Snus and Caffeine Questions/Concerns

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  • SnuserSnuffer
    • Jul 2012
    • 211

    Snus and Caffeine Questions/Concerns


    I am kinda not sure whats up..

    Many days when I snus all day instead of smoke, I'll need something extra to pick me up, so I'll drink coffee. Sometimes 2-4 cups of regular very strong coffee in the morning, and even throw 4-7 shots of espresso during the day in. I suppose you could say I can get up to a lot of coffee in the day.

    But then I have trouble sleeping earlier in the night. Then I sit there and blame the snus.

    The problem is, I think thats not right. Because in the morning if I wake up tired and don't feel like coffee (and don't need to go to work right away), I can put a 8mg snus in and it puts me back to sleep and I'll dream and feel great.

    Anyways point being, I suppose I should stop drinking so much coffee. Its just sometimes I feel like I need something else with the snus, I guess since I'm "not smoking", I need to feel higher somehow.

    I did go a day mainly just snusing throughout the day, and it was good. And I bought a ton of yerba mate but I think overall maybe I shouldn't be using so much caffeine.. because it gets to the point where I literally can't snus anymore, and want to smoke instead... because the high amount of caffeine combined with snus gets me to "something" and i'll be up late at night stress-eating when I really just need to sleep.

    Maybe someone out there feels the same way.
    To snus or not to snus. That is not the question
  • Ansel
    • Feb 2011
    • 3696

    Personally i think you are drinking too much coffee!


    • Ansel
      • Feb 2011
      • 3696

      I have a one cup as soon as i wake up. Then one cup (sometimes two) a bit later on.


      • Roo
        • Jun 2008
        • 3446

        Sounds like you are extremely obsessed with modulating your sense of physical well-being with various substances and consumables. I would humbly suggest an alternate path in your quest for comfort. Perhaps changing your environment, physical exercise, counseling, a hot shower, some tea and a good book would help. Just my observations and attempt at advice. I don't think you are going to fine-tune this apparently delicate balance of mental solace with things like cigarettes, food, caffeine, snus, drugs (long-term), and such. Good luck.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Good advice Roo.


          • Skell18
            • May 2012
            • 7067

            I have drunk alot of coffee my whole life, even beofre I started smoking or snusing. I can't ususually function without 2 cups before work, then throughout the day I have at least 8 cups if tea or coffee, few espressos at lunch, 4 or so cups when I get home from work. Always been like that, never noticed any difference from when I switched to snus from smoking other than I now don't drink as much in the morning, I can sometimes leave for work not having had any coffee. Just different strokes for different folks. Some days I have 2 or 3 cups of coffee all day, just depends whats going on, would never think to modulate it with using snus etc, just have one when I feel like one, usually because I have a dam good coffee on the go and it tastes great.


            • SnuserSnuffer
              • Jul 2012
              • 211

              I know what you mean about the modulation. I exercise all the time. I read all the time. Its just when I was smoking, I didn't seem to always stay up late.. so I don't know what to think.

              I guess time will tell. Thanks though.
              To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


              • Ansel
                • Feb 2011
                • 3696

                Nicotine is a stimulant so you may want to take it out an hour before going to bed... it might help. Good luck.


                • SnuserSnuffer
                  • Jul 2012
                  • 211

                  Its been a month. I have to get down to 2-3 shots of espresso because I've been having ocd ever since I got up to 4 shots a day around a year ago. So this month it has literally become insane. Drinking so much coffee. Anyways been mainly snusing but have been buying packs.. all the coffee mainly not espresso just coffee was making me messed up.

                  Tonight I chained 5 Nat Sherman's in a row.. thinking well if I'm getting off coffee ill just smoke (because I was in severe coffee withdrawal today)

                  But then realized how much I love the privacy of snus. So hopefully all will be well.
                  To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


                  • SnuserSnuffer
                    • Jul 2012
                    • 211

                    Oh and also u have been snusing less for some reason. I use loose. Maybe ill just have to snus more
                    To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


                    • blue ruin
                      New Member
                      • Sep 2011
                      • 6

                      I cut down on coffee a bit recently myself. Not easy when you're self-employed and have Sylvia at your beck and call 24/7.


                      • The Stig
                        • Oct 2012
                        • 206

                        I kind of went thru the same thing only with Energy Drinks when I began Snusing. Was drinking about 3 large Monster energy drinks a day on top of Snusing a lot and about 6 cans of Diet Coke. WAY too much caffeine!!! Would keep me up until Midnight so, I stopped the Monsters and stuck with the Diet Coke and was finally able to get some sleep. It was hard because I really liked the Monster Energy drinks but, sleep was better!

                        Anyway, cut back on the caffeine, like most here have recommended, and you should be fine. :-)

                        hope this helps!


                        • SnuserSnuffer
                          • Jul 2012
                          • 211

                          That's what I'm going to do
                          To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


                          • SnuserSnuffer
                            • Jul 2012
                            • 211

                            Thanks Ansel and every1 else for your replies.
                            To snus or not to snus. That is not the question


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