So, a couple years ago I had to have periodontal surgery, ya not pleasant, because of receding gums. I just had another check up with my periodonist and my gums "look very good, no make that great" and I use a can of Thunder Frosted a day.
Evidently stress impacts your dental health, makes sense, and I have had more than my share so far this year, wife passed away in March, had my thyroid removed in May, and my brother in law died of colon cancer last week (three week from diagnosis to death). Had a colonoscopy last week, all good.
The first 7 months of 2012 sucks, nice to have good news at the periodonist/dentist. Considering how much I snus and the stress this year my gums are great!
Evidently stress impacts your dental health, makes sense, and I have had more than my share so far this year, wife passed away in March, had my thyroid removed in May, and my brother in law died of colon cancer last week (three week from diagnosis to death). Had a colonoscopy last week, all good.
The first 7 months of 2012 sucks, nice to have good news at the periodonist/dentist. Considering how much I snus and the stress this year my gums are great!