Imagine if you spent the time doing something productive instead of this, oh the possibilities.
I asked about his brushing patterns because it matters, and I'm suddenly an asshole for not consoling him? OP's situation sucks but he knows his fate, all he can do is help the future generation
I don't think its worth even replying to them anymore, don;t give them the satisfaction, freeze them out, they will soon get bored and move on. Except that one who sells tobacco to children, that one should be banned for admitting that!
How did I miss someone selling to kids? SMH. There goes the neighborhood.
So, I have always had gums that were a bit more receded than my dentist would like, even before I started snusing in December. Since I started snusing,...
Have had receding gums for a while, nothing needing action though. Been using snus since last November. Went to the dentist yesterday and I now need...
So, a couple years ago I had to have periodontal surgery, ya not pleasant, because of receding gums. I just had another check up with my periodonist and...
I've been snusing for almost a month and doing 10 portions a day. I'm pretty sure its due to portions but I'd like to ask you guys. Everydays from morning...