Fasting blood tests an snus

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  • NeonMouse
    • Apr 2013
    • 193

    Fasting blood tests an snus

    Does anyone know if you can still use oral tobacco like snus when you are meant to be fasting for 8-12 hours before a blood test.

    Had one this morning so decided to go nasal snuff But I think a lot still reaches my stomach, would prefer to stick to the snus though. Just need to know for next year.

    Oh I did fall asleep with a snus in my mouth at around 10-11pm so idk if that will cause problems with my results.
  • UsualSnuspects
    • Nov 2011
    • 278

    When they take a blood sample, they're not measuring the contents of your stomach, but of your bloodstream. Do yourself a favor and reschedule or tell your phlebotomist.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      I'd expect the same rules apply for snus as they do for smoking. If nothing is said about smoking, snus should be fine.


      • devilock76
        • Aug 2010
        • 1737

        Originally posted by lxskllr
        I'd expect the same rules apply for snus as they do for smoking. If nothing is said about smoking, snus should be fine.
        I would consider the impact of usage negligible at best. All it will do to blood is up your blood pressure while it is used and shortly afterwards. Stomach wise it is no more content then the amount of spit you might typically swallow in that time without snus and water is allowed.

        However that being said I would avoid anything that uses a lot of sweetener as that might skew blood sugar tests.

        My doc even said coffee if drunk black was fine, thankfully that is the way I drink it. If cigarettes and black coffee are fine I would figure an unsweetened snus should be fine.



        • NeonMouse
          • Apr 2013
          • 193

          Good to know. Ill wait to see what the results are. Ill ask the doc when i see her in a couple of weeks. I used to smoke before my blood tests so... Its mainly the salt im worried about as they where testing my kidneys and liver.


          • Ansel
            • Feb 2011
            • 3696

            i fasted but used snus and then had a blood test - they never said anything about it.


            • UsualSnuspects
              • Nov 2011
              • 278

              Originally posted by Ansel
              i fasted but used snus and then had a blood test - they never said anything about it.
              They didn't say anything about your results, or you told them and they didn't reply?

              Everything I've found on the web says that smoking will affect fasting blood test results:

              You are also ingesting salt and bicarbonate, both of which may have an effect on what they're testing for.

              And then you can ASK the lab. Basically, you should not be taking medical advice from a snus forum.


              • Ansel
                • Feb 2011
                • 3696

                i didn't tell them about the snus - and they just said my results were about normal


                • NeonMouse
                  • Apr 2013
                  • 193

                  IDK how i would ask the lab. Its the NHS... About all i would be able to do is ask my GP of the nurse that took the blood, but as SNUS is rarely used in the uk due to the ban I assume they would be clueless.

                  Still never once got told not to smoke before my tests before and my GP knew i smoked...

                  Ill bring it up with her when i see here, im sure they will call if it is noticeable on my results.


                  • Ansel
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 3696

                    Originally posted by NeonMouse
                    Still never once got told not to smoke before my tests before and my GP knew i smoked..


                    • chainsnuser
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2007
                      • 1388

                      The last time that I had a blood-test was in 1988 in connection with a blood donation (which earned me a welcome half-day off from the military - almost everyone of my comrades took that opportunity too).

                      Well, on that day I didn't eat but I smoked like everyday. A few weeks later I got a letter telling me that my blood is perfectly fine. The red cross even thanked me for my "service". The poor person who received my blood probably got a heart attack or is now hooked on nicotine.
                      No, I'm just kidding. I guess it simply doesn't matter. The nicotine probably disintegrates when the blood is stored.

                      What's the purpose of that blood-test anyway, NeonMouse?. I guess the doctor would tell you, if some special preparations were needed.



                      • SnusoMatic
                        • Jun 2009
                        • 507

                        i have a health issue and must have fasting test every three months. i always snus and have never had any problems.


                        • Snusdog
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 6752

                          Originally posted by UsualSnuspects
                          Basically, you should not be taking medical advice from a snus forum.
                          wait........... whaaaat..................O great NOW you tell me.............and Damn it PP.........I knew cool whip wouldn't clear up this embarrassing rash

                          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                          • NeonMouse
                            • Apr 2013
                            • 193

                            Lipids, liver and blood count, its an annual thing due to the major tranquilizers(prefer saying that to AP's) I'm on. I sware I've got arterial fabrication lately, going to bring that up with my gp. Its the reason why i gave up smoking due to the breathlessness when i lay down.... I'm probably being neurotic though. Im a bit of a cybercondriac


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