Another Dentist Consultation.....

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  • pris

    Another Dentist Consultation.....

    Well there we go. Another dentist consultation. Dentist commended me for excellent oral hygeine, no sign of decay and pretty much said carry on the good work (frequently came up against decay before snus)

    To add to that no colds, viruses, flu etc since when I can remember (was plagued with them before snus)

    Also nicotine monkey on my back more happy then he was on cigarettes.

    So why does the EU want to ban snus again? :-s

    Disclaimer - Yeah, I didn't get on with los during my brief 6 month vacation during my 5-6 year portion snus regeime as I had problems with my gums on that but as soon as I switched back to portions all positive (but assume that's just me)
  • Skell18
    • May 2012
    • 7067

    Originally posted by pris
    Well there we go. Another dentist consultation. Dentist commended me for excellent oral hygeine, no sign of decay and pretty much said carry on the good work (frequently came up against decay before snus)

    To add to that no colds, viruses, flu etc since when I can remember (was plagued with them before snus)

    Also nicotine monkey on my back more happy then he was on cigarettes.

    So why does the EU want to ban snus again? :-s

    Disclaimer - Yeah, I didn't get on with los during my brief 6 month vacation during my 5-6 year portion snus regeime as I had problems with my gums on that but as soon as I switched back to portions all positive (but assume that's just me)
    Good news mate Los stings my gums alot and can make them raw too so you're not alone


    • Jean
      • Nov 2011
      • 28

      No problem at all for me either after two years, except that my teeth are not as immaculately white as they could. As long as you never smile, that's tolerable.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Seems like everyone gets good dentist reports. Funny, eh? It's supposed to cause gum disease and tooth loss in Americans, but I haven't heard anyone say they lost teeth yet :^D


        • jagmanss
          • Jul 2010
          • 12213

          Originally posted by lxskllr
          Seems like everyone gets good dentist reports. Funny, eh? It's supposed to cause gum disease and tooth loss in Americans, but I haven't heard anyone say they lost teeth yet :^D
          I did, But I could be the exception with the amount of snus I use LMMFAO


          • Mr. Snuffleupagus
            • Dec 2008
            • 2781

            I go to the dentist every 10 years or so. Last time he chipped a big chunk off my tooth while drilling. **** those guys.


            • Frosted
              • Mar 2010
              • 5798

              Since I've given up smoking my teeth are cleaner and need less appointments. Getting my teeth cleaned is my nightmare. I have sensitive teeth especially around the front so I warn them. When they get a sensitive bit my legs and arms go up in the air like I've had an electric shock and they go "oh, did that hurt" and carry on regardless - on the same spot. I've nearly biffed a hygienist.

              Dentists are so full of sh** too. He tried to tell me once that I had a wisdom tooth coming through - I don't have wisdom teeth even at 41. I've just never had them. What he thought was a wisdom tooth was actually the remnants of a bad extraction where the root had to be left in. Knob.

              I hate dentists.


              • desirexe
                • Feb 2008
                • 1170

                Yeah!!! ^5 Pris! Those dentists can suck it!!


                • Reynard
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 804

                  I saw my dentist last week, and pretty much like you pris, he said carry on what you're doing. The only thing that is noticeable with my teeth is my upper gums, they are stained from snus.


                  • Ansel
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 3696

                    No cavities for me since snussing!


                    • rickcharles606
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 2307

                      Went to the Dentist yesterday to have a tooth extracted. My dentist knows of my snus usage and always examines my gums for abnormalities...I'm good to go ;-) Also, after having the tooth taken out, I popped a snus (on the other side of course) and suffered no ill effects.


                      • Paco
                        • Dec 2012
                        • 396

                        Originally posted by rickcharles606
                        Went to the Dentist yesterday to have a tooth extracted. My dentist knows of my snus usage and always examines my gums for abnormalities...I'm good to go ;-) Also, after having the tooth taken out, I popped a snus (on the other side of course) and suffered no ill effects.
                        I can't imagine how you were able to do this but that's just me. I had a bottom rear molar (last tooth before wisdom teeth) pulled out about 2 years ago and was bleeding and in pain for 2 days so ya nothing went into my mouth besides milk shakes lol. I love how they have warning labels all over General sold in the US saying gum disease and tooth loss plus mouth cancer etc. In the 6 months or so that I have been snussing I have had no dental problems and my teeth feel cleaner. Sometimes my gums feel raw but they go back to normal after a day or two. In the 4 years that I took Commit (Nicorette) Lozenges I had to have a molar extracted as it became cracked during normal eating and caused severe pain. I had a wisdom tooth in a different area crack and over a year continue to crack more and more. I sucked up the pain on that one as it wasn't as bad as the molar and I didn't have insurance. I also have another molar that feels like it has a small chip in it but hasn't caused problems yet. None of these problems existed before the lozenges and the small bits of the end of the lozenge always got stuck in my teeth. But guess what NO WARNING LABELS ON THEM. Screw big pharm.


                        • rickcharles606
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 2307

                          Originally posted by Paco
                          I can't imagine how you were able to do this but that's just me. I had a bottom rear molar (last tooth before wisdom teeth) pulled out about 2 years ago and was bleeding and in pain for 2 days so ya nothing went into my mouth besides milk shakes lol. I love how they have warning labels all over General sold in the US saying gum disease and tooth loss plus mouth cancer etc. In the 6 months or so that I have been snussing I have had no dental problems and my teeth feel cleaner. Sometimes my gums feel raw but they go back to normal after a day or two. In the 4 years that I took Commit (Nicorette) Lozenges I had to have a molar extracted as it became cracked during normal eating and caused severe pain. I had a wisdom tooth in a different area crack and over a year continue to crack more and more. I sucked up the pain on that one as it wasn't as bad as the molar and I didn't have insurance. I also have another molar that feels like it has a small chip in it but hasn't caused problems yet. None of these problems existed before the lozenges and the small bits of the end of the lozenge always got stuck in my teeth. But guess what NO WARNING LABELS ON THEM. Screw big pharm.
                          The tooth I had extracted was the one right in front of my left canine. Now, I had to of course wait for the bleeding to nearly subside, and I was able to just toss in a portion on the right side..which is where I normally snus anyway.

                          Yeah, I hate all the "warning" labels that the FDA makes us put on the snus cans. They're lies, we all know it, but the FDA doesn't care...if it has tobacco in's bad for you. I still work in the snus industry and have to deal with the FDA and their compliance issues on a daily basis. They've really hamstrung the manufacturers of snus from bringing in any new flavors, styles or brands of snus. Honestly, they've hamstrung the entire tobacco industry, not just he snus manufacturers...sadly.


                          • Paco
                            • Dec 2012
                            • 396

                            ^ Good to know, thanks for the input.


                            • precious007
                              Banned Users
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 5885

                              no one has mentioned stained teeth from snusing.

                              mine grew yellow so can't tell if they're getting any more stained from snusing or dipping.


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