Eh to make a long story short I started smoking cigarettes again due to extreme stress, and my doctor actually told me that I SHOULDN'T quit right now. I took this as a license to consume absurd quantities of tobacco. I have a cigarette. Then I sniff some Bureaux right after (yummy!) Then maybe some Dholakia White to wake me up. Then I throw in like a quarter of a tin of copenhagen snuff. Spit that out after 20 minutes, time for another cigarette! And then it's time for some F&T's High Dry Toast (divine!) And on and on it goes. I tried to just quit the cigarettes and cut back on the Copenhagen but I started experiencing severe panic attacks, and all I'd done was gone down on the cigarettes from 20+ a day to 10.
I worry it will be very difficult to switch to just one or two forms. What I really want to get rid of are the damn cigarettes.
Nasal snuff just isn't strong enough for me to make it my primary source of nicotine. I COULD do it but I feel I'd end up having to blow lines of it or something.
Copenhagen snuff is definitely strong enough, I think tomorrow I'm going to try to have a day with no cigarettes and only Copenhagen as needed and nasal snuff ad libitum and see how it goes.
The only reason I want to stop smoking cigarettes is that smoking so damn much has given me a bad smoker's cough, dry and raspy, and a sore throat. Reduced lung capacity too. I know all this will clear if I just don't smoke cigarettes for a couple of weeks.
I think if I can hold off on cigarettes with Cope without freaking out, I'll try ordering some snus for the first time in a while. I'm gonna be hillbillying big pinches though because that's what I do with Cope, and I'll probably be lower lipping it because having a bulge up under the top lip looks weird while having a bulge in the bottom is normal (yay for the south!). Some roda lacket and grovsnus would serve me just fine.
I dunno I'm a bit of a hypochondriac and I'm probably overthinking. Has anyone else found themselves in the place of having a rather out of control addiction to nicotine, and how did you get through it?
I worry it will be very difficult to switch to just one or two forms. What I really want to get rid of are the damn cigarettes.
Nasal snuff just isn't strong enough for me to make it my primary source of nicotine. I COULD do it but I feel I'd end up having to blow lines of it or something.
Copenhagen snuff is definitely strong enough, I think tomorrow I'm going to try to have a day with no cigarettes and only Copenhagen as needed and nasal snuff ad libitum and see how it goes.
The only reason I want to stop smoking cigarettes is that smoking so damn much has given me a bad smoker's cough, dry and raspy, and a sore throat. Reduced lung capacity too. I know all this will clear if I just don't smoke cigarettes for a couple of weeks.
I think if I can hold off on cigarettes with Cope without freaking out, I'll try ordering some snus for the first time in a while. I'm gonna be hillbillying big pinches though because that's what I do with Cope, and I'll probably be lower lipping it because having a bulge up under the top lip looks weird while having a bulge in the bottom is normal (yay for the south!). Some roda lacket and grovsnus would serve me just fine.
I dunno I'm a bit of a hypochondriac and I'm probably overthinking. Has anyone else found themselves in the place of having a rather out of control addiction to nicotine, and how did you get through it?