Back pain when Snusing?

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  • Brutecraft
    • May 2012
    • 43

    Back pain when Snusing?

    Smoke free two weeks now! yay.. however whenever I snus and only then.. i get this kinda dull ache in my upper back in the center, I'm kinda a hypochondriac and think it may be my pancreas or something (dont have cash to go to the doctors)... anyone else get something like this?

    I snus general and have tryed ettans and thunder los and it happens with all three brands.
  • Snusdog
    • Jun 2008
    • 6752

    Try using minis..............they weigh less..............and lift with your legs when opening the can.....

    Seriously....I got nothing here bro

    but congratulations on being smoke free and welcome to the forum!
    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


    • desirexe
      • Feb 2008
      • 1170

      Back pain??? Sure it isn't like heartburn??? I get HB once in a while from snus but never back pain..


      • GoVegan
        • Oct 2009
        • 5603

        Are you sure its not your lungs trying to make a recovery?


        • Brutecraft
          • May 2012
          • 43

          Hopefully it is vegan.. however it's been happening for almost a week now and seems to only when I got a portion in..

          maybe my body is confused on nicotine delivery??


          • precious007
            Banned Users
            • Sep 2010
            • 5885

            Congrats on quitting the smokes, that's a first good step.

            I don't get much back pain from snusing (my back pain is not related to snusing, to I get headaches from overdoing starks).

            My back does feel less tensed when I'm off the nicotine/snus/dip.


            • heders
              • Jan 2011
              • 2227

              Nicotine is a strong stimulants, and stimulants makes you more tense (not often noticable though). Snus is a lot stronger than cigarettes, and thus making you more prone to muscle pain caused by tension.

              I have heard from a lot others who experience the same problem with snus. My recommendation to you is to use less or weaker snus. Decrease your caffeine intake as well as this boosts the tensing effect.


              • truthwolf1
                • Oct 2008
                • 2696

                Originally posted by desirexe
                Back pain??? Sure it isn't like heartburn??? I get HB once in a while from snus but never back pain..
                This would also be my uneducated guess. In the begining I would get heartburn, tongue sting, throat burn etc.. It all started and went away pretty quickly. Your body is just getting use to a new delivery.


                • voodooman
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 255

                  your lungs may have even started moving some of the tar out. you can get some weird chest(and back) pains coming off the smokes. it's normal. you probably notice it when you snus, due to the constriction of blood vessels when you consume nicotine. lungs have tons of blood vessels.


                  • SnusoMatic
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 507

                    first thing i thought before i read what anyone else wrote was heartburn. most of the time i don't get it but sometimes i will. try making sure you have drank enough water before you snus and see if it happens. i've noticed i get heartburn when i snus more often if my throat is real dry.


                    • AtreyuKun
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 1223

                      Maybe you should keep your snus on a higher shelf?


                      • Premium Parrots
                        Super Moderators
                        • Feb 2008
                        • 9759

                        Originally posted by heders
                        Nicotine is a strong stimulants, and stimulants makes you more tense (not often noticable though). Snus is a lot stronger than cigarettes, and thus making you more prone to muscle pain caused by tension.

                        I have heard from a lot others who experience the same problem with snus. My recommendation to you is to use less or weaker snus. Decrease your caffeine intake as well as this boosts the tensing effect.


                        stay away from the strong snus. Start off useing the low nic snus and work your way up to the regulars. You could be under alot of stress that wouldn't normally cause you a problem but add the higher nic snus and it may put you over the edge in the stress/pain dept. Good luck
                        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                        I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                        • Ainkor
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 1144

                          When I started I had something similar happen to me. I have some bad kidney disease in my family so I freaked out a bit and got a bunch of tests done just to make sure they were ok.

                          For me it came down to not drinking enough water and too much soda. I cut way back and it went away. Typically if you are getting pain in the upper middle back its either muscular or kidney related. If you have health insurance get checked out would be my recommendation.

                          Also on a side note, if you are using Goteborg's Rape or #2, you might be allergic to juniper oils. Some say that it is a kidney irritant and some say it isn't but I also cut back from using Rape #2 exclusively and my back pain went away.


                          • wa3zrm
                            • May 2009
                            • 4436

                            Originally posted by voodooman
                            your lungs may have even started moving some of the tar out. you can get some weird chest(and back) pains coming off the smokes. it's normal. you probably notice it when you snus, due to the constriction of blood vessels when you consume nicotine. lungs have tons of blood vessels.
                            First, don't freak out on what I'm about to say...

                            I'm older than dirt, was a heavy smoker for 30+ and have heart disease.

                            What Voodooman said about the constriction of blood vessels by nicotine is very true! When I use 3 or 4 starks in a row, I get back pain caused by blood vessel construction. How do I know the pain is nic/cardio related... easy, I pop a nitro and the pain immediately goes away!

                            When I was younger, I use to be able to do starks all day.... now, I limit my high nic intake to only 1 or 2 strong portions per day.

                            Try using mini portions or the lower 8mg portions and see if you still get the back pain.... if you don't, better get a stress test asap. I also encourage any of you old bastards out there to check out the site:
                   Lots of good advice on the prevention of heart disease and non-invasive tests.
                            If you have any problems with my posts or signature


                            • Theline
                              • Jun 2012
                              • 32

                              i have just stopped smoking, after 20 years, so this could easy happen to me aswell, this is only my second day without cigarettes, so i cross my fingers to make it. snus really helps with quitting


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