Oh my, I am sure this has been discussed over and over but I have to ask?

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  • snustocope
    • May 2012
    • 23

    Oh my, I am sure this has been discussed over and over but I have to ask?

    My first snus in the morning is really the best one of the day.
    It is a combination of a rush with a relaxation tale end to it.
    I can definitely tell when it peaks.
    I almost get sad, that it comes and goes.

    For the rest of the day, I don't get that sensation.

    Maybe it is for the better, as it makes me not want to snus throughout the day because I don't get anything from it.

    I truly love the Thunder Raw Frosted Ultra Strong (21mg) portions for the taste and the punch it packs in the morning.

    I just wish I could get that feeling a little more throughout the day as well.

    In college and in high school I would occasionally dip Skoal.
    I got off that a while ago but a work stress trigger happened and found myself not wanting to smoke.
    So I tried the Camel snus in a tin at the local 7-11 to quell the need for nicotine.
    I was unimpressed.
    Started researching what real quality snus was and pursued the over seas brands.
    Started with Mint Generals and then discovered Thunder.

    Since then, I have found myself wondering if the tolerance is a way for my body to say this isn't working.
    I am one of those type of guys who appreciate tobacco more than alcohol.
    A cup of coffee and a fresh snus is a great combination.

    Anyway with 8 rolls of Thunder in my refrigerator I contemplate how effective it is.
    I sit here in the very late evening hours of the night with one portion in of Thunder (and this is after about 3 hrs in between)

    Did I overdue it with my 21 mg Thunder, I thought this was the best alternative to dipping again.
    I had thought about getting another can of Copenhagen just to get that feeling again.
    I know though that it is suppose to be significantly worse for the oral cavity and health.

    One side note, I noticed that the nicotine fixation occurred significantly after stopping antidepressants like Wellbutrin and Lexapro.
    After that medicine was stopped, I have been very much trying to alleviate stress with snus.

    Hey any advice would be greatly appreciated?
  • Sato
    • Dec 2009
    • 133

    The reason the morning snus is the best one is because you spent those hours asleep without having one. If you wait 8 hours between snusing during the day, you should achieve similar effects. I get a buzz off a regular General OP if I wait several hours (or more) between portions, but resisting the craving isn't really worth it IMO. Part of it may be your brain being freshly stocked on feel-good chemicals after a good night's rest, too. You could try taking a nap in the middle of the day I guess, but I think the main thing is to understand that "chasing the buzz" is usually a bad idea.

    Regarding the anti-depressants; it kind of sounds like you stopped taking them suddenly instead of stepping down over time, did you?


    • tman570
      • Apr 2010
      • 30

      I never get a buzz from snus anymore


      • wojcik49
        • Dec 2012
        • 112

        Lol enjoy the buzz while you can still get it


        • wojcik49
          • Dec 2012
          • 112

          Also dont just stop the antidepressamts always taper off. The snus in a month will not give you a buzz....


          • Thunder_Snus
            • Oct 2011
            • 1316

            Snus never really gave me a buzz except when i put 2 thunder raws in during my last hour of working in a factory about a year ago. I did get a nicotine buzz when i started dipping back when i was 14. The only time i get a buzz now is if i smoke a cigarette right after waking up. And since I am not a smoker except on very rare occasion it maybe happens once or twice a year.


            • truthwolf1
              • Oct 2008
              • 2696

              I have been using snus/dip for 4 years and surprisingly tapering down while still getting a buzz. Still addicted obviously but seemingly in more control.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                I still catch a buzz every time I snus, must just be lucky


                • WickedKitchen
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 2528


                  The same effect occurs with just about everything. Sure, there's drugs that have to build up in your system or cause it to change in some way to achieve effects however Nicotine is not one of them.

                  You're chasing the dragon. After six plus years I can still "feel" it but I wouldn't call it a buzz. There are times, however when I go five or six hours without one during the day simply 'cos I don't think of it or I'm too busy doing whatever it is. When I notice this and it clicks in my brain I'll do another task or three to kill more time in between. Then I'll make a cup of tea and put in a sterk. There's a buzz albeit three minutes or so. Usually I don't even get a buzz in the morning. I chalk this up to the fact that I had too much nic the day before and it hasn't totally left my system.


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