certain brands give me heartburn. also i have noticed if i snus and don't drink enough water i get heartburn sometimes. come to think about it most that give me heartburn are thunder portions.
Quick test: When you experience this type of pain/discomfort, use an (strong, if possible - the results may be clearer that way) antacid. If the pain stops, you are home free; it was just a heartburn.
it's heartburn or GERD .. too much nicotine being swallowed
I used to get when dipping american tobacco and swallowing all the juices..... nothing to worry about just don't use them anymore, they are probably too strong for you at the moment.
I have to avoid some brands as they can give me heartburn and/or stomach ache. I just assumed it was just the flavourings.
O. T.
I'm with you here...
Easy for me to figure out, the smoke flavor in General products, will anilate my throat, stomach...etc
Hell I felt like I had drank acid of some sort...
I couldn't get others to try so I read the ingredients list, and the General products not containing SMOKE FLAVORING, are mint and wintergreen,use mint &Copenhagen all better in a week.
So I assume Copenhagen is better than smoking..
About the thunder cola snus.
Get some sort of heartburn relief Med. If it smooths the stomach then I'd think the snus was causing you heartburn ...
Sorry to hear about your trouble man
Thunder Cool Orange does the same thing to me. I am on medication for GERD anyway and hardly ever experience heart burn or acid reflux anymore, but with Thunder Orange I do, and for the rest of the day as well. Thunder Mint I have no trouble with.
Don't know what it is with thunder but when I first used it I got wicked heartburn, as I used more of it I went away, but the nic release is so severe with thunder I think that and swallowing the juice has something to do with it, it used to burn as I swallowed it! Thats the only extra stark that happened with me too, once I was used to extra starks he problem went away.
I have been using Copenhagen WG on and off for close to a year or more and have noticed a slight pain in that area of usage. Almost like a throbbing cavity....
So I just got in a couple cans of thunder coola los to try out and I am always curious now of the PH in various flavors and brands. Thunder across the...
While much has been said about the way advertisers have always hawked their products to women by playing on their insecurities, men have not been immune...