What have I done all those years?

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  • Frosted
    • Mar 2010
    • 5798

    I do at least a tin of Extreme every two days. You'll find that even that is pussy compared to the Swedes.
    The only side effect from that is pure enjoyment and happiness I'm afraid :-(
    Excess nicotine produces sedative effects, and by the sound of things yer not getting enough.


    • Frosted
      • Mar 2010
      • 5798

      ....to be accurate...20 tins a month with snuff on top. Unless you have an underlying medical condition just chill.


      • Grim
        • Jun 2008
        • 850

        Id relax man like everyone else here has said, or else youll end up like me worrying enough to induce panic and anxiety, and trust me, living with that stuff sucks!!

        Life is meant to be enjoyed.

        Keep us posted though, and I wish you the best for your health and such, and if you are sensitive to nicotine as I am try to use nasal snuff to combat your cravings and cut back on the chain snusing a bit.


        • reeviint
          Banned Users
          • Jan 2013
          • 10

          I don't notice increased heart rate, but I would never exercise with snus in, especially a strong one. Do you exercise at all? My advice is to not worry about the snus, take fish oil supplements.


          • SnusoMatic
            • Jun 2009
            • 507

            i used to smoke. tried regular snus at first and was not enough nic for me. now i mostly use strongs, loose and portion.

            i have had diabetes for 33 years. i have to test my sugar many times a day. never noticed nicotine causing it to go up or down at all. everyone's different but that's how it effects me.


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