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  • nester024
    New Member
    • Jul 2008
    • 2


    The Gothiatek site claims that "Snus users have a significantly lower risk of heartburn than non-tobacco users."

    Has anyone experienced this? I suffer heartburn regularly despite food or drink. I used Skoal for a few weeks and that shit gave me baaad heartburn, though I haven't used snus long enough to really determine the effects. Any thoughts on its use actually reducing the frequency of heartburn?
  • Jason
    • Jan 2008
    • 1370

    They probably aren't talking about people who already have chronic heartburn; if you have it, you're stuck with it for the most part. I have GERD and I take medication for it, so I wouldn't really notice anyway.

    I WILL say that it has been much easier on me since I stopped smoking...


    • ---Nicotinic Acid---
      • Jul 2008
      • 134

      Major causes of heartburn are trans fats, msg, and other various chemical food additives.

      I've never experienced heartburn from US or Swedish dip.

      1/2 tsp of baking soda will rid you of heartburn almost instantly.


      • Marv
        • Mar 2008
        • 47

        If your are fat, then that is probably the number one cause of HB. I lost 50 lbs and by HB has been cut in half. And since then, if I get HB and I put in some some snus, it is gone.


        • ponysoprano
          • Jul 2008
          • 562

          I quit smoking a month ago, now using Swedish snus brands. I haven't had heartburn once since I quit smoking. I used to take prescription generic Prilosec/Omeprazole for acid reflux/heartburn. I haven't experienced snus related heartburn, and I'm now a heavy snusser, 10-15 pouches daily.


          • rr0
            • Jun 2008
            • 41

            Re: Heartburn

            Originally posted by nester024
            The Gothiatek site claims that "Snus users have a significantly lower risk of heartburn than non-tobacco users."
            Has anyone experienced this? I suffer heartburn regularly despite food or drink.
            I've experienced one or two instances where snus use exacerbated heartburn. Snus might have caused it, but I am not sure.

            Someone else mentioned dietary factors with heartburn, and I wanted to throw my .02 into this. About 6 years ago I went on a big health kick and significantly cut back on eating "processed" foods (white breads, pasta, cheese, etc.) and instead ate fruits/veggies/lean meats/whole grains. When I made this switch I immediately noticed that my frequent heartburn stopped cold.


            • bakerbarber
              • Jun 2008
              • 1947

              I suffer from achalasia and subsequently never experience heartburn. If I consume extremely spicy food I may get uncomfortable. My father swears by the baking soda thing. He said you'll belch like a sasquatch, but it cures what ails ya.


              • Grim
                • Jun 2008
                • 850

                Snus doesnt give me heartburn.

                American snuff did, BAD!!

                But it seems snus still gives me indigestion, out of the other end, sorry, had to be honest.

                But i am a chain snuser, which may be the cause.

                High nic ingestion coupled with empty stomach probably arent the best of friends


                • ponysoprano
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 562

                  Originally posted by Marv
                  If your are fat, then that is probably the number one cause of HB. I lost 50 lbs and by HB has been cut in half. And since then, if I get HB and I put in some some snus, it is gone.
                  Seriously! I hit my heaviest at 325 lbs. last fall (I'm 6'4"), coupled with a sh!t diet and smoking, my heartburn was a 24/7 nightmare. I'm now smoke-free and eating well....no HB


                  • Radek
                    New Member
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 4

                    Re: Heartburn

                    Originally posted by nester024
                    The Gothiatek site claims that "Snus users have a significantly lower risk of heartburn than non-tobacco users."

                    Has anyone experienced this?
                    I'm not sure if the risk of heartburn is really lower than for non-tobacco users, but it is possible that high pH of snus neutralizes the gastric acid.

                    As for my experience, I've had some heartburn after cigarettes, and horrible heartburn after American moist snuff. I haven't had any stomach problems after snus.


                    • grenade01
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 20

                      I know this thread is way old, but i wanted to comment on it anyway
                      sorry if that bugs you... too bad!

                      I get instant heartburn...well not instant..but within 40-60 seconds of putting a snus in. I got slight HB from smoking back in the day but not near to that which Snus gives me.

                      go figure

                      I keep antacids in my desk and chew a half of one tab like 15 minutes before i put a snus in.

                      Seems to help

                      Ive only tried dip once
                      I'll never try it again... i think its terrible
                      so I cant comment on that


                      • deebocools
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 661

                        I'd also like to add that I thank the god I don't believe in that I've never experienced heartburn... I don't even have a frame of reference to understand what it's like. happy days, for me!


                        • superdevil
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 158

                          White portioned snus give me terrible heartburn.


                          • RobsanX
                            • Aug 2008
                            • 2030

                            I've had heartburn off and on throughout my adult life, but I could never tie it to either smoking or snus. For me I think it was a combination of diet and stress related...


                            • frizodanizzo
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 53

                              id like to say i agree with the guy who changed his diet and the stuff stopped cold my wife has acid reflux due to her barely working galbladder. she changed her southern cooking style to a more northern and veggie diet cut her problems down a lot. me id say any tobacco swollowed can cause heart burn but it doesnt affect all people i know the doc had me on pain pills and 800 mg ibuprofen and when i first used general sterk portions i felt like i was gonna die lol. that was the only time i felt bad especially since i didnt eat much that day so that combo wasnt good.


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