Scary reaction I had the other day

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  • superdevil
    • Jul 2008
    • 158

    Scary reaction I had the other day

    I wanted to share a little story with the heavy snusers out there and see if anyone has had something similar happen to them.

    I had been snusing all day, really no more than normal (since morning I'd had 2 Camel original, 3 Gotburgs Rape mini, 2 or 3 Mocca pomegranate) and I'd just finished dinner. Somewhere between all the snus and pizza I'd consumed I had to take a couple of tablespoons of Pepto Bismol to quiet my guts down.

    So afterwards I sit down with a Camel Spice and as soon as the juice started hitting the back of my throat I started gasping for air. It felt like my throat was closing up involuntarily. I spit the portion out and started chugging the tea I had next to me. After about twenty minutes I could swallow again but my throat was still swollen. It was a horrible sensation and I didn't snus for two days afterwards as my throat was sore as hell. It actually felt like I had strep throat.

    i did a little research on some possible explanation for this reaction and found that what most likely happened was I had an allergic reaction to mixing Pepto with snusing. I've never had an ill effect from either on their own, but mixing the two I think triggered an anaphylactic reaction. Apparently you're not supposed to mix anything containing saccharine or aspertine with pepto as it could cause inflammation of the lymph glands.

    I wanted to share this with you guys as I know there are a couple of people on here who like Camel Spice after dinner. Be careful using if you have had some sort of Rolaids, Pepto Bismol, or Tums as these possibly can cause a reaction in some people. I've never had a food allergy or medicinal reaction before so this kind of took me by surprise.
  • Soliex
    • Jul 2008
    • 58

    Thank you for sharing this, I don't use pepto bismal or anything that resembles it but I'm sure some people here do.

    I'm sorry that it happened to you and I'm sure it scared you as it would me. I'm glad your alright.


    • STORM6490MT
      • Mar 2008
      • 138

      sorry to hear about that man! that sucks.

      if you want to stop heart burn or acid reflux, get a bottle of braggs raw organic apple cider vinegar. take a shot glass of it and slam it down. drink some water after a minute or so.

      this shuts down the ducts that produce acid. the acid from the vinegar alerts your body that there is way too much acid by changing the ph in your stomach. it works in about 5 to ten minutes.

      i think all the chalk products are masking agents that just dilute the acid and let the stomach produce more acid so you have to buy more product.

      i drink a shot or two of raw acv every day and it helps my system clear out toxins. give it a shot next time your acid goes ape on you.


      • bondzai
        • Apr 2008
        • 362

        I do notice difficulty swallowing right after having a big dip in. I don't know what it does to those muscles, but it seems to affect them. I am tending to try not to overdo it nowadays.


        • RM0099
          New Member
          • Aug 2008
          • 5

          I've noticed something similar - I frequently get heartburn, and always have tums around with me. If I dip or snus when I've recently consumed tums, I get very ill to the stomache. I've not experienced the tightening and swelling of the throat, but the nausea is pretty extreme and usually merits laying down for a good half hour to an hour before I'm able to function again.


          • Grim
            • Jun 2008
            • 850

            Actually i doubt it was an allergic reaction. Sounds more like a panic attack.

            I have experienced the same feelings before. And your symptoms sound similar to those of a panic attack.


            • snusjus
              • Jun 2008
              • 2674

              I have a cast iron stomach, so I never need to use stomach-relief medications. I'm glad you told me about that though!


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