I am kinda not sure whats up..
Many days when I snus all day instead of smoke, I'll need something extra to pick me up, so I'll drink coffee. Sometimes 2-4 cups of regular very strong coffee in the morning, and even throw 4-7 shots of espresso during the day in. I suppose you could say I can get up to a lot of coffee in the day.
But then I have trouble sleeping earlier in the night. Then I sit there and blame the snus.
The problem is, I think thats not right. Because in the morning if I wake up tired and don't feel like coffee (and don't need to go to work right away), I can put a 8mg snus in and it puts me back to sleep and I'll dream and feel great.
Anyways point being, I suppose I should stop drinking so much coffee. Its just sometimes I feel like I need something else with the snus, I guess since I'm "not smoking", I need to feel higher somehow.
I did go a day mainly just snusing throughout the day, and it was good. And I bought a ton of yerba mate but I think overall maybe I shouldn't be using so much caffeine.. because it gets to the point where I literally can't snus anymore, and want to smoke instead... because the high amount of caffeine combined with snus gets me to "something" and i'll be up late at night stress-eating when I really just need to sleep.
Maybe someone out there feels the same way.
I am kinda not sure whats up..
Many days when I snus all day instead of smoke, I'll need something extra to pick me up, so I'll drink coffee. Sometimes 2-4 cups of regular very strong coffee in the morning, and even throw 4-7 shots of espresso during the day in. I suppose you could say I can get up to a lot of coffee in the day.
But then I have trouble sleeping earlier in the night. Then I sit there and blame the snus.
The problem is, I think thats not right. Because in the morning if I wake up tired and don't feel like coffee (and don't need to go to work right away), I can put a 8mg snus in and it puts me back to sleep and I'll dream and feel great.
Anyways point being, I suppose I should stop drinking so much coffee. Its just sometimes I feel like I need something else with the snus, I guess since I'm "not smoking", I need to feel higher somehow.
I did go a day mainly just snusing throughout the day, and it was good. And I bought a ton of yerba mate but I think overall maybe I shouldn't be using so much caffeine.. because it gets to the point where I literally can't snus anymore, and want to smoke instead... because the high amount of caffeine combined with snus gets me to "something" and i'll be up late at night stress-eating when I really just need to sleep.
Maybe someone out there feels the same way.