Have any of you become antis after totally quitting the smokes? I am starting to. I see anyone smoke, I almost want to cringe now. I want to go up to each and every one of them and say, "Put out that damn cigarette and have a snus instead."
hell yea. But I just kick em in the nuts and run.
but seriously, it seems like even if its a stranger and you make eye contact with them when they are smoking I can get a bit of a look on the persons face that they know its disgusting or that its bad for them or whatever. A bit of a look of disappointment is the best way I can describe it. If I see that look I will walk up to them and ask them if they would like to seriously stop smokeing. If they say yes then its like an invitation to let them know about snus and offer them one to try. I tell them a few facts and then its up to them. I walk away really easy cuz I'm not going to waste my time on someone that doesn't want to quit smoking. People that really want to quit will listen and appreciate the info. I did what I felt was a good thing by letting them know about snus and now its up to them to look into it.
I don't run around doing this but I'd say I will talk to a stranger that I might see smoking about it say once a week....maybe. If you see that look or get that feeling do it. Just do it. You could be saving someones life. You never know.
If I don't get the look or the feeling I walk right by em. So far so good.
I can't stand the smell of ciggy or cigar smoke anymore. I can smell it even if they aren't smoking atm. It stinks.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I still join my smoking companions outside if im at the pub, so I'm glade they smoke in a way... gives me an excuse to get out in the fresh air. I'm not too keen on being in a a hotboxed room with weed and/or cig smoke though.
Have any of you had any success getting your mates to try snus. I've had more luck with the none tobacco users then in getting smokers try oral tobacco(snus or OTwists), donno why...
I use to allow people to still smoke in my car, house, cabin but now they themselves offer if they should go outside and I say yes that sounds good. When you have kids running around it is a no-brainer.
Many of the friends/not so friends I have tried to offer SNUS advice, did not take it. Now their lungs have a additional 5 pack years on them. It is my belief that you need to really want to quit smoking first and SNUS is great way to take care of the rest.
For the first few years smokers made me sad. Really sad and sometimes envious that they are healthy enough to smoke and I am notThen a year or two ago I smoked a cig in a party. I found out it was not a pleasant experience any more. Of course, that was because I had my system soaked in nicotine before lighting up. Now I do not envy them any more, but the cigarette smoke still smells nice to me. Or maybe it just evokes nice memories.
Originally posted by lxskllrI'm pro smoking. When I see someone smoking, I see a brother that pisses off the pink pantied nancies that try to infringe on the rights of others. If someone tells me they want to quit, I'll give options, but I don't preach. Free individuals have free choice.
I can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke anymore... especially the way it clings to your hair and clothes. I've stopped going to bars and only go to casinos that have totally isolated non smoking areas. I understand and have compassion for those who are still addicted; however, I now wonder how I was able to do it for 30+ years? I love snus... especially after a good meal in a restaurant. What I don't like is how you have to sneak a portion in... almost all Americans think snus is "American Chew" which in many areas is considered to be a worse habit than smoking... after all sophisticated people smoke, hillbillies only chew because they are nothing more than poor white trash.
BTW, does anyone use nasal snuff in public? I've actually been approached by the police thinking I was doing cocaine. Poschl makes a nontobacco white snuff... try telling a cop it's nontobacco nasal snuff. They really tend to get angry at you thinking you are trying to BS themIf you have any problems with my posts or signature
Originally posted by truthwolf1I use to allow people to still smoke in my car, house, cabin but now they themselves offer if they should go outside and I say yes that sounds good. When you have kids running around it is a no-brainer.
Many of the friends/not so friends I have tried to offer SNUS advice, did not take it. Now their lungs have a additional 5 pack years on them. It is my belief that you need to really want to quit smoking first and SNUS is great way to take care of the rest.
I only mention snus anymore when I have the inntuition that someone wants to quit smoking. When I first started useing snus I wasted a lot of time telling my friends about it. I don't bother anymmore or maybe I'll simply ask do you want to quit and if they say yes I will explain a bit. If they say no then...I'm done. But like I mentioned in the other post now I need to see the self discust in the person before I mention anything to a complete stranger. So far all have been happy to learn. Since I'm a stranger its up to them to get more info.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Originally posted by Premium Parrotsthis. ^
I only mention snus anymore when I have the inntuition that someone wants to quit smoking. When I first started useing snus I wasted a lot of time telling my friends about it. I don't bother anymmore or maybe I'll simply ask do you want to quit and if they say yes I will explain a bit. If they say no then...I'm done. But like I mentioned in the other post now I need to see the self discust in the person before I mention anything to a complete stranger. So far all have been happy to learn. Since I'm a stranger its up to them to get more info.
Originally posted by wa3zrmBTW, does anyone use nasal snuff in public? I've actually been approached by the police thinking I was doing cocaine. Poschl makes a nontobacco white snuff... try telling a cop it's nontobacco nasal snuff. They really tend to get angry at you thinking you are trying to BS them
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