Snus lesions

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  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    Originally posted by ddandb
    There is a 'Post your ugly mug' thread. Maybe we could start "Post your gum' thread.
    That sounds like a good idea! When I'm done with my pris, I'll post a picture and topic.


    • snusjus
      • Jun 2008
      • 2674

      My beautiful snus lesion

      With almost two years of daily snus consumption under my belt, I'm proud to show off my snus induced lesion. The lesion is only on the inside of my upper lip; my gums look perfectly fine. The lesion started to develop about one month ago. It hasn't gone away, but I'm proud of it.

      Feel free to show your own.


      • Liandri
        • Jul 2009
        • 604


        I have two ouchie spots, one on each side. Can you find them?

        inb4 EWWWWWWWW. Goodnight all!


        • LaZeR
          • Oct 2009
          • 3994



          • Christi
            • Dec 2009
            • 2104

            LaZ, my thoughts exactly. I had a couple spots but I am not proud of them, as they freaked me the f*ck out. They went away, but still, bumps on my thanks.


            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              I've had no spots or sores at all, but I think I've seen some gum reccession.


              • LaZeR
                • Oct 2009
                • 3994

                I just don't wanna start seeing those post with the spots on UrAnis....

                Some things are just meant to keep private....


                • Liandri
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 604

                  Oh, getting sick guys? Don't like the spots/sores/splits/bumps/recedes? Too bad. Its good you all are exposed to a few cases of the truthful side to the harms and hazards of the "Food product" you all praise so highly. Its to promote that, well hopefully it won't happen to you.

                  EDIT: Even though that pic was taken at the end of the day with an very abrasive Odens cinnamon, god that stuff killed me.


                  • ladysnus
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 601

                    Ewwww! One year of snusing and I've never had that happen.
                    Maybe some soreness caused by dried out snus but that is all.
                    I see nothing on the second posters mouth, thank God!


                    • ladysnus
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 601

                      Snusjus, I hope you are taking care of this with daily warm sea salt soaks. 3 times a day should take of that.


                      • snusjus
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 2674

                        I posted this topic to provoke some thoughts for snus users. Sure, snus is pretty harmless, but it does have side effects from consistent use. I'm not try to be anti or pro snus, I'm just showing what happened to me.

                        Anyway, I would much rather have a lip lesion than the airways and cilia in my lungs coated with tobacco tar.


                        • spirit72
                          • Apr 2008
                          • 1013

                          I'm a couple of months into Year Three now. I use both lös and portions. And I've not developed any sort of legion yet. Nothing, in fact, except a bit of wrinkly-lip on days when I use a lot of lös. Goes away when I lay off for a bit.

                          Don't know why, but it just hasn't happened. Not that I'm complaining.


                          • NorSnuser
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 153

                            Originally posted by Liandri
                            Oh, getting sick guys? Don't like the spots/sores/splits/bumps/recedes? Too bad. Its good you all are exposed to a few cases of the truthful side to the harms and hazards of the "Food product" you all praise so highly. Its to promote that, well hopefully it won't happen to you.

                            EDIT: Even though that pic was taken at the end of the day with an very abrasive Odens cinnamon, god that stuff killed me.
                            Heck no, I want to see gum pics. To put it into perspective it would be useful for people posting pics like this to tell us how many portions/los they use and whether they snus in the same spot all the time or not.


                            • texasmade
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 4159

                              the inside of my lip looks like somebody took sharkskin to the face of and overly sundried 150 year olds face


                              • LaZeR
                                • Oct 2009
                                • 3994

                                Originally posted by Liandri
                                Oh, getting sick guys? Don't like the spots/sores/splits/bumps/recedes? Too bad. Its good you all are exposed to a few cases of the truthful side to the harms and hazards of the "Food product" you all praise so highly. Its to promote that, well hopefully it won't happen to you.

                                EDIT: Even though that pic was taken at the end of the day with an very abrasive Odens cinnamon, god that stuff killed me.
                                Don't forget, just to put things into proper perspective here. Liandri has suggested in some other recent threads that he still dips American chew/dip tobaccos on occasion which we all know have abrasive chemicals in them and have been proven by the medical team @ Owen's & Corning to produce soft gum tissue damage amongst other things.


                                /just saying.


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