Snus lesions

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  • KarlvB
    • Feb 2008
    • 681

    Snus lesions

    I'm interested to know how many of you have developed the so called "snus lesion"

    The development of the lesion is supposed to be fairly common so I guess the majority of us will develop it at some point.

    Do they occur on the gum or the inside of the lip?

    Can someone describe what the lesion looks like?

    Is this accurate?

    "The clinical characteristics of snus- induced lesion at the site of quid placement have been described as white or yellowish to brownish colour
    changes, a wrinkled or folded surface and a clear demarcation to di€use merging into surrounding normal mucosa

    A four-point scale of clinical grading of these lesions has been introduced. The severity of the grade is correlated with increased consumption (h/day/year). Two major histological patterns of changes in the surface epithelium were recognised. The firrst pattern is increased epithelial thickness with vacuolated cells. The second was frequent chevron type changes and variable thickness with evidence of keratinization. High daily use was associated with relatively more pronounced epithelial changes. It has been concluded that tissue changes clinically as well as histologically including presence of epithelial dysplasia are reversible following cessation of the snus habit"

    *for some reason it doesn't want to past the URL properly so no click through
  • jamesstew
    • May 2008
    • 1440

    They look not unlike blisters, you can get some pictures online but I forget where. The thing is they clear up if you switch the side you regularly place your snus on. If you frequently switch sides already chances are you will never experience this.


    • Grim
      • Jun 2008
      • 850

      Always switch sides.

      If i have a portion/pris on the left the next time I snus i will put it on the right.

      I too had a lesion and irritated gums but itll disappear over time.

      Becareful though. If you do not switch you will start to see your gum lines receed drastically. This differs from person to person to the extent this will happen.

      My soreness lasted a week and a half.


      • b0xii
        • Feb 2009
        • 60

        Yep, I've been snusing for six days now and already have three of these things. I guess it doesn't help that I started chain-snusing immediately...didn't give my gums any time to acclimate to the stuff.

        I've started using peroxide so hopefully that'll clear things up.


        • sychodelix
          • Dec 2008
          • 280

          A teaspoon of salt (or a half) and a squirt of peroxide really helps heal up the gums. Brushing your gums pretty well to toughen them up helps too.


          • RobsanX
            • Aug 2008
            • 2030

            I switch sides every portion, and I've not noticed any lesions.


            • Ainkor
              • Sep 2008
              • 1144

              I've been snusing for about 6 months and my gums and inner cheeks look like a crack whores ass.

              Just kidding! I alternate sides and so far, I have not ever seen anything odd.


              • ShaulWolf
                • Jan 2009
                • 495

                When I started I kept the portion on one side more than the other. Ended up with some soreness and couldn't keep a portion in without it really bothering me. I waited a week, rinsed more often, and then started alternating. Haven't had a problem since.

                Like everyone's said so far: alternate with each portion equally and you should be fine. If you start chain snusing and start getting sore from it lay off a little so your body can adjust.


                • Xobeloot
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2542

                  I tend to snus in the same spot all the time and have never had any lesions, nor any gum recession.

                  If you do have a lesion, as people said, switching your snus location until it heals will help. Also, if you buy a product called Gly-oxide from any pharmacy, It will drastically reduce the healing time of oral wounds.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    I'm like Xobeloot. Have been using snus for 2 years, same spot, never any problems


                    • KarlvB
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 681

                      Thanks for the replies everyone, but I guess I wasn't really clear.

                      I do not personally have a lesion.

                      The reason for my question was that my Swedish dentist mentioned to me that with prolonged use people do tend to develop a lesion. This is nothing to be alarmed by. From the description I quoted above it sounds almost like a callus, and I was interested if some of the longer term users have actually developed this.

                      The Gothiatek website states "This condition, known as "snus-induced lesion," is harmless and goes away if snus use is stopped. Studies have shown that these lesions do not worsen over time and that oral cancers rarely occur at the site of use. (Roosaar, A., Johansson, A.L.V., Sandborgh-Englund, G., Nyrén, O., and Axéll, T. 2006. A long-term follow-up study on the natural course of snus-induced lesions among Swedish snus users. Int. J. Cancer 119:392-397.)."

                      Ps: Totally agree with you on switching sides. I've been doing this since I started over a year ago and I've never experienced any problems with my gums or any recession.


                      • NonEntity
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 138

                        From what I have read it is similar to what I experienced using dip. I did alternate my dip location under my lower lip, but on both sides the area I placed the tobacco became somewhat calloused, white and rough. My dentist called it "gator skin" but the real name is Hyperkeratosis. It did not hurt or bleed or anything like that, though it is considered precancerous. Image here:


                        Note: I am new to snus and am only assuming I will experience the same thing eventually on the top lip/gum.



                        • snusjus
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 2674


                          Do any of you have lesions like that from snus? My gums looks completely normal, but I've using snus for only a year. As well, this picture is from an anti-snus/tobacco website, so its probably from someone that has been using snus for SEVERAL years. It doesn't really bother me, since no one can see it!


                          • tom502
                            • Feb 2009
                            • 8985

                            I am suspicious of pics like that. Who is this person, and what's his story? It could be a pic that's not even related to actual snus or tobacco use.


                            • Veganpunk
                              • Jun 2009
                              • 5381

                              That's crazy. I have noticed that if I snus on the same side for too long, it gets all wrinky. I blame it on the salt. The next day it's gone.


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