Gum pocket/indent

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  • thecpthree
    New Member
    • Jun 2013
    • 8

    Gum pocket/indent

    Been snussing for a couple of months now. Started doing 1 portion around 3 times a week, then about a month later I moved to 1-2 a day while at work.

    I have a noticeable indent in my upper gums. I rarely used snus in the spot that I have the indent, which is directly to either side of the little bridge in the middle. These pockets feel deep, and it's making me kind of nervous.

    I know it's normal to obtain a pocket, but how bad is this for your gums to have it create pockets like this? I usually place my snus to the sides of the upper gums, not directly in front.. where the pockets are. Why do I have pockets there and it's the place that sees the least amount of use?

    Should I be worrying about this? I will quit if it's a huge concern. If I do stop altogether, will my gums eventually do away with the pockets and become normal again?
  • nicotine

    Are you sure your gums haven't always been this way? I've been using snus for a few years and it wasn't until I read about "pockets" on this forum that I really took notice, but I'm not entirely convinced that isn't just how my gums were all along. Ever since I started using oral tobacco, I check my gumlines and teeth occasionally for recession and other abnormalities (sores, lumps, irritation, etc), but I never really took notice over time if the actual structure of my gums has changed.

    If it's making you nervous, I'd suggest bringing it up at your next dentist appointment and see what they have to say. I highly doubt anyone on here is qualified to tell you whether or not it's entirely normal (even for those who don't use oral tobacco), or harmful (for those who do).

    Edit: If you're interested in what others have said before on this topic, check:


    • thecpthree
      New Member
      • Jun 2013
      • 8

      Originally posted by nicotine
      Are you sure your gums haven't always been this way? I've been using snus for a few years and it wasn't until I read about "pockets" on this forum that I really took notice, but I'm not entirely convinced that isn't just how my gums were all along. Ever since I started using oral tobacco, I check my gumlines and teeth occasionally for recession and other abnormalities (sores, lumps, irritation, etc), but I never really took notice over time if the actual structure of my gums has changed.

      If it's making you nervous, I'd suggest bringing it up at your next dentist appointment and see what they have to say. I highly doubt anyone on here is qualified to tell you whether or not it's entirely normal (even for those who don't use oral tobacco), or harmful (for those who do).
      Crossed my mind, but I was obsessing about it in the mirror earlier and when I turn my head I can see how my gums slant back at quite an angle in the front. I guess it is possible, but I don't know. I googled pictures of healthy gums and I don't see any indents or pockets on any of them.


      • Ansel
        • Feb 2011
        • 3696

        You could always vape WTA liquids in an ecig instead of using snus...


        • nicotine

          Originally posted by thecpthree
          Crossed my mind, but I was obsessing about it in the mirror earlier and when I turn my head I can see how my gums slant back at quite an angle in the front. I guess it is possible, but I don't know. I googled pictures of healthy gums and I don't see any indents or pockets on any of them.
          I notice this slant as well, and I'm not sure if when others speak of "pockets," if they truly mean a portion-shaped pocket, or just an indentation in the general location where portions are typically placed. I have a dentist appointment in about two months, and if I remember, I'll ask about it.

          Originally posted by Ansel
          You could always vape WTA liquids in an ecig instead of using snus...
          Is there any sort of regulation going on with what can be added to e-cigs and whatnot? I know next to nothing about them, besides having used one or two disposables (I think they were Blu brand) a long while back that didn't seem to have any significant amount of nicotine in them. Speaking only for myself, I've already done plenty of damage to my lungs from years of abuse (and not just tobacco, either), and I'm very wary of inhaling anything other than air these days...


          • Ansel
            • Feb 2011
            • 3696

            Yeah i don't think there is any regulation but they should hurry up and sort it out and do some research instead of ploughing tax money in getting people to abstain completely.


            • rickcharles606
              • Mar 2009
              • 2307

              It' completely normal to develop these "indentions" in your gums. If you were chewing celery and then placed it in your gums, day in and day out...the gum would develop this pocket to accept the celery. I've had my pockets for years and years now and my dentist says they're good to go, very healthy with no recession what so ever.

              I've never spoken to a regular snus user that didn't have them, so I wouldn't concern myself about too much, but if you must...go talk to your dentist :-)


              • thecpthree
                New Member
                • Jun 2013
                • 8

                Originally posted by rickcharles606
                It' completely normal to develop these "indentions" in your gums. If you were chewing celery and then placed it in your gums, day in and day out...the gum would develop this pocket to accept the celery. I've had my pockets for years and years now and my dentist says they're good to go, very healthy with no recession what so ever.

                I've never spoken to a regular snus user that didn't have them, so I wouldn't concern myself about too much, but if you must...go talk to your dentist :-)

                Makes sense. I don't understand how if your gums go behind your teeth that can be considered healthy gums though. I'm afraid I'll keep snussing and the pockets will just get deeper and deeper until there are no gums for my teeth to hold on to. I know this won't happen but you get the idea..


                • codyg140
                  • Jan 2013
                  • 705

                  Your gums aren't disappearing if that's what you're concerned about. A similar thing happens to the bottom lip when you dip, over time it will stretch a bit and you grow a pocket then say you quit over time it will go back to normal. Mind you I beleive dip is horrible on your gums from personal experience and so far with snus I've noticed no recession in my gums at all


                  • rickcharles606
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 2307

                    Originally posted by thecpthree
                    Makes sense. I don't understand how if your gums go behind your teeth that can be considered healthy gums though. I'm afraid I'll keep snussing and the pockets will just get deeper and deeper until there are no gums for my teeth to hold on to. I know this won't happen but you get the idea..
                    They just indent enough to "hold" the portion, no more and no less. Really bro, I'd worry more about nicotine addiction, if I were you :-)


                    • DraculaViktor
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 66

                      kodiak wintergreen caused a tear in my lower lip with white slashes or 'laces' around it. Stopped it, and eventually went away. Swedish snus, specifically the purified portions, have caused nothing on my gums, but some minor irritation, sore gums, after heavy use I love those little buggers.


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