aroma, and they feel weird in the lip ...


                          • Ansel
                            • Feb 2011
                            • 3696

                            You can't change what you've done. Just don't do it again.


                            • Frosted
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 5798

                              Chew a biscuit, take it out, come back a day later and eat it again.


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