Nicotine Harm Reduction. Great video by Gerry Stimson.
ooooOOOOoooooh! He seems to be quite an influential character.$File/D228-2008.pdf
We've seen the sense, all we need is many educated, sensible and influential people like yourself to promote what we already know. Well done Gerry and a great big thank you.
check this out, looks like ASH are interested in harm reduction...
Originally posted by Anselcheck this out, looks like ASH are interested in harm reduction...
When ASH and similar organisations talk about harm reduction, they cannot mean anything but pharmaceutical NRT. They depend on money from the pharma industry. And since pharmaceutical NRT is useless and ineffective, the appreciated public fundings, derived from cigarette tax revenues, will also keep flowing for as long as tobacco control people can get away with this corrupt charade that's called "public health".
Snus and other smokeless tobacco products will never be more than a footnote for anti tobacco public health workers, because they would put them to unemployment. Anti tobacco workers will become unneeded if people switch to harmless tobacco products.
BTW, as far as I'm concerned, they're unneded anyway. If it weren't for them, their propaganda, and their policy-manipulation, almost everybody would already know about snus and harm-reduction. I also think that there's nothing wrong with smoking in the first place. Yes, it's quite unhealthy to smoke, but it's also a product of human culture, not a detestable habit, like the deranged, misanthropic anti-tobacco-workers portray it. Who wants to smoke shall smoke. The whole science about the risks of second hand smoke is as "accurate" as the many myths about snus and other forms of smokeless tobacco.
Last but not least, snus was allowed in the EU ... until the UK joined and demanded from the EU to adopt the older British smokeless tobacco ban. The EU snus ban is a British invention. If the EU goes to pieces, I have no doubt that snus will be immediately allowed again in Germany, but for the UK I wouldn't be so sure. Germany also has bribed public health no-goods like the ASH-people or the EU's SCENIHR-department, but they are by far not as influential (yet).
To make it short: it would be best for us all to get rid of public health pressure-groups. They're just too prone for corruption and not interested at all in public health. The snus-ban and the related bogus-propaganda by public health workers should be proof enough for that statement.
Methadone is a pharma-industry-product, isn't it?
Well, I don't know anything about Gerry Stimson. Maybe he's a good guy. But I've read enough about ASH to conclude that it would be best for society to break-up such organsiations. A good start would be to stop public fundings for their "unhealthy health-propaganda".
If they really start to promote snus and harm-reduction now, then only because their former abominable actions on that topic have not remained unnoticed by sensible politicians.
Originally posted by chainsnuserMethadone is a pharma-industry-product, isn't it?
Well, I don't know anything about Gerry Stimson. Maybe he's a good guy. But I've read enough about ASH to conclude that it would be best for society to break-up such organsiations. A good start would be to stop public fundings for their "unhealthy health-propaganda".
If they really start to promote snus and harm-reduction now, then only because their former abominable actions on that topic have not remained unnoticed by sensible politicians.
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