As expected snus has the goods. What is interesting is the peak of nicotine for snus is one hour after starting. Also how long the nicotine last. Even at two hours there are still good amounts of nicotine. That explains very nicely why I can get by on 5 or 6 grams (or less) of snus and never have a hint of withdrawal. I have at times simple forgotten to do a snus and gone for 4 hours or more since my last fresh snus before I noticed it. I would never have been able to do that with cigarettes.
As expected snus has the goods. What is interesting is the peak of nicotine for snus is one hour after starting. Also how long the nicotine last. Even at two hours there are still good amounts of nicotine. That explains very nicely why I can get by on 5 or 6 grams (or less) of snus and never have a hint of withdrawal. I have at times simple forgotten to do a snus and gone for 4 hours or more since my last fresh snus before I noticed it. I would never have been able to do that with cigarettes.