arrr back pain

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  • daz
    • May 2012
    • 268

    arrr back pain

    arrr i've trapped my bloody sciatica nerve and its so f**king unbearable i've maxed out on the pain killers but no good.
    so i'm stuck with snuffing and snusing at the same time is it helping with the pain NO not one bit but it is takeing my mind off it so not a total loss , and christmas pud and odens59 are yummy together so thats a win. now all i have to do is start trying to move with out that shooting back pain starting up again..
  • crullers
    • Oct 2011
    • 663

    That sucks daz. I'm laid up this weekend too - my ankle has swollen up like a balloon. I'm going to make a web page for some online game my wife is into to keep me occupied. I wish I had some of that Christmas Pudding to enjoy while I am at it.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      That sucks. My back's been feeling ok lately. I screwed it up over ten years ago, and it usually varies from painful, but tolerable, to excruciating, and makes me immobile. Hope you get better soon. Back pain's the worst.


      • Skell18
        • May 2012
        • 7067

        I find when my sciatica flairs up that one of those pillows you put in the microwave, very, very hot, works a treat, dihyrdacodiene also works too!


        • pris

          Yep, go see your GP, they can prescribe much better pain relief than you can get over the counter.


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