The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) is collecting the stories of people who quit or reduced their smoking using as smoke-free alternative (like snus). By collecting and posting these stories online, we will make it impossible for anyone to claim these products don't help people quit smoking. We are doing this because we want to help consumers maintain affordable access to smoke-free nicotine products.
Please go to to post your story. Kudos to those who avoided ever smoking, but note that we are only collecting the stories of those who started off with smoking.
We are sometimes thought of as an e-cigarette advocate, but we are interested in all low-risk alternatives to smoking. However, we do not have nearly as many useful stories about snus as we do about e-cigarettes. Your story is important to the many people who might benefit from smoke-free alternatives in the future.
Thank you!
Please go to to post your story. Kudos to those who avoided ever smoking, but note that we are only collecting the stories of those who started off with smoking.
We are sometimes thought of as an e-cigarette advocate, but we are interested in all low-risk alternatives to smoking. However, we do not have nearly as many useful stories about snus as we do about e-cigarettes. Your story is important to the many people who might benefit from smoke-free alternatives in the future.
Thank you!